2005. július 25., hétfő

TString Super Sort Class (Descending,Ignore Case and other)


TStringList has a Sort method and a Sorted property. This feature is not available in it's useful descendant TStrings. This class allows sorting of TString objects with extra functionality ala UNIX style parameters. (Yes I know UNIX is a four letter word but they do have some neat features). The SORT algorythm utilizes the QUICK SORT method.


The features I have implemented are

    SORT DESCENDING                                                  - srtDescending
    TREAT SORT FIELD AS NUMERIC              - srtEvalNumeric
    IGNORE LEADING BLANKS IN FIELD          - srtIgnoreBlank
    IGNORE CASE OF FIELD                                             - srtIgnoreCase

    -k Start,End position of substring for search
    -f Field number of a delimited string (Zero column based)
    -d Character delimiter for -f switch (Default = SPACE)

In it's simplest form it just sorts the TStrings ascending
eg.  SuperSort.SortStrings(Memo1.Lines,[]);

Assume a semi-colon delimited list like ..

To sort this list DESCENDING on AGE (Field 1) and ignore case
     SuperSort(MyStrings, ['-f 1','-d ;'], [srtDescending,srtEvalNumeric,srtIgnoreCase]);

Assume a string list of ...
    '1999 12 20 AA432 Comment 1'
    '2002 10 12 SWA12 Some other words'
    '1998 09 11 BDS65 And so on and so on'

To sort this list on ITEM CODE (Positions 12 to 17) with no options
     SuperSort(MyStrings,['-k 12,17']);

Methods :

procedure SortStrings(StringList : TStrings;  Switches : array of string;  
                                     Options : TSuperSortOptionSet = []);

   Switches is a string array of -k,-d and -f settings. If it is set to empty array [] then NO switches are active.

   Options is an OPTIONAL set of [srtDescending,srtIgnoreCase,srtIgnoreBlank,srtEvalNumeric]
   The default is empty set []

Properties :

SortTime : TDateTime;

   Returns the time taken for the sort for stats purposes.

Usage Example :

uses SuperSort;

procedure TForm1.Test;
  Srt: TSuperSort
  Srt := TSuperSort.Create;
  Srt.SortStrings(Memo1.Lines, [], [srtIgnoreBlank]);
  Label1.Caption := 'Time : ' + FormatDateTine('hh:nn:ss:zzz',Srt.SortTime);

Unit TSuperSort:

unit SuperSort;
uses Classes, SysUtils;

// =============================================================================
// Class TSuperSort
// Mike Heydon Nov 2002
// Sort class that implements Unix style sorts including ..
// --------
// -k [StartPos,EndPos]  - Keyfield to sort on. Start and End pos in string
// -d [Field Delimiter]  - Delimter to use with -f switch. default = SPACE
// -f [FieldNumber]      - Zero based field number delimeted by -d
// ============
// srtDescending         - Sort descending
// srtIgnoreCase         - Ignore case when sorting
// srtIgnoreBlank        - Ignore leading blanks
// srtEvalNumeric        - Treat sort items as NUMERIC
// =============================================================================

  // Sort Options
  TSuperSortOptions = (srtDescending, srtIgnoreCase,
    srtIgnoreBlank, srtEvalNumeric);
  TSuperSortOptionSet = set of TSuperSortOptions;

  // ============
  // TSuperSort
  // ============
  TSuperSort = class(TObject)
    function GetKeyString(const Line: string): string;
    procedure QuickSortStrA(SL: TStrings);
    procedure QuickSortStrD(SL: TStrings);
    procedure ResolveSwitches(Switches: array of string);
    FSortTime: TDateTime;
      FEvalNumeric: boolean;
      FStartPos, FEndPos: integer;
    FDelimiter: char;
    procedure SortStrings(StringList: TStrings;
      Switches: array of string;
      Options: TSuperSortOptionSet = []);
    property SortTime: TDateTime read FSortTime;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  BLANK = -1;
  EMPTYSTR = '';

  // ================================================
  // Resolve switches and set internal variables
  // ================================================

procedure TSuperSort.ResolveSwitches(Switches: array of string);
  i: integer;
  Sw, Data: string;
  FStartPos := BLANK;
  FEndPos := BLANK;
  FFieldNum := BLANK;
  FDelimiter := ' ';
  FIsPositional := false;
  FIsDelimited := false;

  for i := Low(Switches) to High(Switches) do
    Sw := trim(Switches[i]);
    Data := trim(copy(Sw, 3, 1024));
    Sw := UpperCase(copy(Sw, 1, 2));

