2013. április 10., szerda

Monitoring System Shell Changes using Delphi


unit SHChangeNotify; {$IFNDEF VER80} {$IFNDEF VER90} {$IFNDEF VER93} {$DEFINE Delphi3orHigher} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} //************************************************************* //************************************************************* // TSHChangeNotify component by Elliott Shevin shevine@aol.com // vers. 3.0, October 2000 // // See the README.TXT file for revision history. // //* //* I owe this component to James Holderness, who described the //* use of the undocumented Windows API calls it depends upon, //* and Brad Martinez, who coded a similar function in Visual //* Basic. I quote here from Brad's expression of gratitude to //* James: //* Interpretation of the shell's undocumented functions //* SHChangeNotifyRegister (ordinal 2) and SHChangeNotifyDeregister //* (ordinal 4) would not have been possible without the //* assistance of James Holderness. For a complete (and probably //* more accurate) overview of shell change notifcations, //* please refer to James' "Shell Notifications" page at //* http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/4942/ //* //* This component will let you know when selected events //* occur in the Windows shell, such as files and folders //* being renamed, added, or deleted. (Moving an item yields //* the same results as renaming it.) For the complete list //* of events the component can trap, see Win32 Programmer's //* reference description of the SHChangeNotify API call. //* //* Properties: //* MessageNo: the Windows message number which will be used to signal //* a trapped event. The default is WM_USER (1024); you may //* set it to some other value if you're using WM_USER for //* any other purpose. //* TextCase: tcAsIs (default), tcLowercase, or tcUppercase, determines //* whether and how the Path parameters passed to your event //* handlers are case-converted. //* HardDriveOnly: when set to True, the component monitors only local //* hard drive partitions; when set to False, monitors the //* entire file system. //* //* Methods: //* Execute: Begin monitoring the selected shell events. //* Stop: Stop monitoring. //* //* Events: //* The component has an event corresponding to each event it can //* trap, e.g. OnCreate, OnMediaInsert, etc. //* Each event handler is passed either three or four parameters-- //* Sender=this component. //* Flags=the value indentifying the event that triggered the handler, //* from the constants in the SHChangeNotify help. This parameter //* allows multiple events to share handlers and still distinguish //* the reason the handler was triggered. //* Path1, Path2: strings which are the paths affected by the shell //* event. Whether both are passed depends on whether the second //* is needed to describe the event. For example, OnDelete gives //* only the name of the file (including path) that was deleted; //* but OnRenameFolder gives the original folder name in Path1 //* and the new name in Path2. //* In some cases, such as OnAssocChanged, neither Path parameter //* means anything, and in other cases, I guessed, but we always //* pass at least one. //* Each time an event property is changed, the component is reset to //* trap only those events for which handlers are assigned. So assigning //* an event handler suffices to indicate your intention to trap the //* corresponding shell event. //* //* There is one more event: OnEndSessionQuery, which has the same //* parameters as the standard Delphi OnCloseQuery (and can in fact //* be your OnCloseQuery handler). This component must shut down its //* interception of shell events when system shutdown is begun, lest //* the system fail to shut down at the user's request. //* //* Setting CanEndSession (same as CanClose) to FALSE in an //* OnEndSessionQuery will stop the process of shutting down //* Windows. You would only need this if you need to keep the user //* from ending his Windows session while your program is running. //* //* I'd be honored to hear what you think of this component. //* You can write me at shevine@aol.com. //************************************************************* //************************************************************* interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, {$IFNDEF Delphi3orHigher} OLE2, {$ELSE} ActiveX, ComObj, {$ENDIF} ShlObj; const SHCNF_ACCEPT_INTERRUPTS = $0001; SHCNF_ACCEPT_NON_INTERRUPTS = $0002; SHCNF_NO_PROXY = $8000; type NOTIFYREGISTER = record pidlPath : PItemIDList; bWatchSubtree : boolean; end; type PNOTIFYREGISTER = ^NOTIFYREGISTER; type TTextCase = (tcAsIs,tcUppercase,tcLowercase); type TOneParmEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Flags : cardinal; Path1 : string) of object; TTwoParmEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Flags : cardinal; Path1, Path2 : string) of object; TEndSessionQueryEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var CanEndSession: Boolean) of object; function SHChangeNotifyRegister( hWnd : HWND; dwFlags : integer; wEventMask : cardinal; uMsg : UINT; cItems : integer; lpItems : PNOTIFYREGISTER) : HWND; stdcall; function SHChangeNotifyDeregister( hWnd : HWND) : boolean; stdcall; function SHILCreateFromPath(Path: Pointer; PIDL: PItemIDList; var Attributes: ULONG): HResult; stdcall; type TSHChangeNotify = class(TComponent) private fTextCase : TTextCase; fHardDriveOnly : boolean; NotifyCount : integer; NotifyHandle : hwnd; NotifyArray : array[1..26] of NOTIFYREGISTER; AllocInterface : IMalloc; PrevMsg : integer; prevpath1 : string; prevpath2 : string; fMessageNo : integer; fAssocChanged : TTwoParmEvent; fAttributes : TOneParmEvent; fCreate : TOneParmEvent; fDelete : TOneParmEvent; fDriveAdd : TOneParmEvent; fDriveAddGUI : TOneParmEvent; fDriveRemoved : TOneParmEvent; fMediaInserted : TOneParmEvent; fMediaRemoved : TOneParmEvent; fMkDir : TOneParmEvent; fNetShare : TOneParmEvent; fNetUnshare : TOneParmEvent; fRenameFolder : TTwoParmEvent; fRenameItem : TTwoParmEvent; fRmDir : TOneParmEvent; fServerDisconnect : TOneParmEvent; fUpdateDir : TOneParmEvent; fUpdateImage : TOneParmEvent; fUpdateItem : TOneParmEvent; fEndSessionQuery : TEndSessionQueryEvent; OwnerWindowProc : TWndMethod; procedure SetMessageNo(value : integer); procedure WndProc(var msg: TMessage); protected procedure QueryEndSession(var msg: TMessage); public constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute; procedure Stop; published property MessageNo : integer read fMessageNo write SetMessageNo default WM_USER; property TextCase : TTextCase read fTextCase write fTextCase default tcAsIs; property HardDriveOnly : boolean read fHardDriveOnly write fHardDriveOnly default True; property OnAssocChanged : TTwoParmEvent read fAssocChanged write fAssocChanged; property OnAttributes : TOneParmEvent read fAttributes write fAttributes; property OnCreate : TOneParmEvent read fCreate write fCreate; property OnDelete : TOneParmEvent read fDelete write fDelete; property OnDriveAdd : TOneParmEvent read fDriveAdd write fDriveAdd; property OnDriveAddGUI : TOneParmEvent read fDriveAddGUI write fDriveAddGUI; property OnDriveRemoved : TOneParmEvent read fDriveRemoved write fDriveRemoved; property OnMediaInserted : TOneParmEvent read fMediaInserted write fMediaInserted; property OnMediaRemoved : TOneParmEvent read fMediaRemoved write fMediaRemoved; property OnMkDir : TOneParmEvent read fMkDir write fMkDir; property OnNetShare : TOneParmEvent read fNetShare write fNetShare; property OnNetUnshare : TOneParmEvent read fNetUnshare write fNetUnshare; property OnRenameFolder : TTwoParmEvent read fRenameFolder write fRenameFolder; property OnRenameItem : TTwoParmEvent read fRenameItem write fRenameItem; property OnRmDir : TOneParmEvent read fRmDir write fRmDir; property OnServerDisconnect : TOneParmEvent read fServerDisconnect write fServerDisconnect; property OnUpdateDir : TOneParmEvent read fUpdateDir write fUpdateDir; property OnUpdateImage : TOneParmEvent read fUpdateImage write fUpdateImage; property OnUpdateItem : TOneParmEvent read fUpdateItem write fUpdateItem; property OnEndSessionQuery : TEndSessionQueryEvent read fEndSessionQuery write fEndSessionQuery; { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation const Shell32DLL = 'shell32.dll'; function SHChangeNotifyRegister; external Shell32DLL index 2; function SHChangeNotifyDeregister; external Shell32DLL index 4; function SHILCreateFromPath; external Shell32DLL index 28; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Custom', [TSHChangeNotify]); end; // Set defaults, and ensure NotifyHandle is zero. constructor TSHChangeNotify.Create (AOwner : TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); fTextCase := tcAsIs; fHardDriveOnly := true; fAssocChanged := nil; fAttributes := nil; fCreate := nil; fDelete := nil; fDriveAdd := nil; fDriveAddGUI := nil; fDriveRemoved := nil; fMediaInserted := nil; fMediaRemoved := nil; fMkDir := nil; fNetShare := nil; fNetUnshare := nil; fRenameFolder := nil; fRenameItem := nil; fRmDir := nil; fServerDisconnect := nil; fUpdateDir := nil; fUpdateImage := nil; fUpdateItem := nil; fEndSessionQuery := nil; MessageNo := WM_USER; // If designing, dodge the code that implements messag interception. if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit; // Substitute our window proc for our owner's window proc. OwnerWindowProc := (Owner as TWinControl).WindowProc; (Owner as TWinControl).WindowProc := WndProc; // Get the IMAlloc interface so we can free PIDLs. SHGetMalloc(AllocInterface); end; procedure TSHChangeNotify.SetMessageNo(value : integer); begin if (value >= WM_USER) then fMessageNo := value else raise Exception.Create ('MessageNo must be greater than or equal to ' + inttostr(WM_USER)); end; // Execute unregisters any current notification and registers a new one. procedure TSHChangeNotify.Execute; var EventMask : integer; driveletter : string; i : integer; pidl : PItemIDList; Attributes : ULONG; NotifyPtr : PNOTIFYREGISTER; begin NotifyCount := 0; if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit; Stop; // Unregister the current notification, if any. EventMask := 0; if assigned(fAssocChanged ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED); if assigned(fAttributes ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES); if assigned(fCreate ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_CREATE); if assigned(fDelete ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_DELETE); if assigned(fDriveAdd ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_DRIVEADD); if assigned(fDriveAddGUI ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI); if assigned(fDriveRemoved ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED); if assigned(fMediaInserted ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED); if assigned(fMediaRemoved ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED); if assigned(fMkDir ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_MKDIR); if assigned(fNetShare ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_NETSHARE); if assigned(fNetUnshare ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_NETUNSHARE); if assigned(fRenameFolder ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER); if assigned(fRenameItem ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_RENAMEITEM); if assigned(fRmDir ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_RMDIR); if assigned(fServerDisconnect ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT); if assigned(fUpdateDir ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_UPDATEDIR); if assigned(fUpdateImage ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE); if assigned(fUpdateItem ) then EventMask := (EventMask or SHCNE_UPDATEITEM); if EventMask = 0 // If there's no event mask then exit; // then there's no need to set an event. // If the user requests watches on hard drives only, cycle through // the list of drive letters and add a NotifyList element for each. // Otherwise, just set the first element to watch the entire file // system. if fHardDriveOnly then for i := ord('A') to ord('Z') do begin DriveLetter := char(i) + ':\'; if GetDriveType(pchar(DriveLetter)) = DRIVE_FIXED then begin inc(NotifyCount); with NotifyArray[NotifyCount] do begin SHILCreateFromPath (pchar(DriveLetter), addr(pidl), Attributes); pidlPath := pidl; bWatchSubtree := true; end; end; end // If the caller requests the entire file system be watched, // prepare the first NotifyElement accordingly. else begin NotifyCount := 1; with NotifyArray[1] do begin pidlPath := nil; bWatchSubtree := true; end; end; NotifyPtr := addr(NotifyArray); NotifyHandle := SHChangeNotifyRegister( (Owner as TWinControl).Handle, SHCNF_ACCEPT_INTERRUPTS + SHCNF_ACCEPT_NON_INTERRUPTS, EventMask, fMessageNo, NotifyCount, NotifyPtr); if NotifyHandle = 0 then begin Stop; raise Exception.Create('Could not register SHChangeNotify'); end; end; // This procedure unregisters the Change Notification procedure TSHChangeNotify.Stop; var NotifyHandle : hwnd; i : integer; pidl : PITEMIDLIST; begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then exit; // Deregister the shell notification. if NotifyCount > 0 then SHChangeNotifyDeregister(NotifyHandle); // Free the PIDLs in NotifyArray. for i := 1 to NotifyCount do begin pidl := NotifyArray[i].PidlPath; if AllocInterface.DidAlloc(pidl) = 1 then AllocInterface.Free(pidl); end; NotifyCount := 0; end; // This is the procedure that is called when a change notification occurs. // It interprets the two PIDLs passed to it, and calls the appropriate // event handler, according to what kind of