2007. február 2., péntek

How to get the icon of a window for which you know the handle


How to get the icon of a window for which you know the handle


Solve 1:

function GetWindowIcon(Wnd: HWND): TIcon;
{Wnd: Handle to window whose icon you want
Returns: TIcon instance holding the window's icon}
  {Create a TIcon instance to hold the icon information}
  Result := TIcon.Create;
  {As the Win32 API help states, getclasslong will return the handle to the window's icon. Assign that value to the TIcon's Handle property as described in the VCL help.}
  Result.Handle := GetClassLong(Wnd, GCL_HICON);

Additional note:
In my opinion, memory should be allocated and freed on the same level (if possible). So I would recommend changing the above code to this:

procedure GetWindowIcon(Wnd: HWND; Icon: TIcon);
  if not Assigned(Icon) then
    raise Exception.Create('Create instance of Icon ' + 'before calling GetWindowIcon')
      Icon.Handle := GetClassLong(Wnd, GCL_HICON);

Solve 2:

Use GetClassLong to obtain the icon handle and then use CopyIcon to create a new icon from this icon handle. Assuming the Delphi help is open for testing, following are examples:

{Returns true if icon is retrieved and copied to AIcon succesfully}

function CopyIconFromWindowHandle(AHandle: THandle; AIcon: TIcon): boolean;
  hWindowIcon: THandle; {HICON}
  tmpIcon: TIcon; {temporary TIcon}
  Result := true;
  if (not (AHandle > 0)) or (AIcon = nil) then
    Result := false;
  hWindowIcon := GetClassLong(AHandle, GCL_HICON);
  if hWindowIcon = 0 then
    Result := false;
  tmpIcon := TIcon.Create;
    {exactly the same icon is copied}
    tmpIcon.Handle := CopyIcon(hWindowIcon);
    if tmpIcon.Handle = 0 then
      Result := false;
    {AIcon is changing}
      Result := false;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  wHandle: THandle;
  TestIcon: TIcon;
  wHandle := FindWindow(nil, pchar('Delphi Help'));
  if not (wHandle > 0) then
  TestIcon := TIcon.Create;
    TestIcon.Handle := CopyIcon(Application.Icon.Handle);
    Canvas.Draw(0, 0, TestIcon);
    if CopyIconFromWindowHandle(wHandle, TestIcon) = true then
      Canvas.Draw(0, 80, TestIcon);

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