2006. szeptember 10., vasárnap

TCheckListBox LoadFromFile/SaveToFile Method, included checked state?


What to use the TCheckListBox LoadFromFile and SaveToFile Method, and store the checked state at the same time?


If you embed the Checked property into the actual entry as a “1” or “0” charter you can save the file with the normal SaveToFile method. When a file is loaded using the LoadFromFile method as normal.  Then extract the first charter from the entry and you will have the checked state.


procedure TFrameRuleEngine.SaveRules;
  i: Integer;

  i := 0;
  while i < CheckListBoxRule.Items.Count do
    if CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] = '' then
      // Delete entry it is empty
      // Add a 1 or 0 as the first charter in the entry for checked or not checked
      CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] := IntToStr(Integer(CheckListBoxRule.Checked[i])) +
  // Save the full list as normal
  CheckListBoxRule.Items.SaveToFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) +


procedure TFrameRuleEngine.LoadRules;
  sChecked: string;
  i: Integer;

  if FileExists(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'Rule.Txt') then
    // Read the file as normal
    CheckListBoxRule.Items.LoadFromFile(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) +
    i := 0;
    while i < CheckListBoxRule.Items.Count do
      if CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] = '' then
        // Delete an empty entry
        // Get the checked state
        sChecked := Copy(CheckListBoxRule.Items[i], 1, 1);
        CheckListBoxRule.Items[i] := Copy(CheckListBoxRule.Items[i], 2,
        // Update the Checked property
        CheckListBoxRule.Checked[i] := Boolean(StrToInt(sChecked));

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