2005. január 21., péntek

Send compless strings (all 256 ASCII) to an ASP page


Ever needed to send compless strings, that contains ASCII values that will be truncated from the HTTP protocol, to an ASP page?

I did, but I found a solution and there it's..


Just convert the complete string to a hexadecimal value with this function...

function CharsToPrintable(What: string): string;
  IdX: Integer;
  tmpStr, outStr: string;
  Result := '';
  outStr := '';
  tmpStr := What;
  for IdX := 1 to Length(tmpStr) do
    outStr := outStr + IntToHex(StrToInt(tmpStr[IdX]), 2);
  Result := outStr;

..and then reconvert it to the original string, taking 2 chars at time and calculating the original ASCII value (byte) with this ASP code (works correctly in Visual Basic, but I have not yet tested with ASP (will try soon)):

Private Function GetFromHexValue(Da As String) As String

    Dim Ai As Integer
    Dim Bi As Integer
    If IsNumeric(Left(Da, 1)) Then
        Ai = CInt(Left(Da, 1))
        Ai = Asc(UCase(Left(Da, 1))) - 65
    End If
    If IsNumeric(Right(Da, 1)) Then
        Bi = CInt(Right(Da, 1))
        Bi = Asc(UCase(Right(Da, 1))) - 55
    End If
    GetFromHexValue = Chr(Ai * 16 + Bi)

End Function


Dim X As Integer
Dim A As String
Dim Inputed As String

Inputed = ""
For X = 1 To Len(Request.QueryString("MyString")) Step 2
    If X > Len(Request.QueryString("MyString")) Then Exit For
    A = Mid(Request.QueryString("MyString"), X, 2)
    Inputed = Inputed + GetFromHexValue(A)
Next X

Response.Write Inputed

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