2004. július 14., szerda

Show the Windows Hierarchy


There are times when you could do with knowing what different window Handles are for testing messaging apps, etc. Without Loading WinSight (with all it's overheads), or getting WinSpy++, here is a simple digest of Handles, Class Names, and Window Captions.


On a Form, place a TreeView Control, and a Button.

Paste in the following 3 procedures/ functions into the implementation Code:


function GetWinInfo(h: HWND): string;
  tmp: PChar;
  //Get the HWND value in hex and Decimal
  result := inttohex(h, 8);
  result := result + ' (' + inttostr(h) + ')';
  //Get ClassName, and Window Caption
  //Allow upto 255 Characters
  GetMem(tmp, 255);
  GetClassName(h, tmp, 255);
  result := result + ': ' + tmp;
  tmp[0] := #0;
  GetWindowText(h, tmp, 255);
  result := result + ' - ' + tmp;

procedure GetChildren(h: HWND; n: TTreeNode; T: TTreeview);
  Childhw: HWND;
  ChildNode: TTreeNode;
  //Get any Children
  ChildHw := GetWindow(h, GW_CHILD);
  while Childhw > 32 do
    //Add this Handle
    ChildNode := T.Items.AddChild(n, GetWinInfo(Childhw));
    //Get any Children - Recursive call...
    GetChildren(Childhw, ChildNode, T);
    //Get the next window
    Childhw := GetWindow(Childhw, GW_HWNDNEXT);

procedure GetWinTree(T: TTreeview);
  hw: HWND;
  node: TTreeNode;
  //Loop through all Top Level Windows
  hw := FindWindow(nil, nil);
  while hw > 32 do
    //Add this Handle
    node := t.items.Add(nil, GetWinInfo(hw));
    //Get any Children
    GetChildren(hw, Node, T);
    //Get the next window
    hw := GetWindow(hw, GW_HWNDNEXT);


Then put something like this on the ButtonClick Event Handler...

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

You will then have a List of All current Window Handles, with all Child Windows listed with then in their correct places.

This could be expanded with searching/ grouping of like classes, etc. But I leave that to you, here is a starting place.

I have used this at various times to get M$ Class names. For instance, if you are using DAO to automatically configure an Access DB to point it's linked tables at a particular SQL Server, I used this to get the Class name of the SQL Server Login form, so that I could search for it and click the OK button before the user gets to it...

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