2010. október 31., vasárnap

How to create and use a resource-only DLL


How do I create a DLL with just graphics files, then allow several different DLL's and applications to use these files?


First, create a resource source file (*.RC) containing references to the bitmaps:

CLOSEBUTTON BITMAP "C:\Projects\closebtn.bmp"
OPENBUTTON BITMAP "C:\Projects\openbtn.bmp"

This is just an ordinary text file, so you can use the Delphi code editor or any other text editor to create it. Make sure the names of the bitmaps (CLOSEBUTTON, etc.) are ALL UPPERCASE.

Next, compile this .RC file to create the corresponding .RES file, using BRCC32.EXE:

brcc32 myimages.rc

Now start a new DLL project in Delphi and link the .RES file into it with an $R directive:

library MyImages;




Compile this code, and you now have a resource DLL containing the bitmaps.

To use these resources in an EXE or another DLL, you need to use LoadLibrary to get a handle to the DLL, and then LoadBitmap to get a handle to the bitmap:

  DllHandle: THandle;
  CloseButtonBmp: TBitmap;
  OpenButtonBmp: TBitmap;
  DllHandle := LoadLibrary('MyImages.dll');
  if DllHandle <> 0 then
    CloseButtonBmp := TBitmap.Create;
    CloseButtonBmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(DllHandle, 'CLOSEBUTTON');
    OpenButtonBmp := TBitmap.Create;
    OpenButtonBmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(DllHandle, 'OPENBUTTON');

Once you've loaded the bitmaps, you can assign them to their final destinations, wherever that may be, and then free them.

2010. október 30., szombat

Advanced Options


Some Advanced Options that I found on the Internet.


1) It scroll automatically the Delphi Palette

2) It scroll automatically the components on Palette

3) It show font names in Object Inspector

4) It show compiling errors in message view window

5) Default fonts for new forms
"DefaultFont"="Tahoma, 8, Normal"

2010. október 29., péntek

How to hide MDI child forms


How to hide MDI child forms


To hide:

{ ... }
if Form2.WindowState = wsMaximized then
  Form2.WindowState := wsNormal;
ShowWindow(Form2.Handle, SW_Hide);
{ ... }

To redisplay:

{ ... }
SetWindowPos(Form2.Handle, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NoMove or
  SWP_NoSize or SWP_ShowWindow);
{ ... }

2010. október 27., szerda

Only numerical input in a TEdit


Only numerical input in a TEdit


If you want to limit the input of a TEdit to numerical strings only, you can discard the "invalid" characters in its OnKeyPress event handler.

Let's assume that you only want to allow positive integer numbers. The code for the OnKeyPress event handler is as follows:

procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  // #8 is Backspace
  if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9']) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid key');
    // Discard the key
    Key := #0;

If you also want numbers with a decimal fraction, you must allow a POINT or a COMMA, but only once. For an international version that looks at the correct decimal separator, the code could be as follows:

procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9', DecimalSeparator]) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid key: ' + Key);
    Key := #0;
  else if (Key = DecimalSeparator) and
    (Pos(Key, Edit1.Text) > 0) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid Key: twice ' + Key);
    Key := #0;

And here's a full blown version of the event handler, accepting a decimal separator and negative numbers (minus sign: only accepted once, has to be the first character):

procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9', '-', DecimalSeparator]) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid key: ' + Key);
    Key := #0;
  else if ((Key = DecimalSeparator) or (Key = '-')) and
    (Pos(Key, Edit1.Text) > 0) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid Key: twice ' + Key);
    Key := #0;
  else if (Key = '-') and
    (Edit1.SelStart <> 0) then
    ShowMessage('Only allowed at beginning of number: ' + Key);
    Key := #0;

How about giving that same behaviour to several TEdits on the same form, say 10 of them? In the Object Inspector, you change the name of the event handler of Edit1 from Edit1KeyPress to Edit1_10KeyPress or something similar. Delphi automatically changes the name in the code editor, don't worry.

Then, for each next TEdit, you select its OnKeyPress event and you select Edit1_10KeyPress from the listbox next to the event.

Finally, we have to slightly adapt the code. Intead of pointing to Edit1, we must point to "the TEdit that generated the event", in other words: the edit-box where the cursor was when a key was depressed. When you look at the template for the event handler that Delphi made, you see the parameter Sender: that's a pointer to the component that generated the event. But we are not allowed to use it straight away in our code, we must specify that we're dealing with a component of the type TEdit. That's done with the code Sender as TEdit:

procedure TForm1.Edit1_10KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  if not (Key in [#8, '0'..'9', '-', DecimalSeparator]) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid key: ' + Key);
    Key := #0;
  else if ((Key = DecimalSeparator) or (Key = '-')) and
    (Pos(Key, (Sender as TEdit).Text) > 0) then
    ShowMessage('Invalid Key: twice ' + Key);
    Key := #0;
  else if (Key = '-') and
    ((Sender as TEdit).SelStart <> 0) then
    ShowMessage('Only allowed at beginning of number: ' + Key);
    Key := #0;

2010. október 26., kedd

Draw a filled circle using ScanLine


I am looking for some code to draw a filled circle on a bitmap or change colors of pixels within a circle on it, using Bitmap.Scanline. Any suggestions or ideas on how to do this, the edges need to be perfect and it has to be fast.


Perfect edges mean you will have to work with an alpha channel and do anti-aliasing. This means, that you either have to use a 32-bit bitmap (see e.g. Graphics32) or you have to first draw the background image in the bitmap and directly blend it when rendering the circle. Next question: do you want to use integer precision or floating point precision for the circle properties like center point and diameter? If you use integer, you only have to draw 1/8 of the circle and the rest can be copied/mirrored/flipped around. Assuming floating point, and a grayscale bitmap, here's an approach:

CX, CY: center of circle (single)
R: radius of circle (single)
F: feather size (the number of pixels used as blend area, usually 1 pix) (single)

Determine bounds in Y (integers):
LX := floor(CX - R - F * 0.5);
RX := ceil(CX + R + F * 0.5);
LY := floor(CY - R - F * 0.5);
RY := ceil(CY + R + F * 0.5);

Determine some helpful values (singles)
RPF2 = sqr(R + F/2);
RMF2 = sqr(R - F/2);

{ ... }
  P: PByteArray
  sqdist: single;
  { ... }
    {Loop through Y values}
    {for y := LY to RY do begin -> not very safe}
  for y := max(LY, 0) to Min(RY, Bitmap.Height - 1) do
    P := Bitmap.Scanline[y];
  {Loop through X values}
  for x := Max(LX, 0) to Min(RX, Bitmap.Width - 1) do
    {Determine squared distance from center for this pixel}
    sqdist := sqr(y - CY) + sqr(x - CX); {Or use hypot() function}
    {Inside outer circle?}
    if sqdist < RPF2 then
      {Inside inner circle?}
      if sqdist < RMF1 then
        {Inside the inner circle.. just give the scanline the new color}
        P[x] := 255
        {We are inbetween the inner and outer bound, now mix the color}
        Fact := Max(0, Min(255, round(((R - sqrt(sqdist)) * 2 / F) * 128 + 128)));
        P[x] := (255 - Fact) * P[x] + Fact;
    { ... }

This algorithm is optimized a bit but could be made faster probably. Untested!

