2006. december 9., szombat

How to access menuitems like an array and how to write just one onclick procedure for all of them


How to access menuitems like an array and how to write just one onclick procedure for all of them?


// Suppose you have an application with a TMainMenu.
// Under the MenuItem, with caption "File" of the MainMenu, you can
// choose the "normal" things, like:
// "Open", "New", "Close", Save", "Print", "Printer Setup", "Exit" and
// so on.
// At the end of the "File" menu there is a recent file list with all
// the files in it which you recently opened with this application.
// (Just like in Word.) Suppose the names of these MenuItems are:
//    FileLastFile1 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile2 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile3 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile4 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile5 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile6 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile7 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile8 : TMenuItem;
//    FileLastFile9 : TMenuItem;
// When the application starts, it opens a config file, where the drive,
// path and filenames of the recent file list are read. You can set the
// captions of the MenuItems with the following procedure:

procedure ReadConfigFile;

  // It is better to make this a global TMenuItem array so you only
  // have to assign once.
  aMenuItem: array[1..9] of TMenuItem
  f: TextFile;
  I: Integer;
  S: string;

  // If this array is global, you only have to assign once. F.i. in the
  // procedure OnFormCreate. After that you can always access the
  // MenuItems like an array, with: aMenuItem[Index].
  aMenuItem[1] := FileLastFile1;
  aMenuItem[2] := FileLastFile2;
  aMenuItem[3] := FileLastFile3;
  aMenuItem[4] := FileLastFile4;
  aMenuItem[5] := FileLastFile5;
  aMenuItem[6] := FileLastFile6;
  aMenuItem[7] := FileLastFile7;
  aMenuItem[8] := FileLastFile8;
  aMenuItem[9] := FileLastFile9;

  // Now the MenuItems are in an TMenuItem array, we can get easy access
  // to the individual MenuItems. Like this:
  for I := 1 to 9 do
    aMenuItem[I].Caption := ''; // Make the caption empty.

  // Open the config file with the recent file list. Example:
  AssignFile(f, 'c:\my_ini_file.ini');

  // Read out the recent file names and put them in a global string array.
  // Example:
  for I := 1 to 9 do
    if not Eof(f) then
      ReadLn(f, aRecentfile[I]);
  // Of course you can also do it the "windows" way with:
  // MyIniFile := TIniFile.Create('c:\my_ini_file.ini');
  // For I := 1 to 9 do
  //    aRecentFile[I] := MyIniFile.ReadString('Section','RecentFile' +
  //       Chr(I + Ord('0')), '');
  // MyIniFile.Free;
  // If the content of the IniFile looks like this:
  // [Section]
  // RecentFile1=c:\firstfile.bmp
  // RecentFile2=c:\secondfile.txt
  // ...
  // Now you can assign the filenames to the caption of the TMenuItems.
  // Example:
  for I := 1 to 9 do
    aMenuItem[I].Caption := ExtractFileName(aRecentFile[I]);
// You can also point ALL the OnClick events of the TMenuItems to just
// one procedure. F.i. the procedure below.
// The procedure finds out on which MenuItem is clicked, and opens the
// right file from the array with the recent filenames.

procedure TMainForm.FileLastFileClick(Sender: TObject);

  sFilename: string;
  I: Integer;
  sS: string;
  iErr: Integer;

  // Assumes that the global string array aRecentFile[1..9] holds the
  // filenames of the recent file list, read during startup of the app.

  // Find out which one is clicked.
  // Get the name of the sender: FileLastFile1..FileLastFile9
  sS := (Sender as TComponent).Name;
  // Get the number at the end of the name of the sender, so you know
  // which one is clicked. Example:
  Val(sS[13], I, iErr);
  if iErr <> 0 then
    // sS[13] is an illegal character.

  // Now the variable "I" holds the number of the MenuItem, which was
  // clicked on.

  // Get the filename from the array of filenames and do something with
  // it. Example:
  sFileName := aRecentFile[I];
  if sFileName <> '' then

    if FileExists(sFileName) then
      // Open the file
      // Do your stuff
      // Something wrong! The file cannot be found.
      // Send a message. Example:
      // ShowMessage('Cannot find the requested file: ' + sFilename + '.');
      // Or grayout this MenuItem in the "File" menu. Example:
      // (Sender as TComponent).Enabled := False;
      // Or hide this MenuItem in the "File" menu. Example:
      // (Sender as TComponent).Hide;

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