2006. február 28., kedd

Writing wave files to disk


How do i write a wave file?


  TPCMWaveHeader = record
    rID: array[0..3] of char; { 'RIFF' Identifier }
    rLen: longint;
    wID: array[0..3] of char; { 'WAVE' Identifier }
    fId: array[0..3] of char; { 'fmt ' Identifier }
    fLen: longint; { Fixed, must be 16 }
    wFormatTag: word; { Fixed, must be 1 }
    nChannels: word; { Mono=1, Stereo=2 }
    nSamplesPerSec: longint; { SampleRate in Hertz }
    nAvgBytesPerSec: longint;
    nBlockAlign: word;
    nBitsPerSample: word; { Resolution, e.g. 8 or 16 }
    dId: array[0..3] of char; { 'data' Identifier }
    dLen: longint; { Number of following data bytes }

procedure WritePCMWaveFile(Filename: string; Resolution, Channels, Samplerate,
  Samples: integer; Data: Pointer);
  h: TPCMWaveHeader;
  f: file;
  databytes: integer;
  DataBytes := Samples;
  DataBytes := DataBytes * Channels; { double if stereo }
  DataBytes := DataBytes * (Resolution div 8); { double if 16 Bit }

  FillChar(h, SizeOf(TPCMWaveHeader), #0);
  with h do
    rID[0] := 'R';
    rID[1] := 'I';
    rID[2] := 'F';
    rID[3] := 'F'; { 1st identifier }
    rLen := DataBytes + 36;
    wID[0] := 'W';
    wID[1] := 'A';
    wID[2] := 'V';
    wID[3] := 'E'; { 2nd identifier }
    fId[0] := 'f';
    fId[1] := 'm';
    fId[2] := 't';
    fID[3] := Chr($20); { 3rdidentifier ends with a space character }
    fLen := $10; { Fixed, must be 16 }
    wFormatTag := 1; { Fixed, must be 1 }
    nChannels := Channels; { Channels }
    nSamplesPerSec := SampleRate; { Sample rate in Hertz }
    nAvgBytesPerSec := SampleRate * Channels * trunc(Resolution div 8);
    nBlockAlign := Channels * (Resolution div 8); { Byte order, see below }
    nBitsPerSample := Resolution;
    dId[0] := 'd';
    dId[1] := 'a';
    dId[2] := 't';
    dId[3] := 'a'; { Data identifier }
    dLen := DataBytes; { number of following data bytes }
  AssignFile(f, filename);
  ReWrite(f, 1);
  BlockWrite(f, h, SizeOf(h));
  BlockWrite(f, pbytearray(data), databytes);
  { The rest of the file is the wave data. Order is low-high for left channel,
      low-high for right channel, and so on.
      For mono or 8 bit files make the respective changes. }

2006. február 27., hétfő

How to retrieve the version stamp of a file


How do you retrieve the version stamp of a file? I'm getting real tired of setting versions in the Delphi Project | Options dialog box and then defining a (redundant) constant for use in my Help | About boxes !


Solve 1:

procedure TfrmSplash.GetBuildInfo(var v1, v2, v3, v4: Word);
  VerInfoSize: DWord;
  VerInfo: Pointer;
  VerValueSize: DWord;
  VerValue: PVSFixedFileInfo;
  Dummy: DWord;
  VerInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(Application.ExeName), dummy);
  GetMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);
  GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(Application.ExeName), 0, VerInfoSize, VerInfo);
  VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\', Pointer(VerValue), VerValueSize);
  with VerValue^ do
    v1 := dwFileVersionMS shr 16;
    v2 := dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF;
    v3 := dwFileVersionLS shr 16;
    v4 := dwFileVersionLS and $FFFF;
  FreeMem(VerInfo, VerInfoSize);

function TfrmSplash.GetBuildInfoString: string;
  v1, v2, v3, v4: Word;
  GetBuildInfo(v1, v2, v3, v4);
  Result := Format('%d.%d.%d  (Build %d)', [v1, v2, v3, v4]);

Solve 2:

This function should do it.