2010. október 25., hétfő

Copy a menu item from a TMainMenu to an empty popup menu


How to copy a menu item from a TMainMenu to an empty popup menu


This will only copy the first level of menu items:

procedure TForm1.PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
MenuItem: TMenuItem;
{Copy menu items from first mainmenu (File1)}
for I := 0 to File1.Count - 1 do
with File1.Items[I] do
MenuItem := NewItem(Caption, ShortCut, Checked, Enabled, OnClick, HelpContext,

2010. október 24., vasárnap

Convert a string to a set and vice versa using RTTI


Given a string like '[mbOk, mbCancel]', what is a simple way to use the routines in TypInfo to produce the corresponding set?



function ButtonStringToSet(const S: string): TMsgDlgButtons;
Temp: TStringlist;
I: Integer;
N1, N2: Integer;
Result := [];
N1 := Pos('[', S);
N2 := Pos(']', S);
if N2 = 0 then
N2 := Length(S) + 1;
Assert(N2 > N1);
Temp := TStringlist.Create;
Temp.Commatext := Copy(S, N1 + 1, N2 - N1 - 1);
for i := 0 to Temp.Count - 1 do
Include(Result, TMsgDlgBtn(TypInfo.GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TMsgDlgBtn),

function SetToButtonString(Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): string;
Temp: TStringlist;
Btn: TMsgDlgBtn;
Temp := TStringlist.Create;
for Btn := Low(Btn) to High(Btn) do
if Btn in Buttons then
Temp.Add(TypInfo.GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TMsgDlgBtn), Ord(Btn)));
Result := Format('[%s]', [Temp.Commatext]);

2010. október 23., szombat

Accessing hidden properties


How can I access the InplaceEditor property of a Grid?


Some components have useful properties, but for some reason they were declared in their protected section, so they are not readily available to the programmer. For example, TStringGrid, TDrawGrid, TDBGrid and in general any descendant of TCustomGrid has an InplaceEditor property that represents the text edit box used for editing cell values. However you can't access this property directly because it has been declared as protected.

The easiest workaround to this problem is subclassing (deriving) your component with the only purpose or publishing the protected property. For example:

  TDBGridX = class(TDBGrid)
    property InplaceEditor;

We don't need to intall this new component and register it in the components palette (which I consider too much of a bother for such a little thing). Instead, any time we want to access this property, we can just cast the object (for example DBGrid1) to our new class. For example:


Note: InplaceEditor will be Nil until the first time EditorMode is set to True (either by code or when the user presses F2).

But use the protected property always cause some fault unexpectable.Sush as the Fixcols property. How to resolve it?

The properties were left protected for some reason, usually this being the fact that they are not safe to use directly. There are some limitations when accessing protected fields, properties or methods and normally these limitations are documented (they are not so much "unexpectable").

For example, about the inplace editor the documentation says:

   "The inplace editor is created the first time the grid is put in edit mode."

This means that before the first time the grid is put in edit mode, a code like the following will certainly generate an
Access Violation:


You can solve this problem by first checking if InplaceEditor is not Nil:

if TDBGridX(DBGrid1).InplaceEditor <> nil then

About FixedCols, the documentation says:

"Grids must include at least one scrolling column. Do not set FixedCols to a value greater than ColCount - 1."

This means that for instance the following code will raise an EInvalidGridOperation exception if ColCount <= 2:

TDBGridX(DBGrid1).FixedCols := 2;

For example if you create columns automatically from a Dataset associated with a DataSource, then you should first open the Dataset to let the columns be created, and only then you can set the FixedCols property. For example:

Table1.Active := True;
TDBGridX(DBGrid1).FixedCols := 2;

In conclusion, you should check the documentation first before using the protected properties since normally they have some limitation. As I've shown, the way to circunvent it depends on the case and there is no general rule. There may be also some undocumented problems and side effects and when they appear generally you should check the source code of the component to get an idea of how to avoid or fix them.

Copyright (c) 2001 Ernesto De Spirito
Visit: http://www.latiumsoftware.com/delphi-newsletter.php

2010. október 22., péntek

Add items to the Windows Explorer right-click menu (2)


Does anybody know how to write a Delphi program that can add itself to the Windows Explorer right-click menu? I have seen some simple cases like adding NotePad for txt files but that only works on one file (if you highlight many files then many instances of Notepad will be created). I want to be able to highlight a group of files and then pass all of them (probably through a command line argument) to my progam so it can act on the group of them.


Implement IContextMenu and IShellExtInit:

TOFCContextMenu = class(TComObject, IContextMenu, IShellExtInit)
  FileList: TStringList;
  function IShellExtInit.Initialize = IShellExtInit_Initialize;
  function QueryContextMenu(Menu: HMENU; indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast,
    uFlags: UINT): HResult; stdcall;
  function InvokeCommand(var lpici: TCMInvokeCommandInfo): HResult; stdcall;
  function GetCommandString(idCmd, uType: UINT; pwReserved: PUINT; pszName: LPSTR;
    cchMax: UINT): HResult; stdcall;
  function IShellExtInit_Initialize(pidlFolder: PItemIDList; lpdobj: IDataObject;
    hKeyProgID: HKEY): HResult; stdcall;
  destructor Destroy; override;

In the Initialize method of the IShellExtInit interface you can determine which files are selected:

function TOFCContextMenu.IShellExtInit_Initialize(pidlFolder: PItemIDList;
  lpdobj: IDataObject; hKeyProgID: HKEY): HResult; stdcall;
  StgMedium: TStgMedium;
  FormatEtc: TFormatEtc;
  szFile: array[0..MAX_PATH + 1] of Char;
  FileCount: Integer;
  FileCounter: Integer;
    if (lpdobj <> nil) then
      with FormatEtc do
        cfFormat := CF_HDROP;
        ptd := nil;
        dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
        lindex := -1;
        tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
      Result := lpdobj.GetData(FormatEtc, StgMedium);
      if (not Failed(Result)) then
        FileList := TStringList.Create;
        FileList.Sorted := True;
        FileList.Duplicates := dupIgnore;
        FileCount := DragQueryFile(stgmedium.hGlobal, $FFFFFFFF, nil, 0);
        for FileCounter := 0 to FileCount - 1 do
          DragQueryFile(stgmedium.hGlobal, FileCounter, szFile, SizeOf(szFile));
        Result := NOERROR;
      Result := E_INVALIDARG;
    Result := E_FAIL;

The file list must be freed in the destructor:

destructor TOFCContextMenu.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

Now implement the other methods:


At the end of the unit you can register the extension:

  TRegisterContextMenuFactory.Create(ComServer, TOFCContextMenu, Class_OFCContextMenu,
    'OFCContextMenu', 'A description', ciMultiInstance, tmApartment);

Remember to protect every method with try..except or try..finally. The main application is the explorer. It doesn't support exception handling like a delphi application does. An exception outside a try..except/finally compound causes the explorer to crash.

The TRegisterContextMenuFactory object looks something like this:

  TRegisterContextMenuFactory = class(TComObjectFactory)
    function GetProgID: string; override;
    procedure UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean); override;

function TRegisterContextMenuFactory.GetProgID: string;
  Result := '';

procedure TRegisterContextMenuFactory.UpdateRegistry(Register: Boolean);
  ApproveKey = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellExtensions\Approved\';
  ClsID: string;
  inherited UpdateRegistry(Register);
  ClsID := GUIDToString(ClassID);
  if (Register) then
    {Additional registry settings }
    if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
      CreateRegKeyEx(ApproveKey, ClsId, PChar(Description), REG_SZ,                                                              Length(Description) + 1, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
    if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
      DeleteRegValue(ApproveKey, ClsId, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
    {Delete additional registry settings }

Instead of {Additional registry settings } you must add the registry keys for the extension. Like which file exctension is associated. You can use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\* for all extensions.

