2009. június 14., vasárnap

Detect an HTTP proxy from an Opera installation


Detect an HTTP proxy from an Opera installation


For the uncommon situation that a user does not have IE installed, one could try to retrieve the proxy information from an Opera installation.

Opera software stores in the registry the directory in that the Opera browser is installed.

In this directory there is a configuration file "Opera.ini" that contains a [PROXY] section. This section holds the required information.
The following handy routine shows how to code it:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  OperaDir: string;
  sResult: string;
  // get Proxy host info from an Opera installation!
  with TRegistry.Create do
    sResult := '';
    if OpenKey('\Software\Opera Software', false) then
      if ValueExists('Last Directory') then
        OperaDir := ReadString('Last Directory');
        SetLength(sResult, 128);
          'HTTP Server',
          PChar(OperaDir + '\opera.ini')));
    if sResult <> '' then
      ShowMessage('Your http proxy is ' + sResult)
      ShowMessage('Opera is not installed or no proxy found.');

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