2007. augusztus 29., szerda

Adding an item to the main menu or the tools menu


You need to add an item into Delphi's IDE for your expert?


Here is how I did it for TMultiLang..
If you do not want to use the tools menu, but instead create a new main menu entry, you need to replace the

menMain.FindMenuItem ()


menMain.InsertItem(8, '&Test', 'TestMainMenuItem', '', 0, 0, 0, [mfVisible, mfEnabled], nil);

taken from TMultiLang source code

constructor TMultiLangExpert.Create;
  menMain: TIMainMenuIntf;
  menToolsGallery: TIMenuItemIntf;
  menToolsMenu: TIMenuItemIntf;
begin { Create }
  inherited Create;
  menMain := ToolServices.GetMainMenu; // get the IDE's main menu
  if Assigned(menMain) then
    // get the

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