2010. október 21., csütörtök

Debug a component at design time (in the IDE)


Debug a component at design time (in the IDE)


To debug a component at design time, follow these steps:

In Delphi go to Tools/Options then go to the "Library" page. Check the "Compile With Debug Info" box.

Rebuild the library.

Run Delphi from within Turbo Debugger.

Use "File/Change Dir" to include the source directories.

2010. október 20., szerda

Fixing a broken generator (InterBase)


Recently I got unique key violations during insert attempts on a piece of code that used to work (what can go bad, will go bad). I found that the offending field - was actually created by a generator. For some reason the generator returned values that where already in the database.

how can I display the current value of the generator?
how can I adjust the value of the generator?


See the example (table name is SD_LOAD, generator name is GEN_SD_LOAD).


You cannot modify the value of the generator inside of a trigger or stored procedure. You only can call the gen_id() function to increment the value in a generator. The SET GENERATOR command will only work outside of a stored procedure or trigger.

SELECT DISTINCT(GEN_ID(gen_sd_load, 0))FROM sd_load

set GENERATOR gen_sd_load to 2021819

2010. október 19., kedd

How to get Windows uptime?


How to get Windows uptime?


Use the following function:

function UpTime: string;
  ticksperday: integer = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
  ticksperhour: integer = 1000 * 60 * 60;
  ticksperminute: integer = 1000 * 60;
  tickspersecond: integer = 1000;

  t: longword;
  d, h, m, s: integer;

  t := GetTickCount;

  d := t div ticksperday;
  dec(t, d * ticksperday);

  h := t div ticksperhour;
  dec(t, h * ticksperhour);

  m := t div ticksperminute;
  dec(t, m * ticksperminute);

  s := t div tickspersecond;

  Result := 'Uptime: ' + IntToStr(d) + ' Days ' + IntToStr(h) + ' Hours ' + IntToStr(m)
    + ' Minutes ' + IntToStr(s) + ' Seconds';

2010. október 18., hétfő

Replace the default scrollbar of a TStringGrid with buttons


I want to put two buttons as a scrollbar to my grid instead of using the default Delphi windows scrollbar. I suppose that I should handle the messages like WM_VSCROLL and WM_HSCROLL and setting my grid.Scrollbars := none


You should send these messages to the grid on your button presses, e.g. for a line up:

{ ... }
with stringgrid1 do
  perform(WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);

or use:

procedure buttonupClick(sender);
  SendMessage(Grid1.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0)

2010. október 17., vasárnap

Sparse array implementation using TStringlist


Sparse arrays are arrays that only uses memory for the cells that are actually in use although the full size of the array is always available. A prime example is the cells in a spreadsheet application: they can have enormous dimensions (like 99999 * 99999 cells) but still only use memory equivalent to the cells where there is any data. This article shows how you can easily create a sparse array with any number of dimensions and of arbitrary size.


One solution is to create a new class (let's call it TSparseArray) that stores the data in a TStringlists Objects array and the dimensions in the Strings array as a compound string. Here's a two-dimensional example:


  TSparseArray = class(TObject)
    FCells: TStringlist;
    function GetCell(Col, Row: integer): TObject;
    procedure SetCell(Col, Row: integer; const Value: TObject);
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property Cells[Col, Row: integer]: TObject read GetCell write SetCell; default;


  cFmtDims = '%d:%d';

constructor TSparseArray.Create;
  inherited Create;
  FCells := TStringlist.Create;
  FCells.Sorted := true; // faster retrieval, slower updates, needed for dupIgnore
  FCells.Duplicates := dupIgnore;

destructor TSparseArray.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

function TSparseArray.GetCell(Col, Row: integer): TObject;
  i: integer;
  Result := nil;

  i := FCells.IndexOf(Format(cFmtDims, [Col, Row]));
  if i > -1 then
    Result := FCells.Objects[i];

procedure TSparseArray.SetCell(Col, Row: integer; const Value: TObject);
  // dupIgnore guarantees that if this cell already exists, this will overwrite it
  FCells.AddObject(Format(cFmtDims, [Col, Row]), Value);


To create a sparse array with more dimensions, you just have to redefine the Cells property (and the read / write methods) and change the format of cFmtDims accordingly. You can even mix dimensions of different types (i.e Cells[const Row:string;Col:integer]:TObject). I think you can come up with more neat things yourself. Enjoy!

2010. október 16., szombat

Accessing DataBase via 3th server


Writing n-tier Application for accessing client's app to DataBase without installing Client of Database via 3th server using Indy


This is simple sample how organize work client's app with DataBase without installing Database client or organize remote access to database.

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls, IdTCPServer, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent,
  IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, DBClient, Provider, Grids, DBGrids, DB,
  OracleData, Oracle, IdAntiFreezeBase, IdAntiFreeze;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    OracleSession1: TOracleSession;
    OracleDataSet1: TOracleDataSet;
    DataSource1: TDataSource;
    DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
    DataSetProvider1: TDataSetProvider;
    ClientDataSet1: TClientDataSet;
    IdTCPClient1: TIdTCPClient;
    IdTCPServer1: TIdTCPServer;
    Button1: TButton;
    Memo1: TMemo;
    IdAntiFreeze1: TIdAntiFreeze;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure IdTCPServer1Connect(AThread: TIdPeerThread);
    procedure IdTCPServer1Execute(AThread: TIdPeerThread);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure variantToStream(const v: oleVariant; stream: TStream);
  p: pointer;
  stream.position := 0;
  stream.size := varArrayHighBound(v, 1) - varArrayLowBound(v, 1) + 1;
  p := varARrayLock(v);
  stream.write(p^, stream.size);
  stream.position := 0;

procedure VarArrayToStream(const Data: OleVariant; Stream: TStream);
  p: Pointer;
  p := VarArrayLock(Data);
    Stream.Write(p^, VarArrayHighBound(Data, 1) + 1); //assuming low bound = 0

function StreamToVarArray(Stream: TStream): OleVariant;
  p: Pointer;
  Result := VarArrayCreate([0, Stream.Size - 1], varByte);
  p := VarArrayLock(Result);
    Stream.Position := 0; //start from beginning of stream
    Stream.Read(p^, Stream.Size);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ms: TMemoryStream;
  ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
  if not IdTCPClient1.Connected then
  if IdTCPClient1.Connected then
    Memo1.Lines.Add('Not Connected');

  IdTCPClient1.ReadStream(ms, STrToINt(IdTCPClient1.ReadString(10)));
  ClientDataSet1.Data := StreamToVarArray(ms);
  // ClientDataSet1.LoadFromStream(ms);
  ClientDataSet1.Active := True;

procedure TForm1.IdTCPServer1Connect(AThread: TIdPeerThread);

procedure TForm1.IdTCPServer1Execute(AThread: TIdPeerThread);
  s: string;
  ms: TMemoryStream;
  with AThread.Connection do
    s := ReadString(4);
    if s = 'open' then
      ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
      VarArrayToStream(DataSetProvider1.Data, ms);
      s := IntToSTr(ms.Size);
      while length(s) < 10 do
        s := '0' + s;
      ms.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);



2010. október 15., péntek

How to change the system colours


How to change the system colours


Solve 1:

procedure TMainForm.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  nColorIndex: array[1..2] of integer;
  nColorValue: array[1..2] of longint;
  nColorIndex[1] := COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION;
  nColorIndex[2] := COLOR_BTNFACE;
  nColorValue[1] := clBlue; {define the color you want}
  nColorValue[2] := clRed; {in that case is the caption bar and button color}
  SetSysColors(2, nColorIndex, nColorValue);

You could have a look into the "Win32 API reference", under the "SetSysColors" section. There, if you directly go to "GetSysColors" you'll get alist of the places where you can change the colors. (e.g taskbar, borders, etc). In your case use COLOR_BACKGROUND and COLOR_DESKTOP.

