2009. november 29., vasárnap

Determining the record number in a dBASE/Paradox table


Determining the record number in a dBASE/Paradox table


The following procedure determines the physical number of the current record
in a dBase or Paradox table:

function FindRecordNumber(aDataSet: TDataSet): longint;
  cP: CurProps;
  rP: RECProps;
  DBRes: DBiResult;
  {Return 0 if dataset is not Paradox or dBase}
  Result := 0;

  with aDataset do
    if state = dsInactive then

    {we need to make this call to grab the cursor's iSeqNums}
    DBRes := DBiGetCursorProps(Handle, cP);
    if DBRes <> DBIERR_NONE then

    {synchronize the BDE cursor with the dataset's cursor}

    {fill rP with the current record's properties}
    DBRes := DBiGetRecord(Handle, DBiNOLOCK, nil, @rP);
    if DBRes <> DBIERR_NONE then

    {what kind of dataset are we looking at?}
    case cP.iSeqNums of
      0: result := rP.iPhyRecNum; {dBase}
      1: result := rP.iSeqNum; {Paradox}

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