  Windows, SysUtils, { ... };

function GetFileVersion(const Filename: string): string;
  VerInfSize, Sz: Cardinal;
  VerInfo: Pointer;
  FxFileInfo: PVSFixedFileInfo;

  function MSLSToString(MS, LS: DWORD): string;
    Result := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d', [MS shr 16, MS and $FFFF, LS shr 16, LS and

  Result := '';
  if FileExists(Filename) then
    VerInfSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PCHAR(Filename), Sz);
    if VerInfSize > 0 then
      VerInfo := Allocmem(VerInfSize);
        GetFileVersionInfo(PCHAR(Filename), 0, VerInfSize, VerInfo);
        VerQueryValue(VerInfo, '\\', POINTER(FxFileInfo), Sz);
        if Sz > 0 then
          Result := MSLSToString(FxFileInfo^.dwFileVersionMS,

Solve 3:

  TFileVersionInfo = record
      fComments: string;

  FileVersionInfo: TFileVersionInfo

procedure GetAllFileVersionInfo(FileName: string);
{ proc to get all version info from a file. }
  Buf: PChar;
  fInfoSize: DWord;

  procedure InitVersion;
    FileNamePtr: PChar;
    with FileVersionInfo do
      FileNamePtr := PChar(FileName);
      fInfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(FileNamePtr, fInfoSize);
      if fInfoSize > 0 then
        ReAllocMem(Buf, fInfoSize);
        GetFileVersionInfo(FileNamePtr, 0, fInfoSize, Buf);

  function GetVersion(What: string): string;
    tmpVersion: string;
    Len: Dword;
    Value: PChar;
    Result := 'Not defined';
    if fInfoSize > 0 then
      SetLength(tmpVersion, 200);
      Value := @tmpVersion;
      { If you are not using an English OS, then replace the language and
                        codepage identifier with the correct one. English (U.S.) is 0409 (language)
                        and 04E4 (codepage). See CodePage Identifiers and Language Identifiers in
                        the Win32 help file for info. }
      if VerQueryValue(Buf, PChar('StringFileInfo\040904E4\' + What), Pointer(Value),
        Len) then
        Result := Value;

  Buf := nil;
  with FileVersionInfo do
    fCompanyName := GetVersion('CompanyName');
    fFileDescription := GetVersion('FileDescription');
    fFileVersion := GetVersion('FileVersion');
    fInternalName := GetVersion('InternalName');
    fLegalCopyRight := GetVersion('LegalCopyRight');
    fLegalTradeMark := GetVersion('LegalTradeMark');
    fOriginalFileName := GetVersion('OriginalFileName');
    fProductName := GetVersion('ProductName');
    fProductVersion := GetVersion('ProductVersion');
    fComments := GetVersion('Comments');
  if Buf <> nil then

To use it just call it like


Solve 4:

Call GetVersionDetails and specify the filename.

{ ... }

  pTransArrar = ^TTransArrar;
  TTransArrar = record
    wLanugageID: Word;
    wCharacterSet: Word;

function DecodeTranslationInfo(Buffer: TTransArrar): string;
  Result := IntToHex(Buffer.wLanugageID, 4) + IntToHex(Buffer.wCharacterSet, 4);

function GetVersionDetails(Filename: string; const LookupString: string =
  'FileVersion'): string;
  ID: DWord;
  iStructSize: DWord;
  p: PChar;
  pbuf: Pointer;
  plen: DWord;
  ResponseString: string;
  {get the size of the fileinfo structure}
  iStructSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(Filename), ID);
  {allocate memory to hold file info data structure}
  p := stralloc(iStructSize);
  {retrieve file version details}
  ResponseString := '';
  if GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(Filename), 0, istructSize, p) then
    if VerQueryValue(p, pchar('\VarFileInfo\Translation'), pbuf, plen) then
      if VerQueryValue(p, pchar('\StringFileInfo\' +
        + '\' + LookupString), pbuf, plen) then
        ResponseString := PChar(pbuf);
  Result := ResponseString;