Solve 2:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ColCount = 2;
  Elements: array[0..ColCount - 1] of Integer = (COLOR_WINDOW, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
  Colors: array[0..ColCount - 1] of TColorRef = (clBlue, clYellow);
  if not SetSysColors(ColCount, Elements[0], Colors[0]) then

2010. október 14., csütörtök

How to sort a TStringList by numerical value using the Heapsort algorithm


I cannot use the Sort method in TStringList as I would like to sort by Integer. My TStringList is filled with numbers such as:

20, 12, 1, 23, 54, 32

Of course, they're converted to string before being added to TStringList. What is a fast algorithm to achieve this sort? I normally have less than 50 items in my TStringList, if that is a factor.


You'd end up doing a lot of conversions using StrToInt, which is wasteful, so I would recommend that you create a

PInteger = ^Integer type

store all of the StrToInt values in the TStringList.Objects array, and then when you use the sort, do your comparisons based on


The quicksort that TStringList uses (see CLASSES.PAS) uses a very simple partition function, which is completely unaware of the data it's sorting. It's using the midpoint index to begin to decide where to start partitioning, which is just as reliable as picking a random number when deciding how to sort. If, for example, you had a big list of items that was already sorted in the reverse direction, and you used this quicksort on it, and would call itself recursively once for every element in the list! Now, when you take into account that you're pushing a few items on the stack (the return address as well as the parameters as well as the registers you are saving) it might not take too long for your 16K of stack space to get eaten up (16,384 bytes divided by about maybe 32 bytes (and that's being pretty optimistic!) is about 2048 items before you run the risk of killing the stack!). The MaxListSize in CLASSES is 16380 (65520 div sizeof (Pointer)), so it's certainly possible to cause this problem.

Remember that TStringList.Sort is declared as virtual, so if you wanted to override it, you certainly could in a class derived from TStringList.

Also mind that the odds of anyone having to sort this much data (2000 items) seems pretty remote (correct me, anyone, if you've ever sorted more than 2000 strings in an application). The most reliable sort with the same running time as QuickSort is a HeapSort. They both run in O(N lg N) time, whereas sorts like the InsertionSort (which someone mentioned) and BubbleSort (which someone else mentioned) run in O(N^2) time, on the average.

The biggest differences between HeapSort and QuickSort, in terms of their run time and storage are:

HeapSort only calls itself recursively at most lg N times, where as QuickSort could call itself recursively N times (big difference, like 10 vs 1024, or 32 vs 2^32);
The worst case upper bound time on HeapSort is only O(N lg N), whereas in the worst case for QuickSort, the running time is O(N^2).

program H;

  WinCrt, SysUtils;

  min = 10;
  max = 13;
  maxHeap = 1 shl max;

  heap = array[1..maxHeap] of integer;
  heapBase = ^heap;

  currentSize, heapSize: integer;
  A: heapBase;

procedure SwapInts(var a, b: integer);
  t: integer;
  t := a;
  a := b;
  b := t

procedure InitHeap(size: integer);
  i: integer;
  heapSize := size;
  currentSize := size;
  for i := 1 to size do
    A^[i] := Random(size) + 1;

procedure Heapify(i: integer);
  left, right, largest: integer;
  largest := i;
  left := 2 * i;
  right := left + 1;
  if left <= heapSize then
    if A^[left] > A^[i] then
      largest := left;
  if right <= heapSize then
    if A^[right] > A^[largest] then
      largest := right;
  if largest <> i then
    SwapInts(A^[largest], A^[i]);

procedure BuildHeap;
  i: integer;
  for i := heapSize div 2 downto 1 do

procedure HeapSort;
  i: integer;
  for i := currentSize downto 2 do
    SwapInts(A^[i], A^[1]);

  TAvgTimes = array[min..max] of TDateTime;
  sTime, eTime, tTime: TDateTime;
  i, idx, size: integer;
  avgTimes: TAvgTimes;
  tTime := 0;
  i := min;
  size := 1 shl min;
  while i <= max do
    for idx := 1 to 10 do
      sTime := Time;
      eTime := Time;
      tTime := tTime + (eTime - sTime)
    avgTimes[i] := tTime / 10.0;
    size := size shl 1;

2010. október 13., szerda

Get "executable" file name also from a DLL


If you still use ParamStr(0), or Application.ExeName for getting your executable path and file name, you could have problems developing DLLs. In fact if your DLL enquires ParamStr(0) it gets the path and file name of the executable which loaded your DLL.


Using Application.ExeName is the same as using ParamStr(0), but there's a way to fix this and have the correct file name in every case.

Just use this:

function GetRealExeName: string;
  ExeName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char;
  fillchar(ExeName, SizeOf(ExeName), #0);
  GetModuleFileName(HInstance, ExeName, MAX_PATH);
  Result := ExeName;

2010. október 12., kedd

Implement fuzzy search


How to implement fuzzy search


Solve 1:

This DLL calculates the Levenshtein Distance between two strings. Please note that ShareMem must be the first unit in the Uses clause of the Interface section of your unit, if your DLL exports procedures or functions, which pass string parameters or function results. ShareMem is the interface to delphimm.dll, which you have to distribute together with your own DLL. To avoid using delphimm.dll, pass string parameters by using PChar or ShortString parameters.

library Levensh;

  ShareMem, SysUtils;

  FiR0: integer;
  FiP0: integer;
  FiQ0: integer;

function Min(X, Y, Z: Integer): Integer;
  if (X < Y) then
    Result := X
    Result := Y;
  if (Result > Z) then
    Result := Z;

procedure LevenshteinPQR(p, q, r: integer);
  FiP0 := p;
  FiQ0 := q;
  FiR0 := r;

function LevenshteinDistance(const sString, sPattern: string): Integer;
  MAX_SIZE = 50;
  aiDistance: array[0..MAX_SIZE, 0..MAX_SIZE] of Integer;
  i, j, iStringLength, iPatternLength, iMaxI, iMaxJ: Integer;
  chChar: Char;
  iP, iQ, iR, iPP: Integer;
  iStringLength := length(sString);
  if (iStringLength > MAX_SIZE) then
    iMaxI := MAX_SIZE
    iMaxI := iStringLength;
  iPatternLength := length(sPattern);
  if (iPatternLength > MAX_SIZE) then
    iMaxJ := MAX_SIZE
    iMaxJ := iPatternLength;
  aiDistance[0, 0] := 0;
  for i := 1 to iMaxI do
    aiDistance[i, 0] := aiDistance[i - 1, 0] + FiR0;
  for j := 1 to iMaxJ do
    chChar := sPattern[j];
    if ((chChar = '*') or (chChar = '?')) then
      iP := 0
      iP := FiP0;
    if (chChar = '*') then
      iQ := 0
      iQ := FiQ0;
    if (chChar = '*') then
      iR := 0
      iR := FiR0;
    aiDistance[0, j] := aiDistance[0, j - 1] + iQ;
    for i := 1 to iMaxI do
      if (sString[i] = sPattern[j]) then
        iPP := 0
        iPP := iP;
      {aiDistance[i, j] := Minimum of 3 values}
      aiDistance[i, j] := Min(aiDistance[i - 1, j - 1] + iPP,
        aiDistance[i, j - 1] + iQ,
        aiDistance[i - 1, j] + iR);
  Result := aiDistance[iMaxI, iMaxJ];

