2009. november 9., hétfő

How to override the standard row selection behaviour of a TDBGrid


How to override the standard row selection behaviour of a TDBGrid


The standard behaviour is as follows:

Keyboard - If you hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys the rows are continuously selected as you step through the grid. Clear all selections with the Escape key.

Mouse - If you hold down the Ctrl key and click with the mouse you can select/ deselect individual rows.

The following code allows selection/ deselection by hitting the spacebar and also allows stepping up/ down with the arrow keys without causing deselection.

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
  if (Shift = []) then
    case Key of
          Key := 0;
          Key := 0;
          Key := 0;
          TDBGrid(Sender).SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected :=
            not (TDBGrid(Sender).SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected);

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