2006. július 16., vasárnap

Add formatted line (with TAGs) to TRichEdit - ready function


Add formatted line (with TAGs) to TRichEdit - ready function


procedure AddRichLine(RichEdit: TRichEdit; const StrToAdd: string);
  StrLeft: string;
  TempStyle: TFontStyles;
  TempStr: string;

  function FromLeftUntilStr(var OriginalStr: string; const UntilStr: string; const
    ToEndIfNotFound, Trim: Boolean): string;
    TempPos: Integer;
    TempPos := Pos(UntilStr, OriginalStr);
    if TempPos > 0 then
      Result := Copy(OriginalStr, 1, TempPos - 1);
      if Trim then
        Delete(OriginalStr, 1, TempPos - 1);
      if ToEndIfNotFound then
        Result := OriginalStr;
        if Trim then
          OriginalStr := '';
        Result := '';

  function StrStartsWith(var OriginalStr: string; const StartsWith: string; const
    IgnoreCase, Trim: Boolean): Boolean;
    PartOfOriginalStr: string;
    NewStartsWith: string;
    PartOfOriginalStr := Copy(OriginalStr, 1, Length(StartsWith));
    NewStartsWith := StartsWith;

    if IgnoreCase then
      PartOfOriginalStr := LowerCase(PartOfOriginalStr);
      NewStartsWith := LowerCase(NewStartsWith);

    Result := PartOfOriginalStr = NewStartsWith;

    if (Result = True) and (Trim = True) then
      Delete(OriginalStr, 1, Length(NewStartsWith));

  procedure AddToStyle(var Style: TFontStyles; AStyle: TFontStyle);
    if not (AStyle in Style) then
      Style := Style + [AStyle];

  procedure RemoveFromStyle(var Style: TFontStyles; AStyle: TFontStyle);
    if AStyle in Style then
      Style := Style - [AStyle];
  TempStyle := RichEdit.Font.Style;
  StrLeft := StrToAdd;
  RichEdit.SelStart := Length(RichEdit.Text);
  while StrLeft <> '' do
    if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '<', True, False) then
      // Bold Style
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        AddToStyle(TempStyle, fsBold);
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        RemoveFromStyle(TempStyle, fsBold);

      // Italic Style
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        AddToStyle(TempStyle, fsItalic);
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        RemoveFromStyle(TempStyle, fsItalic);

      // Underline Style
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        AddToStyle(TempStyle, fsUnderline);
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        RemoveFromStyle(TempStyle, fsUnderline);

      // Color
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', True, True) then
        RichEdit.SelAttributes.Color := RichEdit.Font.Color;
      if StrStartsWith(StrLeft, '', False, True);
        RichEdit.SelAttributes.Color := StringToColor(TempStr);
        RichEdit.SelAttributes.Color := RichEdit.Font.Color;
      Delete(StrLeft, 1, 1);
    RichEdit.SelAttributes.Style := TempStyle;
    RichEdit.SelText := FromLeftUntilStr(StrLeft, '<', True, True);

  RichEdit.SelStart := Length(RichEdit.Text);
RichEdit.SelText := #13#10;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    'Test: This is a bold test line which is written in blue. Nice?');

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