2007. június 15., péntek

Auto-search in ComboBox or ListBox


How to realise automatic search feature in ComboBox?


For including this functionality we shall just handle KeyPress event of ListBox or ComboBox.
Below is demonstartion of this realisation:

1. Add string variable to your form:

  TForm = class(TForm)
    {....... }
    FSearchStr: string;

2. Add initialisation of this string variable in Form's OnCreate event:

FSearchStr := '';

3. Type the following code in OnKeyPress event of ListBox or ComboBox:

procedure TForm1.ListBox1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  i: Integer;
  case Key of
        // Escape key, clear search string
        FSearchStr := EmptyStr;
      end; { Case Esc }
        // backspace, erase last key from search string
        if Length(FSearchStr) > 0 then
          Delete(FSearchStr, Length(FSearchStr), 1);
      end; { Case backspace }
    FSearchStr := FSearchStr + Key;
  end; { Case }
  if Length(FSearchStr) > 0 then
    if Sender is TListbox then
      i := SendMessage(TListbox(Sender).handle, LB_FINDSTRING,
        TListbox(Sender).ItemIndex, longint(@FSearchStr[1]));
      if i <> LB_ERR then
        TListbox(Sender).ItemIndex := i;
    else if Sender is TCombobox then
      i := SendMessage(TCombobox(Sender).handle, CB_FINDSTRING,
        TCombobox(Sender).ItemIndex, longint(@FSearchStr[1]));
      if i <> LB_ERR then
        TCombobox(Sender).ItemIndex := i;
  Key := #0;

Now you'll see how it will work.

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