  LevenshteinDistance Index 1,
  LevenshteinPQR Index 2;

  FiR0 := 1;
  FiP0 := 1;
  FiQ0 := 1;

Solve 2:

This is an old Pascal code snippet, which is based on a C project published in the C't magazine somewhen back in the 1990's. Can't remember where I found it on the WWW. Please note that the code below accesses a simple *.txt file to search in.

program FuzzySearch;
{Translation from C to Pascal by Karsten Paulini and Simon Reinhardt}
  MaxParLen = 255;
  InFile: Text;
  Filename: string;
  InputStr: string;
  SearchStr: string;
  Treshold: Integer;

function PrepareTheString(OriginStr: string; var ConvStr: string): Integer;
  i: Integer;
  ConvStr := OriginStr;
  for i := 1 to Length(OriginStr) do
    ConvStr[i] := UpCase(ConvStr[i]);
    if ConvStr[i] < '0' then
      ConvStr[i] := ' '
      case ConvStr[i] of
        Chr(196): ConvStr[i] := Chr(228);
        Chr(214): ConvStr[i] := Chr(246);
        Chr(220): ConvStr[i] := Chr(252);
        Chr(142): ConvStr[i] := Chr(132);
        Chr(153): ConvStr[i] := Chr(148);
        Chr(154): ConvStr[i] := Chr(129);
        ':': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        ';': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        '<': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        '>': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        '=': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        '?': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        '[': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
        ']': ConvStr[i] := ' ';
  PrepareTheString := i;

function NGramMatch(TextPara, SearchStr: string; SearchStrLen, NGramLen: Integer;
  var MaxMatch: Integer): Integer;
  NGram: string[8];
  NGramCount: Integer;
  i, Count: Integer;
  NGramCount := SearchStrLen - NGramLen + 1;
  Count := 0;
  MaxMatch := 0;
  for i := 1 to NGramCount do
    NGram := Copy(SearchStr, i, NGramLen);
    if (NGram[NGramLen - 1] = ' ') and (NGram[1] < > ' ') then
      Inc(i, NGramLen - 3) {will be increased in the loop}
      Inc(MaxMatch, NGramLen);
      if Pos(NGram, TextPara) > 0 then
  NGramMatch := Count * NGramLen;

procedure FuzzyMatching(SearchStr: string; Treshold: Integer; var InFile: Text);
  TextPara: string;
  TextBuffer: string;
  TextLen: Integer;
  SearchStrLen: Integer;
  NGram1Len: Integer;
  NGram2Len: Integer;
  MatchCount1: Integer;
  MatchCount2: Integer;
  MaxMatch1: Integer;
  MaxMatch2: Integer;
  Similarity: Real;
  BestSim: Real;
  BestSim := 0.0;
  SearchStrLen := PrepareTheString(SearchStr, SearchStr);
  NGram1Len := 3;
  if SearchStrLen < 7 then
    NGram2Len := 2
    NGram2Len := 5;
  while not Eof(InFile) do
    Readln(InFile, TextBuffer);
    TextLen := PrepareTheString(TextBuffer, TextPara) + 1;
    TextPara := Concat(' ', TextPara);
    if TextLen < MaxParLen - 2 then
      MatchCount1 := NGramMatch(TextPara, SearchStr, SearchStrLen, NGram1Len, MaxMatch1);
      MatchCount2 := NGramMatch(TextPara, SearchStr, SearchStrLen, NGram2Len, MaxMatch2);
      Similarity := 100.0 * (MatchCount1 + MatchCount2) / (MaxMatch1 + MaxMatch2);
      if Similarity > BestSim then
        BestSim := Similarity;
      if Similarity >= Treshold then
        Writeln('[', Similarity, '] ', TextBuffer);
    Writeln('Paragraph too long');
if BestSim < Treshold then
  Writeln('No match; Best Match was ', BestSim);

  Writeln('| Fuzzy Search in Information Retrieval |');
  Writeln('|         (C) 1997 Reinhard Rapp           |');
  Write('Name of file to search in: ');
  Write('Search string: ');
  SearchStr := Concat(' ', InputStr, ' ');
  Write('Minimum hit quality in % : ');
  if (Treshold > 0) and (Treshold <= 100) and (SearchStr < > '') and (Filename < > '') then
    Assign(InFile, Filename);
    FuzzyMatching(SearchStr, Treshold, InFile);

Solve 3:

unit FuzzyMatch;

{This unit provides a basic 'fuzzy match' index on how alike two strings are
     The result is of type 'single': near 0 - poor match
                                     near 1 - close match
     The intention is that HowAlike(s1,s2)=HowAlike(s2,s1)
     The Function is not case sensitive}


uses sysutils;

function HowAlike(s1, s2: string): single;


function instr(start: integer; ToSearch, ToFind: string): integer;
  //This is a quick implementation of the VB InStr, since Pos just doesn't do what is needed!!
  //NB - case sensitive!!
  if start > 1 then
    Delete(ToSearch, 1, start - 1);
  result := pos(ToFind, ToSearch);
  if (result > 0) and (start > 1) then
    inc(result, start);

function HowAlike(s1, s2: string): single;
  l1, l2, pass, position, size, foundpos, maxscore: integer;
  score, scored, string1pos, string2pos, bestmatchpos: single;
  swapstring, searchblock: string;
  s1 := Uppercase(trim(s1));
  s2 := Uppercase(trim(s2));

  score := 0;
  maxscore := 0;
  scored := 0;

  //deal with zero length strings...
  if (s1 = '') and (s2 = '') then
    result := 1;
  else if (s1 = '') or (s2 = '') then
    result := 0;

  //why perform any mathematics is the result is clear?
  if s1 = s2 then
    result := 1;

  //make two passes,
  //     with s1 and s2 each way round to ensure
  //     consistent results
  for pass := 1 to 2 do
    l1 := length(s1);
    l2 := length(s2);
    for size := l1 downto 1 do
      for position := 1 to (l1 - size + 1) do
        //try to find implied block in the other string
        //Big blocks score much better than small blocks
        searchblock := copy(s1, position, size);
        foundpos := pos(searchblock, s2);

        if size = l1 then
          string1pos := 0.5
          string1pos := (position - 1) / (l1 - size);

        if foundpos > 0 then
          //the string is in somewhere in there
          //    - find the 'closest' one.
          bestmatchpos := -100; //won't find anything that far away!

            if size = l2 then
              string2pos := 0.5
              string2pos := (foundpos - 1) / (l2 - size);

            //If this closer than the previous best?
            if abs(string2pos - string1pos) < abs(bestmatchpos - string1pos) then
              bestmatchpos := string2pos;

            foundpos := instr(foundpos + 1, s2, searchblock);
          until foundpos = 0; //loop while foundpos>0..

