2007. december 31., hétfő

How to use the Wininit.ini to delete files on startup


Can anyone tell me how to delete several files using wininit.ini please?I've seen an example somewhere that included the following :


Using the regular inifile calls, I cant use the above method for deleting several files because each WriteString would overwrite previous "NULL=" entries. I'm unable to find any info about using wininit.ini anywhere, there might be a [delete] section for all I know.


This will do the job:

procedure DeleteAtReboot(FileList: TStringList);
  SList: TStringList;
  szContents: string;
  i, SectionFoundIndex: Integer;
  WinDir: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
  WinFile: string;
  if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
    {Use MoveFileEx}
    for i := 0 to FileList.count - 1 do
      MoveFileEx(PChar(FileList[i]), nil, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT);
    GetWindowsDirectory(WinDir, MAX_PATH);
    WinFile := IncludeTrailingBackslash(WinDir) + 'Wininit.ini';
    SList := TStringList.Create;
      SectionFoundIndex := -1;
      {Load it if it exists}
      if FileExists(WinFile) then
      for i := 0 to SList.Count - 1 do
        szContents := uppercase(SList[i]);
        if UpperCase(SList[i]) = '[RENAME]' then
          SectionFoundIndex := i;
      {Rename Section doesn't exist...}
      if SectionFoundIndex = -1 then
        SectionFoundIndex := SList.Add('[Rename]');
      {Now Add our Files}
      for i := 0 to FileList.count - 1 do
        SList.Insert(SectionFoundIndex + 1, 'NUL=' + FileList[i]);

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