2006. október 28., szombat

How to split and concatenate lines of strings in a file


I have a disk file with lines of 80 character length. I want to concatenate all these lines in one and later split them again into 80 character lines. How can I do this?


function GetOneString(const FilePath: string): string;
  List: TStringList;
  i: Integer;
  Result := '';
  List := TStringList.Create;
    for i := 0 to List.Count - 1 do
      Result := Result + List[i];

To save to a file:

procedure SaveStrings(const FilePath: string; const Num: Integer; St: string);
{FilePath: Name of file to save string / Num: Width of strings, 80 in your case / St: String to save}
  f: system.text;
  i: Integer;
  assignfile(f, FilePath);
  i := 0;
  while ((i + Num) <= Length(st)) do
    writeln(f, copy(st, i + 1, Num));
    inc(i, Num);
  if (i < Length(st)) then
    Writeln(f, copy(st, i, Num));

A TStringList has some properties like Text and Commatext which return the complete strings separated by CRLF (CarriageReturn and Line Feed) and ',' respectively, therefore you could use any of these to access the strings without wasting extra resources.

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