Solve 5:

This functions returns the version as a string.

function GetFileVersion(FileName: string): string;
  ResourceSize: Integer;
  ResourceBuffer: PChar;
  GetData: Boolean;
  Ignore: THandle;
  InfoPtr: Pointer;
  VerSize: Cardinal;
  Major, Minor, Rleas, Build, Hex: string;
  ResourceSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(FileName), Ignore);
  if ResourceSize > 0 then
    {You need to allocate the ResourceBuffer before you can fillchar it}
    GetMem(ResourceBuffer, ResourceSize);
    GetData := GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(FileName), Ignore, ResourceSize,
    if GetData then
      GetData := VerQueryValue(ResourceBuffer, '\', InfoPtr, VerSize);
      if GetData then
        Move(InfoPtr^, FileInfo, sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO));
        Hex := IntToHex(FileInfo.dwFileVersionMS, 8) +
          IntToHex(FileInfo.dwFileVersionLS, 8);
        Major := '$' + Copy(Hex, 1, 4);
        Minor := '$' + Copy(Hex, 5, 4);
        Rleas := '$' + Copy(Hex, 9, 4);
        Build := '$' + Copy(Hex, 13, 4);
        Result := IntToStr(StrToInt(Major)) + '.' + IntToStr(StrToInt(Minor)) + '.'
          + IntToStr(StrToInt(Rleas)) + '.' + IntToStr(StrToInt(Build));
        Result := '';
      Result := '';
    {need this because you allocated it up above}
    Result := '';

2006. február 26., vasárnap

Runtime errors during loading of an application


A short detective story of strange runtime errors in Delphi


The Crime

&#8220;It was a nice day when if happened. Everything worked fine. I just had to replace one 3rd-party component. Everything compiled with the new version. The problem started when I tried to run the application with the new components. When the application started, it shot-out a fatal runtime error 217, no matter what I did. Compiling the application with or without runtime packages had no affect, nor did including or excluding debug info. Whatever I did, I got the same message.&#8221;

The Plot Thickens

The first thing I did was to check what is runtime error 217. Guess what &#8211; in Delphi help, it is written &#8220;EControlC is the exception class for Ctrl+C key presses in console applications.&#8221;
Well, this explanation does not provide any help, for a number of reasons:

The application is not a console application, but a GUI application.
Who the hell did press Ctrl+C ???

The investigation

First, I tried to place a break point in the dpr file.

The code is:

  Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain);
  Application.CreateForm(TdmReoprtObj, dmReoprtObj);

When I placed the break point on the &#8220;Begin&#8221; line, the application reached that line.
When I placed the break point on the next line &#8211; &#8220;Application.Initialize&#8221;, the application did not reach that line.

Second, I tried to compile the application without runtime packages, with the hope that Delphi will point me to the offensive code, like Delphi does most of the time. This time was one of those times Delphi decided not to help. I had to find the problem my self.

Third, after some consultations, we (I and other code &#8216;detectives&#8217;) decided to go to broth force. We paced breakpoints everywhere - In the start of every initialization section in any unit. Here we found the problem.

When I replaced the 3rd-party component, the new version added a new class to the game, lets call it TOffecsiveClass. The 3rd-party component also registered the class:


In my code, we had another class, named also TOffecsiveClass, that was registered using the same function.
The result was that we registered the same class twice, there for getting an exception in the initialization section of a unit.


Runtime error 217 is not a Ctrl+C console application error.
If you have an exception in the initialization or finalization sections of a unit, don&#8217;t expect to get a nice message. Most likely, you&#8217;ll get a runtime error (216 or 217).
If you get runtime errors during the loading of the application, or during the shutdown of it, check the initialization and finalization sections.

