2010. március 12., péntek

How to compare two pf24bit images


How to compare two pf24bit images


The code below compares two pf24bit images and tells you if they are alike or not. It also gives you the lines and pixels that are different:

function Tbilde_form.CompareBitmaps(B1, B2: TBitmap): boolean;
  ps1, pr1, ps, pr: PRGBTriple;
  I, J, Bps: Integer;
  tid: TDateTime;

  function BytesPerScanline(PixelsPerScanline, BitsPerPixel, Alignment: Longint): Longint;
    Result := ((PixelsPerScanline * BitsPerPixel) + Alignment) and not Alignment;
    Result := Result div 8;

  tid := now;
  Result := True;
  ps1 := b1.ScanLine[0];
  pr1 := b2.ScanLine[0];
  Bps := BytesPerScanLine(b1.Width, 24, 32);
  for I := 0 to b1.Height - 1 do
    ps := PRGBTriple(PChar(ps1) - Bps * I);
    pr := PRGBTriple(PChar(pr1) - Bps * I);
    for J := 0 to b1.Width - 1 do
      if not CompareMem(Pr, Ps, SizeOf(TRGBTriple)) then
        memo1.lines.Add('Line:' + inttostr(I) + ' point: ' + inttostr(j));
        Result := False;
    {if not Result then Break}
  tid_label.caption := timetostr(now - tid);

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