2006. június 24., szombat

How to combine two icons


I want to combine 2 icons like Windows does with the links (the small arrow). Can anyone tell me how that works?


function CombineIcons(FrontIcon, BackIcon: HIcon): HIcon;
  WinDC: HDC;
  FrontInfo: TIconInfo;
  FrontDC: HDC;
  FrontSv: HBITMAP;
  BackInfo: TIconInfo;
  BackDC: HDC;
  BackSv: HBITMAP;
  BmpObj: tagBitmap;
  WinDC := GetDC(0);
  GetIconInfo(FrontIcon, FrontInfo);
  FrontDC := CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC);
  FrontSv := SelectObject(FrontDC, FrontInfo.hbmMask);
  GetIconInfo(BackIcon, BackInfo);
  BackDC := CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC);
  BackSv := SelectObject(BackDC, BackInfo.hbmMask);
  GetObject(FrontInfo.hbmMask, SizeOf(BmpObj), @BmpObj);
  BitBlt(BackDC, 0, 0, BmpObj.bmWidth, BmpObj.bmHeight, FrontDC, 0, 0, SRCAND);
  SelectObject(BackDC, BackInfo.hbmColor);
  DrawIconEx(BackDC, 0, 0, FrontIcon, 0, 0, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);
  Result := CreateIconIndirect(BackInfo);
  SelectObject(FrontDC, FrontSv);
  SelectObject(BackDC, BackSv);
  ReleaseDC(0, WinDC);

Remember: The icon created with this function must be destroyed with DestroyIcon() function when finished using it.

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