          //The closest position is now known: Score it!
          //Score as follows: (1-distance of best match)
          score := score + (1 - abs(string1pos - bestmatchpos));

        //Keep track if the maximum possible score

      end; //for position..
    end; //for size..

    if pass = 1 then
      //swap the strings around
      swapstring := s1;
      s1 := s2;
      s2 := swapstring;

    //Each pass is weighted equally

    scored := scored + (0.5 * (score / maxscore));
    score := 0;
    maxscore := 0;
  end; //for pass..

  result := scored;

Solve 4:

A Delphi implementation of the Levenshtein Distance Algorithm

unit Levenshtein;

{Objeto que calcula la distancia de Levenshtein entre 2 cadenas.
Alvaro Jeria Madariaga. 04/10/2002


  sysutils, Math;

  Tdistance = class(TObject)
    function minimum(a, b, c: Integer): Integer;
    function LD(s, t: string): Integer;


function Tdistance.minimum(a, b, c: Integer): Integer;
  mi: Integer;
  mi := a;
  if (b < mi) then
    mi := b;
  if (c < mi) then
    mi := c;
  Result := mi;

function Tdistance.LD(s, t: string): Integer;
  d: array of array of Integer;
  n, m, i, j, costo: Integer;
  s_i, t_j: char;
  n := Length(s);
  m := Length(t);
  if (n = 0) then
    Result := m;
  if m = 0 then
    Result := n;
  setlength(d, n + 1, m + 1);
  for i := 0 to n do
    d[i, 0] := i;
  for j := 0 to m do
    d[0, j] := j;
  for i := 1 to n do
    s_i := s[i];
    for j := 1 to m do
      t_j := t[j];
      if s_i = t_j then
        costo := 0
        costo := 1;
      d[i, j] := Minimum(d[i - 1][j] + 1, d[i][j - 1] + 1, d[i - 1][j - 1] + costo);
  Result := d[n, m];


2010. október 11., hétfő

MessageDlg hidden by main form (XP only)


When calling MessageDlg (and also on certain TForm forms on calling showModal) the dialog sometimes pops up under the main form, on Windows XP systems. This does not appear to affect other operating systems.


Setting HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ForegroundLockTimeout=0 seems to fix the problem... but WHY? According to MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/WinUI/WindowsUserInterface/Windowing/Windows/WindowReference/WindowFunctions/SetForegroundWindow.asp) the new window should be able to go to the foreground if the process is the foreground process. The process was started by the foreground process. The process received the last input event. There is no foreground process. The foreground process is being debugged. The foreground is not locked (see LockSetForegroundWindow). The foreground lock time-out has expired (see SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT in SystemParametersInfo). Windows 2000/XP: No menus are active.

Ok, well having checked the last point there, calling Application.ProcessMessages before popping up the dialog fixes the problem!

This solution taken from the DOMAJ forum: http://www.domaj.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=348

2010. október 10., vasárnap

Case statement that *accepts* string values


You've probably tried providing a Case statement with string type selector expression, to find out that it only takes ordinal types (which string is not).

The following function enables you to use the Case statement with string type variables:


function StringToCaseSelect
(Selector : string;
CaseList: array of string): Integer;
var cnt: integer;
for cnt:=0 to Length(CaseList)-1 do
if CompareText(Selector, CaseList[cnt]) = 0 then


case StringToCaseSelect('Delphi',
['About','Borland','Delphi']) of
0:ShowMessage('You''ve picked About') ;
1:ShowMessage('You''ve picked Borland') ;
2:ShowMessage('You''ve picked Delphi') ;

2010. október 9., szombat

Create data-aware components


How to create data-aware components


This document describes minimal steps necessary to create a data-aware browsing component that displays data for a single field. The example component is a panel with DataSource and DataField properties similar to the TDBText component. See the Component Writer's Guide "Making a Control Data-Aware" for further examples.

Basic steps to create a data-browsing component

Create or derive a component that allows the display, but not the entry of data. For instance, you could use a TMemo with ReadOnly set to true. In the example outlined in this document, we'll use a TCustomPanel. The TCustomPanel will allow display, but not data entry.

Add a data-link object to your component. This object manages communication between the component and the database table.
Add DataField and DataSource properties to the component.
Add methods to get and set the DataField and DataSource.
Add a DataChange method the component to handle the data-link object's OnDataChange event.
Override the component constructor to create the datalink and hook up the DataChange method.
Override the component destructor to cleanup the datalink.

Creating the TDBPanel

Create or derive a component that allows the display, but not the entry of data. We'll be using a TCustomPanel as a starting point for this example.

Choose the appropriate menu option to create a new component (this will vary between editions of Delphi), and specify TDBPanel as the class name, and TCustomPanel as the Ancestor type. You may specify any palette page.

Add DB and DBTables to your Uses clause.

Add a data-link object to the components private section. This example will display data for a single field, so we will use a TFieldDataLink to provide the connection between our new component and a DataSource. Name the new data-link object FDataLink. Example:

FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;

Add DataField and DataSource properties to the component. We will add supporting code for the get and set methods in following steps. Note: Our new component will have DataField and DataSource properties and FDataLink will also have its own DataField and Datasource properties. Example:


property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField;
property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;

Add private methods to get and set the DataField and DataSource property values to and from the DataField and DataSource for FDataLink. Example:

FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;

function GetDataField: string;
function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
procedure SetDataField(const Value: string);
procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);


function TDBPanel.GetDataField: string;
  Result := FDataLink.FieldName;

function TDBPanel.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
  Result := FDataLink.DataSource;

procedure TDBPanel.SetDataField(const Value: string);
  FDataLink.FieldName := Value;

procedure TDBPanel.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
  FDataLink.DataSource := Value;

Add a private DataChange method to be assigned to the datalink's OnDataChange event. In the DataChange method add code to display actual database field data provided by the data-link object. In this example, we assign FDataLink's field value to the panel's caption. Example:


procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject);


procedure TDBPanel.DataChange(Sender: TObject);
  if FDataLink.Field = nil then
    Caption := '';
  Caption := FDataLink.Field.AsString;

Override the component constructor Create method. In the implementation of Create, create the FDataLink object, and assign the private DataChange method to FDataLink's OnDataChange event. Example:


constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;


constructor TMyDBPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
  FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange;

Override the component destructor Destroy method. In the implementation of Destroy, set OnDataChange to nil (avoids a GPF), and free FDatalink. Example:


destructor Destroy; override;


destructor TDBPanel.Destroy;
  FDataLink.OnDataChange := nil;
  inherited Destroy;

Save the unit and install the component (see the Users Guide, and the Component Writers Guide for more on saving units and installing components).

To test the functionality of the component, add a TTable, TDatasource, TDBNavigator and TDBPanel to a form. Set the TTable DatabaseName and Tablename to 'DBDemos' and 'BioLife', and the Active property to True. Set the TDatasource Dataset property to Table1. Set the TDBNavigator and TDBPanel DataSource property to Datasource1. The TDBpanel DataField name should be set as 'Common_Name'. Run the application and use the navigator to move between records to demonstrate the TDBPanel's ability to detect the change in data and display the appropriate field value.

