2009. június 6., szombat

How to start an instance of an application inside another program


Is there an easy way to start an instance of an application inside another application so it looks like it's MDI when its not. I have the sub-apps and they need to be able to be run seperately, but I would also like to create an application that runs them inside itself, kind of like Word running Excel.


If you want to use the Office model (each application is a OLE document server that can be activated in an OLE container) be prepared for a lot of work. Writing OLE document servers is a major effort and the VCLs ActiveX framework will get you only partways to the goal.

For some reason one can get away with parenting a window in another process to a window in your own, via Windows.SetParent. It will then act somewhat like a child window.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  wnd: HWND;
  WinExec('notepad.exe', sw_hide);
  wnd := FindWindow('notepad', nil);
  Windows.SetParent(wnd, handle);
  SetWindowPos(wnd, 0, 0, 0, clientwidth, clientheight, SWP_NOZORDER or

You will probably need to implement some inter-app communication, e.g. based on WM_COPYDATA messages, between your applets. Depending on how far you need to go with the integration that may get you most of the way.

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