event occurred. procedure TSHChangeNotify.WndProc(var msg: TMessage); type TPIDLLIST = record pidlist : array[1..2] of PITEMIDLIST; end; PIDARRAY = ^TPIDLLIST; var Path1 : string; Path2 : string; ptr : PIDARRAY; p1,p2 : PITEMIDLIST; repeated : boolean; p : integer; event : longint; parmcount : byte; OneParmEvent : TOneParmEvent; TwoParmEvent : TTwoParmEvent; // The internal function ParsePidl returns the string corresponding // to a PIDL. function ParsePidl (Pidl : PITEMIDLIST) : string; begin SetLength(result,MAX_PATH); if not SHGetPathFromIDList(Pidl,pchar(result)) then result := ''; end; // The actual message handler starts here. begin if Msg.Msg = WM_QUERYENDSESSION then QueryEndSession(Msg); if Msg.Msg = fMessageNo then begin OneParmEvent := nil; TwoParmEvent := nil; event := msg.LParam and ($7FFFFFFF); case event of SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED : TwoParmEvent := fAssocChanged; SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES : OneParmEvent := fAttributes; SHCNE_CREATE : OneParmEvent := fCreate; SHCNE_DELETE : OneParmEvent := fDelete; SHCNE_DRIVEADD : OneParmEvent := fDriveAdd; SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI : OneParmEvent := fDriveAddGUI; SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED : OneParmEvent := fDriveRemoved; SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED : OneParmEvent := fMediaInserted; SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED : OneParmEvent := fMediaRemoved; SHCNE_MKDIR : OneParmEvent := fMkDir; SHCNE_NETSHARE : OneParmEvent := fNetShare; SHCNE_NETUNSHARE : OneParmEvent := fNetUnshare; SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER : TwoParmEvent := fRenameFolder; SHCNE_RENAMEITEM : TwoParmEvent := fRenameItem; SHCNE_RMDIR : OneParmEvent := fRmDir; SHCNE_SERVERDISCONNECT : OneParmEvent := fServerDisconnect; SHCNE_UPDATEDIR : OneParmEvent := fUpdateDir; SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE : OneParmEvent := fUpdateImage; SHCNE_UPDATEITEM : OneParmEvent := fUpdateItem; else begin OneParmEvent := nil; // Unknown event; TwoParmEvent := nil; end; end; if (assigned(OneParmEvent)) or (assigned(TwoParmEvent)) then begin // Assign a pointer to the array of PIDLs sent // with the message. ptr := PIDARRAY(msg.wParam); // Parse the two PIDLs. p1 := ptr^.pidlist[1]; try SetLength(Path1,MAX_PATH); Path1 := ParsePidl(p1); p := pos(#00,Path1); if p > 0 then SetLength(Path1,p - 1); except Path1 := ''; end; p2 := ptr^.pidlist[2]; try SetLength(Path2,MAX_PATH); Path2 := ParsePidl(p2); p := pos(#00,Path2); if p > 0 then SetLength(Path2,p - 1); except Path2 := ''; end; // If this message is the same as the last one (which happens // a lot), bail out. try repeated := (PrevMsg = event) and (uppercase(prevpath1) = uppercase(Path1)) and (uppercase(prevpath2) = uppercase(Path2)) except repeated := false; end; // Save the elements of this message for comparison next time. PrevMsg := event; PrevPath1 := Path1; PrevPath2 := Path2; // Convert the case of Path1 and Path2 if desired. case fTextCase of tcUppercase : begin Path1 := uppercase(Path1); Path2 := uppercase(Path2); end; tcLowercase : begin Path1 := lowercase(Path1); Path2 := lowercase(Path2); end; end; // Call the event handler according to the number // of paths we will pass to it. if not repeated then begin case event of SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER, SHCNE_RENAMEITEM : parmcount := 2; else parmcount := 1; end; if parmcount = 1 then OneParmEvent(self, event, Path1) else TwoParmEvent(self, event, Path1, Path2); end; end; // if assigned(OneParmEvent)... end; // if Msg.Msg = fMessageNo... // Call the original message handler. OwnerWindowProc(Msg); end; procedure TSHChangeNotify.QueryEndSession(var msg: TMessage); var CanEndSession : boolean; begin CanEndSession := true; if Assigned(fEndSessionQuery) then fEndSessionQuery(Self, CanEndSession); if CanEndSession then begin Stop; Msg.Result := 1; end else Msg.Result := 0; end; destructor TSHChangeNotify.Destroy; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if Assigned(Owner) then (Owner as TWinControl).WindowProc := OwnerWindowProc; Stop; end; inherited; end; end. { ******************************************** Zarko Gajic About.com Guide to Delphi Programming http://delphi.about.com email: delphi@aboutguide.com free newsletter: http://delphi.about.com/library/blnewsletter.htm forum: http://forums.about.com/ab-delphi/start/ ******************************************** }

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