Full source listing:

unit Mydbp;


  SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics,
  Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, DB, DBTables;

  TDBPanel = class(TCustomPanel)
    FDataLink: TFieldDataLink;
    function GetDataField: string;
    function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
    procedure SetDataField(const Value: string);
    procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
    procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject);

    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField;
    property DataSource: TdataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource;

procedure Register;


procedure Register;
  RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDBPanel]);

function TDBPanel.GetDataField: string;
  Result := FDataLink.FieldName;

function TDBPanel.GetDataSource: TDataSource;
  Result := FDataLink.DataSource;

procedure TDBPanel.SetDataField(const Value: string);
  FDataLink.FieldName := Value;

procedure TDBPanel.SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource);
  FDataLink.DataSource := Value;

procedure TDBPanel.DataChange(Sender: TObject);
  if FDataLink.Field = nil then
    Caption := ''
    Caption := FDataLink.Field.AsString;

constructor TDBPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
  FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange;

destructor TDBPanel.Destroy;
  FDataLink.OnDataChange := nil;
  inherited Destroy;


2010. október 8., péntek

Beep/Sound in Delphi


Beep/Sound in Delphi


The following assembler Routines implement sound output via port access and work therefore only with Win3.x and Win95/98. Simply call Sound(hz) with hz as frequency in Hz, and stop the sound output with NoSound().

If your application will run under Windows NT, you may use the operating system routine:

Windows.Beep(Frequency, Duration);

function InPort(PortAddr: word): byte; assembler; stdcall;
  mov dx,PortAddr
  in al,dx

procedure OutPort(PortAddr: word; Databyte: byte); assembler; stdcall;
  mov al,Databyte
  mov dx,PortAddr
  out dx,al

procedure Sound(Hz: Word);
  TmpW: Word;
  OutPort($43, 182);
  TmpW := InPort($61);
  OutPort($61, TmpW or 3);
  OutPort($42, lo(1193180 div hz));
  OutPort($42, hi(1193180 div hz));

procedure NoSound;
  TmpW: Word;
  OutPort($43, 182);
  TmpW := InPort($61);
  OutPort($61, TmpW and 3);

2010. október 7., csütörtök

TIniFile ini files are limited to 64KB - how to go beyond 64KB


TIniFile ini files are limited to 64KB - how to go beyond 64KB


The TIniFile class uses the Windows API which imposes a limit of 64KB on INI files. If you need to store more than 64KB of data, you may want to use TMemIniFile instead. TMemIniFile does not have a limit of 64KB.


Remember to call the UpdateFile() method when you need the data to be written to disk: it does not do that automatically.

2010. október 6., szerda

How to check if a date exists


Is there a possibility to check if a date exists (e.g. 35.3.2001)?


function DateExists(Date: string; Separator: char): Boolean;
  OldDateSeparator: Char;
  Result := True;
  OldDateSeparator := DateSeparator;
  DateSeparator := Separator;
      Result := False;
    DateSeparator := OldDateSeparator;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  if DateExists('35.3.2001', '.') then
    {your code}

2010. október 5., kedd

BDE error codes by code


Show/generate the BDE errors list.


The list of errors of the BDE, we can obtain it investigating a little in the file bde.int
There we will see that the error codes are composed of a value ' base' and of an offset.

Here you have an invention to generate your listing of errors of the BDE:

Add 'dbiprocs' in the uses of your form
Put a TRichEdit (RE1)
And put this in the OnClick of a TButton:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Bases:array [1..24] of integer=(
   ErrorTexto:array [0..DBIMAXMSGLEN+1] of char;
  for i:=1 to 24 do
    for n:=0 to 255 do
      if ErrorTexto<>'' then
        Re1.Lines.Add('$'+IntToHex(ErrorCod,4)+' ('+
                      IntToStr(ErrorCod)+') = '+ErrorTexto);

2010. október 4., hétfő

How to define the client area of a window


Is it possible to define (set the size and position) of a window's client area (without resizing the window itself)? What I want to do is increase the non-client area to get more space to paint my own custom borders around a window. I want this to be reflected to the client area so that my border is protected from anything that goes on in the client area (painting, scrolling etc.).


You have to handle the WM_NCCALCSIZE message on your form. See win32.hlp for details. The following example handler for a TListBox descendent excludes some space for a header bar from the listboxes client area:

procedure THeaderListbox.wmnccalcsize(var msg: TWMNCCALCSIZE);
  if msg.CalcValidRects then
    with msg.CalcSize_Params^.rgrc[0] do
      top := top + Itemheight + 4;

I hope you know how to define a message handler in the class declaration.

2010. október 3., vasárnap

An approach to implement alternative C/S-like database solutions without having a C/S engine


An approach to implement alternative C/S-like database solutions without having a C/S engine


I just came from a successful demo to our client. I used ASTA as my messaging middleware together with DBISAM. I did not use the ASTADBISAM server, just the plain ASTAServerSocket.

Here's what I did: The main concept is that only the ASTAServer socket writes to the database tables. All the data that needed to be written come from the ASTA clients and received by ASTAServer socket which writes these information into the database. The Database Tables on the Server machine are shared across all clients as READ-ONLY. All my ASTAClient applications synchronizes the lookup tables through a shared file access and not trhough ASTA. These took advantage of the LAN situation. We tested with 40 clients connected (ASTA client and shared READ-ONLY), the database flies! I avoided using ClientDataSets and AstaClientDataSets. Then we began pulling the plug on some of the Client Machines, and never was there any corruption on the main data.

I am excited because all of the client programs behave as if they are all acting like a single-user local connections! With 40 online connections, it takes under a second to retrieve and post hundreds of detail records from the server, and 40 users doing all of it at the same time!

Now I am at a point of optimizing between a LAN (shared read-only database, TCP/IP write by AstaServerSocket) and a pure TCP/IP connectivity. I am trying to create a client program that will take advantage of a LAN connection whenever available (right now, this is set manually during the initial setup of the client program).

So are you saying that you are reading the data from the clients using standard DBISAM table and/or query components, then writing changes back to the database through ASTA? Can you give us a more concrete example of how you set this up?

The clients are reading the data read-only from a shared folder. Then they are modified on the temporary tables on the client side, then only the modified portions (deltas) are sent to the AstaServer through a coded paramlist. The Astaserver receives the coded paramlist and depending upon the code, parse the data into destination tables for updates or writes, inserts, appends, deletes. One thing nice, is I can code everything on the Server side through tables and filters, wrap it around transactions, and never have to worry about corruption anymore. It is the server which does the actual writing to the shared data. This way, no client would be able to delete the data by accident on the shared folder. Only the server has the wread/write access to the data. Only occassionally I have to send data back to the clients, through coded paramlist via the socket components, that is only when they are registered to be on a modem line. Otherwise, if they are on a LAN, it is always faster for the clients to read the shared tables from a READ-ONLY folder, because the client's computer can do their own individual buffering of the database tables at a far greater capacity and efficiency than routing everything through the socket layer. With respect to security, the password table on the sahred folder is encrypted with DBISAM's own encryption, but not only that, the data contents of fields themselves are individually encrypted with my own encryption, so no one is able to get passwords and user id, they may be able to get the password's table and read the data structure but not the contents which would remain garbled unless they know how to decrypt them using my own algo. This is very good security for me.

My setup was creating the data on the Win2000 server, then it is shared as read-only. Since the AstaServer resides on the Win2000, it is the only program that has direct read/ write privileges to the data unless you set it otherwise.