2006. február 25., szombat

How to select a sound card for the TMediaPlayer when two sound cards are installed


How to select a sound card for the TMediaPlayer when two sound cards are installed


procedure send(name: string; out: integer; );
  with MediaPlayer1 do
      filename := name;
      lpset.wOutput := out; {number of the sound card. zero through number of outputs-1}
      mciSendCommand(DeviceID, MCI_SET, MCI_WAVE_OUTPUT, longint(@lpset));
      on EMCIDeviceError do
        statusbar := '[OUTPUT FAILED]:' + IntToStr(out);

Note that for MIDI files the right command to pass to MCI is related to the sequencer port, not to the wave port, so the following adjustments have to be made:


  {number of the sound card. zero thru number of outputs-1}
  lpset.dwPort := mydeviceid;
  mciSendCommand(DeviceID, MCI_SET, MCI_SEQ_SET_PORT, longint(@lpset));

2006. február 24., péntek

Something missing about packages


Packages are a great feature of Delphi. You can put not only components into packages but also everything you want. This way you can build modular, customizable applications.
Many programmers do not use packages because they modify VCL units and they do not have VCL packages source code in order to rebuild them.



Packages are a great feature of Delphi. You can put not only components into packages but also everything you want. This way you can build modular, customizable applications.
Many programmers do not use packages because they modify VCL units and they do not have VCL packages source code in order to rebuild them.
In this article you will find instructions for using packages anytime, anywhere.

How do packages work

By default, when you compile your project every VCL unit required by your project is compiled into the generated .EXE file. This way a simple Delphi project has at least 300 KB. If you modify one line of one unit then you need to recompile the entire project. These kinds of applications are difficult to modularize. If you have more than one application running on the same computer then you are consuming more RAM than you need.
If you select Project | Options and go to the Packages tab you can instruct Delphi to use Runtime packages.
This way the .EXE file size decrease because the VCL units are not compiled into it. Using runtime packages VCL units are kept into VCL packages and you need to distribute them with your .EXE file. VCL packages have the .BPL extension and they are a special kind of dynamic link libraries (DLL). Delphi installs .BPL files in Windows\System32 directory.
When you use runtime packages Delphi uses .DCP files to build the .EXE file. These .DCP files are to .DPK files (packages source code) what .DCU files are to .PAS files. When you build a package Delphi puts all the .DCU files into a single .DCP file. Then, when you compile a project that uses runtime packages Delphi uses the .DCP files instead of .PAS or .DCU files. So, what happened if you modify, for example, ActnList.pas. If you want to use runtime packages then you need to rebuild VCL package, which includes this unit. And because VCL package is required by almost all the other VCL packages, then you need to rebuild them all.

How can you rebuild all the VCL packages?

Delphi includes a package for user components. The name of this package is dlcusr.dpk and it is located in the Delphi\Lib directory. Open it. In the package editor you can see the Contains and Requires clauses. Select the Requires clause and if there is not any package do the following:

Click the Add button.
Type vcl.dcp in the package name edit control in the Add dialog box
Click the OK button.

Now select the vcl.dcp package or any other VCL package and right click on it. From the popup menu select Open.
The VCL package is generated and now you can build it. Because this is a generated package you need to save it with a different name. Now you can build your project using the new generated package.

Your own VCL packages

Delphi packages were built according to Delphi needs. Your application's needs could be different. Maybe you need different packages. VCL.BPL is a big file (1.3 MB or so). With this trick now you know in which package each unit lives. So you can create your own VCL packages containing only the VCL units your project use.

2006. február 23., csütörtök

Determine if a file is in use


I want to do some manipulation in a file and was wondering if there was a function, say IsFileInUse(filename), which will return true if another application/ process is accessing the file at that moment. I need to be able to delete the file and exchange it with another one.


