2007. december 25., kedd

Locate on a non-indexed field in a TTable


How to locate on a non-indexed field in a TTable


The following function can be added to your to your unit and called as follows:

Locate(Table1, Table1LName, 'Beman');

Table1 is your table component, Table1LName is TField you've add with the fields editor (double click on the table component) and 'Beman' is the name you want to find.

Locate will find SValue in a non-indexed table

function Locate(const oTable: TTable; const oField: TField;
  const sValue: string): Boolean;

  bmPos: TBookMark;
  bFound: Boolean;
  Locate := False;
  bFound := False;
  if not oTable.Active then
  if oTable.FieldDefs.IndexOf(oField.FieldName) < 0 then
  bmPos := oTable.GetBookMark;
  with oTable do
    while not EOF do
      if oField.AsString = sValue then
        Locate := True;
        bFound := True;
  if (not bFound) then

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