Here are samples of my client-side codes sent to the server from the client's temporary tables. The whole process really works at lightning speed.

procedure TDML.PostMTO(const aMTONO: integer; aNewStatus, aHeaders, aNotes: string);
  lnstr: string;
  MTOParams, RetParams: TAstaParamList;
  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
  RetParams := TAstaParamList.Create;
  MTOParams := TAstaParamList.Create;
    LoadTmpList(pvMTmpList, pvWTmpList);
    MTOParams[0].Name := UserLoginID;
    MTOParams[0].AsInteger := aMTONO;
    MTOParams[1].Name := aNewStatus;
    MTOParams[1].AsString := aHeaders;
    RetParams := AstaClientSocket1.SendGetCodedParamList(2100, MTOParams);
    lnstr := RetParams[0].AsString;
    ShowMessage('MTO successfully posted at server time: ' + lnstr);
    Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

And here is how a server could receive them and call the server's datamodule to write:

procedure TIsoFabForm.AstaServerSocket1CodedParamList(Sender: TObject;
  ClientSocket: TCustomWinSocket; MsgID: Integer; Params: TAstaParamList);
  i: integer;
  TmpStr, TmpStr2, ErrMsg, aUserID: string;
  MList, WList: TStringList;
  case MsgID of
    2100: {Post MTO}
        aUserID := Params[0].Name;
        i := Params[0].AsInteger; {MTONo}
        MList := TStringList.Create;
        WList := TStringList.Create;
          MList.Text := Params[3].Text;
          WList.Text := Params[4].Text;
          DMServer.PostMTO(i, aUserID, Params[1].Name, Params[1].AsString,
            MList, WList, True);
          AstaServerSocket1.SendCodedParamList(ClientSocket, MsgID, Params);

procedure TDMServer.PostMTO(const cMTONO: integer; aUserID, aNewStatus, aHeader,
  aNotes: string; var MList, WList: TStringList; BalanceStock: boolean);

  procedure PostItHere(const aTbl: TDBISAMTable; var aList: TStringList);
    i, deltarecs: integer;
    lnstr: string;
    aTbl.IndexName := 'MTONO';
    aTbl.SetRange([cMTONo], [cMTONO]);
    DeltaRecs := aList.Count - aTbl.RecordCount;
    if DeltaRecs > 0 then
      for i := 1 to DeltaRecs do
        aTbl.FieldByName('MTONO').AsInteger := cMTONO;
    if DeltaRecs < 0 then
      for i := 1 to -DeltaRecs do
    for i := 0 to aList.Count - 1 do
      lnstr := aList[i];
      aTbl.FieldByName('ItemNo').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);
      aTbl.FieldByName('QCode').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);
      aTbl.FieldByName('QtyNeed').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);
      aTbl.FieldByName('QtyRel').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);
      aTbl.FieldByName('QtyScraps').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);
      aTbl.FieldByName('UnitCostRel').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);
      aTbl.FieldByName('TagNo').AsString := GetLeftWord(lnstr, #9);

  if cMTONO <= 0 then
  if not DB1.InTransaction then
  MTOMain.IndexName := 'MTONO';
  if not MTOMain.FindKey([cMTONO]) then
    MTOMain.FieldByName('MTONo').AsInteger := cMTONO;
  GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9); {discard first column which is MTONO}
  MTOMain.FieldByName('Status').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('Project').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('Customer').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('ToolOrLateral').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('JobNo').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('SubJob').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DwgNo').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('SpoolNo').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('System').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('MaterialCode').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('LaborCode').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DateNeeded').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DateBuilt').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DateShipped').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DateDrawn').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DateRevised').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('DateRecvd').AsString := GetLeftWord(aHeader, #9);
  MTOMain.FieldByName('SubmittedBy').AsString := aUserID;
  MTOMain.FieldByName('Notes').AsString := aNotes;
  if (BalanceStock) and (MTOMain.FieldByName('Status').AsString <> 'DS') then
    RecomputeMTO(cMTONO, False); {subtract existing MTO Items}
  PostItHere(MTOItems, MList);
  PostItHere(WeldItems, WList);
  if BalanceStock then
    RecomputeMTO(cMTONO, True); {add to stock New MTO Items}
  if DB1.InTransaction then

And of course, here is my versatile GetLeftWord function that can successively parse a given string into individual datafields or values:

function GetLeftWord(var ASentence: string; ADelimiter: char): string;
  i: integer;
  Result := '';
  i := Pos(ADelimiter, ASentence);
  if i = 0 then
    Result := Trim(ASentence);
    ASentence := '';
  if i = 1 then
    Result := ''
    Result := trim(Copy(ASentence, 1, i - 1));
  Delete(ASentence, 1, i);

I also made intensive use of routines like this to update any table, just pass it a series of strings:

procedure TDMServer.UpdateTable(var aTbl: TDBISAMTable; anIndexField, aFieldStr:
  anIndexValue, fldname, fldvalue: string;
  aTbl.IndexName := anIndexField;
  anIndexValue := GetLeftWord(aFieldStr, #9);
  if aTbl.FindKey([anIndexValue]) then
    aTbl.FieldByName(anIndexField).AsString := anIndexValue;
  while aFieldStr < > '' do
    fldname := GetLeftWord(aFieldStr, #9);
    fldvalue := GetLeftWord(aFieldStr, #9);
    if fldname = 'CDT' then
      aTbl.FieldByName(fldname).AsString := fldvalue;
  aTbl.FieldByName('CDT').AsDateTime := Now;

That's a very interesting approach and I can see how it could speed things up yet still give you the data integrity you look for with a client server approach. I can also see where it could simplify some of the typical c/s user interface issues as well. For instance you could let a client open an entire table, then view and scroll through the data in a grid component without having to send all of that data through the pipeline. Obviously you wouldn't want your remote clients to do that, but such screens could easily be limited to only the people connected via LAN. It would also allow multiple large queries to run simultaneously (such as for reports) without slowing up everything else. If the main objective is server side control of data (such as enforcement of business rules) and elimination of corruption then this technique should work very well.

2010. október 2., szombat

How to implement TCollection.SaveToStream


I need to implement a streaming capability for a TCollection class object. Is there anyone who knows how to do it?


I do it via the following two utility procedures:

procedure ReadCollection(s: TStream; c: TCollection);
  Reader: TReader;
  Reader := TReader.Create(s, 1024);
    Reader.ReadValue; {collection marker}

procedure WriteCollection(s: TStream; c: TCollection);
  Writer: TWriter;
  Writer := TWriter.Create(s, 1024);

Both procedures assume that the stream has been created and positioned correctly.

2010. október 1., péntek

Ms Access LastinsertID


Ever wondered how to retrieve the last insert id in MsAccess, of the autoincrement field from a table.


We have a table in MsAccess like :

Test, Fields (id=autoinc, name=text);

First we have to have a function like the one below :

function GetLastInsertID: integer;

  // datResult = TADODataSet

  datResult.Active := False;
  datResult.CommandText := 'select @@IDENTITY as [ID]';
  datResult.Active := True;

  Result := datResult.FieldByName('id').AsInteger;

  datResult.Active := False;


Now before getting the last inserted record record id = autoincrement field, in other words calling the above function. You have to do a SQL insert like the following

procedure InsertRec;

  // datCommand = TADOCommand

  datCommand.CommandText := 'insert into [test] ( [name] ) values ( "Test" )';


Now if we like to know which is the last autoinc value ( notice that the getlastinsertid proc. only works after the insertrec proc)

procedure Test;
  Showmessage(format('lastinsertid : %d', [GetLastInsertID]));

Hope you can make this work, it works for me, any questions feel free to ask