Solve 1:

function IsFileInUse(path: string): Boolean;
  f: file;
  r: integer;
  r := -1;
  system.AssignFile(f, path);
  r := ioresult; {sm(ns(r));}
  {5 = access denied}
  if (r = 32) or (r = 5) then
    result := true
    result := false;
  if r = 0 then

Solve 2:

A few days ago I was asked how to tell if a given file is already being used by another application. Finding out if a file, given its name, is in use (open), is pretty simple. The process consists in trying to open the file for Exclusive Read/Write access. If the file is already in use, it will be locked (by the calling process) for exclusive access, and the call will fail.

Please note that some application do not lock the file when using it. One clear example of this is NOTEPAD. If you open a TXT file in Notepad, the file will not be locked, so the function below will report the file as not being in use.

The function below, IsFileInUse will return true if the file is locked for exclusive access. As it uses CreateFile, it would also fail if the file doesn't exists. In my opinion, a file that doesn't exist is a file that is not in use. That's why I added the FileExists call in the function. Anyway, here's the function:

function IsFileInUse(fName: string): boolean;
  HFileRes: HFILE;
  Result := false;
  if not FileExists(fName) then
  HFileRes := CreateFile(pchar(fName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
    0 {this is the trick!}, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0);
  Result := (HFileRes = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
  if not Result then
NOTE: The function will return false if the specified file doesn't exist, meaning that it is not in use and can be used for something else.

2006. február 22., szerda

Download file via HTTP and load in memo


Download file via HTTP and load in memo


This tip is based on you using NMHTTP component (FastNet).

  HTTP := TNMHTTP.Create(nil);
  Memo1.Lines := HTTP.Body;

2006. február 21., kedd

Read or write in the summary information of an Office document


How read or write in the summary information of an Offiche document ?


An Office document file is a structured storage file that an application can read with the StgOpenStorage function from the Windows API. This kind of file is made of storages and streams.
COM defines a standard common property set for storing summary information about document. This information is stored in a stream under the root storage. The following function shows how you can get the author property by giving a filename :

uses ActiveX, ComObj, SysUtils;

function GetSummaryInfAuthor(FileName: TFileName): string;
  PFileName: PWideChar;
  Storage: IStorage;
  PropSetStg: IPropertySetStorage;
  PropStg: IPropertyStorage;
  FMTID_SummaryInformation: TGUID = '{F29F85E0-4FF9-1068-AB91-08002B27B3D9}';
  PFileName := StringToOleStr(FileName);
    // Open compound storage
    OleCheck(StgOpenStorage(PFileName, nil, STGM_DIRECT or STGM_READ or
      STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, nil, 0, Storage));

  // Summary information is in a stream under the root storage
  PropSetStg := Storage as IPropertySetStorage;
  // Get the IPropertyStorage
  OleCheck(PropSetStg.Open(FMTID_SummaryInformation, STGM_DIRECT or STGM_READ or

  // We want the author property value
  ps.ulKind := PRSPEC_PROPID;
  ps.propid := PIDSI_AUTHOR;

  // Read this property
  PropStg.ReadMultiple(1, @ps, @pv);

  Result := pv.pszVal;

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/com/stgasstg_7agk.asp for more information about the Summary Information Property Set.

2006. február 20., hétfő

Get the text in a TDBGrid cell before focus is moved to another cell


How can I get the text in a cell (for TDBGrid) as the user types, but before focus is moved from that cell?


Solve 1:

{ ... }
  {To access TCustomGrid.InplaceEditor declared as protected}
  TMyGrid = class(TDBGrid);

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
  with TMyGrid(DBGrid1) do
    if EditorMode then
      Label1.Caption := InplaceEditor.Text;

Solve 2:

My solution is very similar to Solve 1 but avoids the need for a subclass. You may prefer to have the action take place in KeyDown or KeyPress but these events generate problems when you start to edit a cell i.e. handling backspace or delete (where was the caret). For this reason it is a lot less hassle to deal with KeyUp, with this event the Editor content has been established by the time it fires. DBGrid1.Controls[0] is the InplaceEditor and below I check for its existence before trying to use it. As it is, it does not handle pasted text. You might do this by trapping WM_PASTE then testing if the Grid (not the InplaceEditor) is the ActiveControl.

