2004. október 6., szerda

First/Last changed File in Folder


Sometimes its nessessary to know which File of an Folder was changed at the last.


Sometimes its nessessary to know which File of an Folder was changed at the last. I wrote this function below. It can give you the File with the oldesd content too, if you set the parameter first := True. For the comparing I've used the API - Function CompareFileTime. If you wants to know the oldes or youngest created file or the last/first accessed file see the comments in the function.

function GetLastOrFirstChangedFileOfFolder(First: Boolean; Folder: string): string;
  Ft1, Ft2: TFileTime;
  sr: TSearchrec;
  what, Res: Integer;
  if not DirectoryExists(Folder) then
  if Folder[Length(Folder)] <> '\' then
    Folder := Folder + '\';
  if First then
    What := 1
    What := -1;
  res := FindFirst(Folder + '*.*', faAnyFile, sr);
  ft1 := sr.FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
  //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftCreationTime;   for the first/last created
  //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftLastAccessTime;  for the first/last access
  Result := sr.Name;
  while res = 0 do
    Ft2 := sr.FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
    //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftCreationTime;   for the first/last createt
    //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftLastAccessTime;  for the first/last access
    if CompareFileTime(ft1, ft2) = What then
      ft1 := Ft2;
      Result := sr.Name;
    res := FindNext(sr);

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