2009. július 5., vasárnap

Load and read a shortcut to see where it points to


How to load and read a shortcut to see where it points to


procedure GetShellLinkInfo(const LinkFile: WideString; var SLI: TShellLinkInfo);
{Retrieves information on an existing shell link}
  SL: IShellLink;
  PF: IPersistFile;
  FindData: TWin32FindData;
  AStr: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
  OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IShellLink,
  {The IShellLink implementer must also support the IPersistFile interface. Get an interface pointer to it}
  PF := SL as IPersistFile;
  { Load file into IPersistFile object }
  OleCheck(PF.Load(PWideChar(LinkFile), STGM_READ));
  {Resolve the link by calling the Resolve interface function}
  OleCheck(SL.Resolve(0, SLR_ANY_MATCH or SLR_NO_UI));
  {Get all the info}
  with SLI do
    OleCheck(SL.GetPath(AStr, MAX_PATH, FindData, SLGP_SHORTPATH));
    PathName := AStr;
    OleCheck(SL.GetArguments(AStr, MAX_PATH));
    Arguments := AStr;
    OleCheck(SL.GetDescription(AStr, MAX_PATH));
    Description := AStr;
    OleCheck(SL.GetWorkingDirectory(AStr, MAX_PATH));
    WorkingDirectory := AStr;
    OleCheck(SL.GetIconLocation(AStr, MAX_PATH, IconIndex));
    IconLocation := AStr;

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