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
  if DBGrid1.ControlCount > 0 then
    Edit1.Text := TEdit(DBGrid1.Controls[0]).Text;

2006. február 19., vasárnap

Not select an item in a TListView


I have a TListView which contains sequential items which may be grouped together. Users can create a group by left-clicking and dragging the mouse over a series of items. These items are regular, multiselected, highlighted (default) blue items. The user can then right-click to bring up a menu, and select Create Group. Grouped items show up in various colors, and the Data portion of the Item describes the group. I would like users to be able to edit the properties of a group by right-clicking on an item within the group to bring up a menu, then selecting Edit Group. However, whenever I right-click the listview, it highlights the item underneath the cursor, and the Create Group menu selections are enabled. Is there a way to 'turn off' the right-select? Groups are allowed to overlap, so I can't just check to see if the Item underneath is part of a group.


You can make a listview descendent that handles the right mouse button differently.

  TExlistview = class(TListview)
    procedure WMRButtonDown(var msg: TWMRButtonDown); message WM_RBUTTONDOWN;
    procedure WMRButtonUp(var msg: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP;

procedure TExlistview.WMRButtonDown(var msg: TWMRButtonDown);
  MouseDown(mbRight, KeysToShiftState(msg.Keys), msg.XPos, msg.YPos);

procedure TExlistview.WMRButtonUp(var msg: TWMRButtonUp);
  MouseUp(mbRight, KeysToShiftState(msg.Keys), msg.XPos, msg.YPos);

This will still fire the mouse events for the right button but do nothing of the default processing, like right select or popping up the popup menu. If you still want the menu to pop use:

procedure TExListview.WMRButtonUp(var msg: TWMRButtonUp);

  function SmallpointToScreen(const pt: TSmallpoint): Longint;
    lp: TPoint;
    lp := ClientToScreen(SmallpointToPoint(pt));
    Result := LongInt(PointToSmallpoint(lp));

  MouseUp(mbRight, KeysToShiftState(msg.Keys), msg.XPos, msg.YPos);
  Perform(WM_CONTEXTMENU, handle, SmallpointToScreen(msg.Pos));

2006. február 18., szombat

How to copy a bitmap, picture or metafile from the clipboard?


How to copy a bitmap, picture or metafile from the clipboard?


  bmp: TBitmap;
  pic: TPicture;

  bmp := TBitmap.Create;

  if (ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_PICTURE)) or
    (ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_METAFILEPICT)) then
    pic := TPicture.Create;
    X := pic.Width;
    Y := pic.Height;
    bmp.Width := X;
    bmp.Height := Y;
    bmp.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, pic.Graphic);

  if (ClipBoard.HasFormat(CF_BITMAP)) then
  // Bitmap, picture or metafile is now in bmp
  // When used free bmp!

2006. február 17., péntek

videocard detection


This code shows how to detect your videocard (tested on win98 & win2k)


First form has a button create another form with a memo

procedure TForm1.button1click(Sender: TObject);
  lpDisplayDevice: TDisplayDevice;
  dwFlags: DWORD;
  cc: DWORD;
  lpDisplayDevice.cb := sizeof(lpDisplayDevice);
  dwFlags := 0;
  cc := 0;
  while EnumDisplayDevices(nil, cc, lpDisplayDevice, dwFlags) do
      {there is also additional information in lpDisplayDevice}

2006. február 16., csütörtök

Prevent the BDE from loosing information


How do I prevent the BDE from loosing information in an application when the PC locks up.


Solve 1:

Use the BDE API call DBISavechanges(handle). This will save all data in buffers directly to the database thus preventing a loss of data should anything go wrong in the current database session.


