2006. április 1., szombat

How to embed binary data in an executable (3)


Does anyone have experience using Delphi to create program that can create standalone exe that contains code and data like Picture2exe? This program creates a stand alone executable exe file that contains image and sound data that plays them in a slideshow. What is the approach and techniques used?


Try this code where discclone.res includes the file you want to include:

procedure TMain.mnuCreateClick(Sender: TObject);
  MyFile: TFileStream;
  MyAppend: TMemoryStream;
  if diagOpenSelf.Execute then
    if diagCreateSelf.Execute then
      CopyFile(PChar(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + '\Extractor.exe'),
        PChar(diagCreateSelf.FileName), False);
      {Create a filestream object for the extractor executable}
      MyFile := TFileStream.Create(diagCreateSelf.FileName, $0002);
        MyAppend := TMemoryStream.Create;
          MyFile.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
          MyFile.CopyFrom(MyAppend, 0);
          MessageBox(0, 'File was successfully created.', 'File Created',

program Extractor;

{$R DiscClone.res}

  Windows, Classes, ShellAPI, Sysutils;

  FileSize = 64512;
  {Or 60416. You may have to change to this number to the size of the
        compiled Extractor executable - minus the appended executable of course.}
  {MyExtract: TFileStream;}
  MyFile: TMemoryStream;
  TempStream: TMemoryStream;
  FileExe: string;
  Buffer: array[0..260] of Char;
  Count: DWord;
  Buf: Pointer;
  G: THandle;
  Res: LongBool;
  { ... }
  {ask to make sure}
  { ... }
  {check floppy in drive}
  { ... }
  TempStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
  {Create the memory stream which will hold a copy of this executable in memory}
  MyFile := TMemoryStream.Create;
    SetString(FileExe, Buffer, GetModuleFileName(0, Buffer,
      SizeOf(Buffer))); {What is the name of this executable?}
    MyFile.LoadFromFile(FileExe); {Load a copy of the executable into memory}
    {A filestream which will eventually create the HelloWorld program}
    // MyExtract := TFileStream.Create('dummy.floppy', fmCreate);
      MyFile.Seek(FileSize, 0);
      Move the stream pointer to the start of the appended executable}
        {Copy the appended data to our filestream buffer - this creates the file}
    // MyExtract.CopyFrom(MyFile, MyFile.Size - FileSize);
      TempStream.CopyFrom(MyFile, MyFile.Size - FileSize);
      //  MyExtract.Free;  {Free the filestream object}
    {Tell the user that extraction went well and ask to run HelloWorld}
    G := CreateFile('\\.\A:', GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING,
                          FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
    //  F := CreateFile(PChar('\\.\' + location), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
                0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
    GetMem(Buf,1457664);  {1457664}
    //  SetFilePointer(F, 0, nil, FILE_BEGIN);
    //  ReadFile(F, Buf^, 1457664, Count, nil);
    //  Buf:=@MyExtract; //new
    WriteFile(G, Pointer(TempStream)^, 1457664, Count, nil);
    //  WriteFile(G, Buf^, 1457664, Count, nil);
    //  ShowMessage(IntToStr(GetLastError));
    //  CloseHandle(F);
      {  G := CreateFile(PChar('\\.\C:\Work\Boot\TestCenter\Fred.txt'),
                                GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS,
                                FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);}
    G := CreateFile('\\.\A:', GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING,
    GetMem(Buf, 1474560);
    TempStream.Position := 0;
    TempStream.Read(Buf^, 1474560);
    res := WriteFile(G, Buf^, 1474560, Count, nil);
    if not res then
      MessageBox(0, PChar(IntToStr(GetLastError)),
    //  FlushFileBuffers(MyFileStream.Handle);
    MessageBox(0, PChar(IntToStr(TempStream.size)), 'Extraction successful!',
    {Free the memoerystream object}

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