2009. március 24., kedd

How to implement string pattern matching with wildcards


How to implement string pattern matching with wildcards


There are many times when you need to compare two strings, but want to use wild cards in the match - all last names that begin with 'St', etc.

This function takes two strings and compares them. The first string can be anything, but should not contain pattern characters (* or ?). The pattern string can have as many of these pattern characters as you want. For example: MatchStrings('David Stidolph','*St*') would return True.}

function MatchStrings(source, pattern: string): Boolean;
  pSource: array[0..255] of Char;
  pPattern: array[0..255] of Char;

  function MatchPattern(element, pattern: PChar): Boolean;

    function IsPatternWild(pattern: PChar): Boolean;
      t: Integer;
      Result := StrScan(pattern, ' * ') <> nil;
      if not Result then
        Result := StrScan(pattern, ' ? ') <> nil;

    if 0 = StrComp(pattern, ' * ') then
      Result := True
    else if (element^ = Chr(0)) and (pattern^ <> Chr(0)) then
      Result := False
    else if element^ = Chr(0) then
      Result := True
      case pattern^ of
        ' * ':
          if MatchPattern(element, @pattern[1]) then
            Result := True
            Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], pattern);
        ' ? ':
          Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1]);
        if element^ = pattern^ then
          Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1])
          Result := False;

  StrPCopy(pSource, source);
  StrPCopy(pPattern, pattern);
  Result := MatchPattern(pSource, pPattern);

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