Add BDE to the forms uses clause

procedure TDataform.qryEmployeeAfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);

Solve 2:

unit bdeCommands;
uses BDE;
... }

function SaveBufferToFile(Dataset: TDataset): Boolean;
  Result := BDESaveChanges(Dataset);

2006. február 15., szerda

How to get detailed information about the Windows taskbar programmatically


I'm trying to determine the edge and rectangle of the Windows taskbar, using the SHAppBarMessage API - but how do I get the Windows taskbar handle?


I put a procedure together that gets all the information one would want to get about the TaskBar: Pos (Rect), Edge, window handle, and whether it's set to be AutoHide or AlwaysOnTop. I got the parameter and return information by following the parameter value entries within the Win32 Programmers' reference Online Help file. I also used a 1 second timer to fire the ButtonClick, so that I could test dragging and resizing the TaskBar. I'm not sure if the "Edge section" of code (ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR) will work properly if there are other AppBars on the system.

procedure GetTaskBarData(var AppBarInfo: TAppBarData; var AutoHide, AlwaysOnTop:
  i, RetVal: Cardinal;
  fillchar(AppBarInfo, sizeof(AppBarInfo), 0);
  AppBarInfo.cbSize := sizeof(AppBarInfo);
  RetVal := ShAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE, AppBarInfo);
  AutoHide := RetVal and ABS_AUTOHIDE > 0;
  AlwaysOnTop := RetVal and ABS_ALWAYSONTOP > 0;
  for i := 0 to 3 do
  begin {ask all the edges}
    AppBarInfo.uEdge := i; {then drop the Taskbar Handle into AppBarInfo}
    AppBarInfo.hWnd := ShAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, AppBarInfo);
    if AppBarInfo.hWnd <> 0 then
    {the Taskbar's edge value is left in uEdge by the break}
  SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, AppBarInfo);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ABI: TAppBarData;
  AHide, AlOnTop: Boolean;
  s: string;
  GetTaskBarData(ABI, AHide, AlOnTop);
  with ABI do
    caption := format('%d %d %d %d', [rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom]);
    case uEdge of
      ABE_BOTTOM: s := 'Bottom';
      ABE_LEFT: s := 'Left';
      ABE_RIGHT: s := 'Right';
      ABE_TOP: S := 'Top';
    if AHide then
      s := s + ' AutoHide';
    if AlOnTop then
      s := s + ' AlwaysOnTop';
    caption := caption + ' ' + s;

2006. február 14., kedd

Call another form and return multiple values


I have a main form that will call a second form to use for searching on different criteria. How can I return multiple values retrieved in the second form to the main form?


Solve 1:

Well, you need to add the second forms Unit to the first ones Uses clause, so you can call up the form. This gives you access to the forms controls and methods. It is usually bad design to access the forms controls from outside, since this tightly couples the outside code to the form. Any change you make to the form may require a change to the code accessing the form. So decouple them. One way to do that is to add properties (public section of the form) for each data item you may need to access from outside. This way the form controls how the data is fetched from the controls or internal fields of the form, usually via Set and Get methods for the properties. The form is then used like this (assuming it is not autocreated):

with TSearchform.create(application) do
  {... assign start values to the forms properties here, if required}
  if ShowModal = mrOK then
    {... read values from the form properties here}
    {... user aborted, take appropriate action}

This can be taken a step further to avoid the necessity for public properties in the first place (which exposes a kind of working contract to the outside world, which may reveal too much about the form or limit how you could modify it later too much). For that you create a non-visible class, derived from TPersistent, which holds the data items you need to transfer in and out of the form. The form is given overriden Assign and Assignto methods, which, when fed an instance of this data container, will copy the data between the form and the data container. Now all knowledge of how the forms handles the data is internal to the form, all the outside world needs to know is that it can assign a data container to it and vice versa:

datacontainer := TDataContainer.Create;
{... set up datacontainers data to fed into the form}
searchform := TSearchform.create(application);
  if searchform.ShowModal = mrOK then
    {... user aborted, take appropriate action}
{... use datacontainer if user entered data and free it when done}

The TDatacontainer class would reside in its own Unit, which is used by both form units.

