2005. október 12., szerda

How to jump to a specific line in a text file and return the line in a string


I'm trying to write a function that, given a FileName and a line number, returns the entire line in a string.


This technique is useful for high-speed processing. Save the sample program file with a .pas or .dpr file name and compile it with dcc32:

  SysUtils, Classes;

function GrabLine(const AFileName: string; ALine: Integer): string;
  fs: TFileStream;
  buf: packed array[0..4095] of Char;
  bufRead: Integer;
  bufPos: PChar;
  lineStart: PChar;
  tmp: string;
  fs := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead);
    bufRead := 0;
    bufPos := nil;
    { read the first line specially }
    if ALine = 0 then
      bufRead := fs.Read(buf, SizeOf(buf));
      if bufRead = 0 then
        raise Exception.Create('Line not found');
      bufPos := buf;
      while ALine > 0 do
        { read in a buffer }
        bufRead := fs.Read(buf, SizeOf(buf));
        if bufRead = 0 then
          raise Exception.Create('Line not found');
        bufPos := buf;
        while (bufRead > 0) and (ALine > 0) do
          if bufPos^ = #10 then
    { Found the beginning of the line at bufPos... scan for end.
      Two cases:
        1) we'll find it before the end of this buffer
        2) it'll go beyond this buffer and into n more buffers }
    lineStart := bufPos;
    while (bufRead > 0) and (bufPos^ <> #10) do
    { if bufRead is positive, we'll have found the end and we can leave. }
    SetString(Result, lineStart, bufPos - lineStart);
    { determine if there are more buffers to process }
    while bufRead = 0 do
      bufRead := fs.Read(buf, SizeOf(buf));
      lineStart := buf;
      bufPos := buf;
      while (bufRead > 0) and (bufPos^ <> #10) do
      SetString(tmp, lineStart, bufPos - lineStart);
      Result := Result + tmp;

function GrabLine2(const s: string; ALine: Integer): string;
  sl: TStringList;
  sl := TStringList.Create;
    Result := sl[ALine - 1]; { index off by one }

  Writeln(GrabLine(ParamStr(1), StrToInt(ParamStr(2))));
  Writeln(GrabLine2(ParamStr(1), StrToInt(ParamStr(2))));

Call it like 'getline testfile.txt 20000', depending on what you call the .pas (or .dpr) file. For large (i.e. tens of megabytes) files, the (rather complex) scanning function easily beats the memory expensive StringList version.

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