2007. március 28., szerda

How to control the hint position


How do I force hints to be shown where I want? The hint for a stringgrid currently is showing up right below it, where it doesn't get noticed if the user is moving his/ her mouse over the top of the grid and the grid is large. Ideally I'd want that little yellow boxed hint to show as close to the cursor as possible.


procedure TArrangerForm.AppShowHint(var HintStr: string; var CanShow: Boolean;
  var HintInfo: THintInfo);
  i: integer;
  with HintInfo do
    if (HintControl = LocatorPanel1) then
      with LocatorPanel1 do
        if not (csLButtonDown in ControlState) then
          i := FindListMarker(CursorPos.X);
          if (i >= 0) then
            HintPos := ClientToScreen(Point(TimeToPixel(MarkerList.Markers[i].Offset) + 10, 2));
            Application.HintPause := 0;
            Application.HintHidePause := MaxInt;
            CanShow := True;
        CanShow := False;
  Application.HintPause := 800;
  Application.HintHidePause := 2500;

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