    // Delimiter
    if Sw = '-D' then
      if length(Data) > 0 then
        FDelimiter := Data[1];

    // Field Number
    if Sw = '-F' then
      FIsSwitches := true;
      FIsDelimited := true;
      FFieldNum := StrToIntDef(Data, BLANK);
      Assert(FFieldNum <> BLANK, 'Invalid -f Switch');

    // Positional Key
    if Sw = '-K' then
      FIsSwitches := true;
      FIsPositional := true;
      FStartPos := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, pos(',', Data) - 1)), BLANK);
      FEndPos := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, pos(',', Data) + 1, 1024)), BLANK);
      Assert((FStartPos <> BLANK) and (FEndPos <> Blank), 'Invalid -k Switch');


// ====================================================
// Resolve the Sort Key part of the string based on
// the Switches parameters
// ====================================================

function TSuperSort.GetKeyString(const Line: string): string;
  Key: string;
  Numvar: double;
  DCount, i, DPos: integer;
  Tmp: string;
  // Default
  Key := Line;
  // Extract Key from switches -k takes precedence
  if FIsPositional then
    Key := copy(Key, FStartPos, FEndPos)
  else if FIsDelimited then
    DPos := 0;
    DCount := 0;
    for i := 1 to length(Key) do
      if Key[i] = FDelimiter then
      if DCount = FFieldNum then
        if FFieldNum = 0 then
          DPos := 1
          DPos := i + 1;

    if DCount < FFieldNum then
      // No such Field Number
      Key := EMPTYSTR
      Tmp := copy(Key, DPos, 4096);
      DPos := pos(FDelimiter, Tmp);
      if DPos = 0 then
        Key := Tmp
        Key := copy(Tmp, 1, DPos - 1);

  // Resolve Options
  if FEvalNumeric then
    Key := trim(Key);
    // Strip any commas
    for i := length(Key) downto 1 do
      if Key[i] = ',' then
        delete(Key, i, 1);
      Numvar := StrToFloat(Key);
      Numvar := 0.0;
    Key := FormatFloat('############0.000000', Numvar);
    // Leftpad num string
    Key := StringOfChar('0', 20 - length(Key)) + Key;

  // Ignores N/A for Numeric and DateTime
  if not FEvalNumeric and not FEvalDateTime then
    if FIgnoreBlank then
      Key := trim(Key);
    if FIgnoreCase then
      Key := UpperCase(Key);

  Result := Key;

// ==============================================
// Recursive STRING quick sort routine ASCENDING.
// ==============================================

procedure TSuperSort.QuickSortStrA(SL: TStrings);

  procedure Sort(l, r: integer);
    i, j: integer;
    x, Tmp: string;
    i := l;
    j := r;
    x := GetKeyString(SL[(l + r) div 2]);

      while GetKeyString(SL[i]) < x do
      while x < GetKeyString(SL[j]) do
      if i <= j then
        Tmp := SL[j];
        SL[j] := SL[i];
        SL[i] := Tmp;
    until i > j;

    if l < j then
      Sort(l, j);
    if i < r then
      Sort(i, r);

  if SL.Count > 0 then
    Sort(0, SL.Count - 1);

// ==============================================
// Recursive STRING quick sort routine DECENDING
// ==============================================

procedure TSuperSort.QuickSortStrD(SL: TStrings);
  procedure Sort(l, r: integer);
    i, j: integer;
    x, Tmp: string;
    i := l;
    j := r;
    x := GetKeyString(SL[(l + r) div 2]);

      while GetKeyString(SL[i]) > x do
      while x > GetKeyString(SL[j]) do
      if i <= j then
        Tmp := SL[j];
        SL[j] := SL[i];
        SL[i] := Tmp;
    until i > j;

    if l < j then
      Sort(l, j);
    if i < r then
      Sort(i, r);

  if SL.Count > 0 then
    Sort(0, SL.Count - 1);

// ====================
// Sort a stringlist
// ====================

procedure TSuperSort.SortStrings(StringList: TStrings;
  Switches: array of string;
  Options: TSuperSortOptionSet = []);
  StartTime: TDateTime;
  StartTime := Now;
  FDescending := (srtDescending in Options);
  FIgnoreCase := (srtIgnoreCase in Options);
  FIgnoreBlank := (srtIgnoreBlank in Options);
  FEvalNumeric := (srtEvalNumeric in Options);

  if FDescending then

  FSortTime := Now - StartTime;


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