Solve 2:

You have a variety of options:

1. Use "var" parameters:

procedure TForm2.DoSomething(var Return1, Return2, Return3: Integer);
  Return1 := 1;
  Return2 := 2;
  Return3 := 3;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  X, Y, Z: Integer;
  Form2.DoSomething(X, Y, Z);

2. Declare a record which aggregates your return values:

  TReturnRecord = record
    Value1: Integer;
    Value2: Integer;
    Value3: Integer;

function TForm2.DoSomething: TReturnRecord;
  Result.Value1 := 1;
  Result.Value2 := 2;
  Result.Value3 := 3;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  R: TReturnRecord;
  R := Form2.DoSomething;

3. Declare a class which aggregates your return values:

  TReturnClass = class
    Value1: Integer;
    Value2: Integer;
    Value3: Integer;

function TForm2.DoSomething(AReturn: TReturnClass);
  AReturn.Value1 := 1;
  AReturn.Value2 := 2;
  AReturn.Value3 := 3;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  R: TReturnClass;
  R := TReturnClass.Create;

Or you could use a list or array structure, or you could use an open array parameter.

2006. február 13., hétfő

How to convert a *.bmp file to a *.jpg file


How to convert a *.bmp file to a *.jpg file


unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Image1: TImage;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.DFM}

uses JPEG;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Bitmap: TBitmap;
  JPEG := TJPEGImage.Create;
  Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
    Bitmap.LoadFromFile('C:\Program Files\Common Files\alarm.bmp');


2006. február 12., vasárnap

How to save/restore the form state in/from the registry


How to save/restore the form state in/from the registry


You may try the following unit. There is one thing you may have to handle separately somehow: the mainform is never actually minimized, so its Windowstate is never wsMinimized, unless you set it in code. When you minimize the main form it is hidden and the Application window is minimized instead. You can check whether it is minimized via

if IsIconic(Application.handle) then
  {... app is minimized}

unit RegWinset;


  Registry, Forms;

procedure SaveWindowstate(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm);
procedure RestoreWindowstate(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm);
procedure SaveWindowstateEx(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm; const section: string);
procedure RestoreWindowstateEx(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm; const section: string);


  TypeInfo, Windows;

  sSettings = 'Settings';
  sLeft = 'Left';
  sTop = 'Top';
  sWidth = 'Width';
  sHeight = 'Height';
  sState = 'State';

  {Procedure SaveWindowStateEx;

  ini: inifile to save the settings in
  form: form to save the settings for
  section: section to use for the settings

  Call method: static
  Description: Saves the windows position and size to the INI file.
  Error Conditions: none
  Created: 03.07.97 16:34:34 by P. Below}

procedure SaveWindowstateEx(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm; const section: string);
  wp: TWindowPlacement;
  wp.length := Sizeof(wp);
  GetWindowPlacement(form.handle, @wp);
  with Ini, wp.rcNormalPosition do
    WriteInteger(section, sLeft, Left);
    WriteInteger(section, sTop, Top);
    WriteInteger(section, sWidth, Right - Left);
    WriteInteger(section, sHeight, Bottom - Top);
    WriteString(section, sState, GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TWindowState),

{Procedure RestoreWindowStateEx;

ini: inifile to restore the settings from
form: form to restore the settings for
section: section to use for the settings

Call method: static

Restores the window position and dimensions from the saved values in the INI file.
If there ain't any, nothing changes.

Error Conditions: none

Created: 03.07.97 16:33:27 by P. Below}

procedure RestoreWindowstateEx(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm; const section: string);
  L, T, W, H: Integer;
  with Ini, form do
    L := ReadInteger(section, sLeft, Left);
    T := ReadInteger(section, sTop, Top);
    W := ReadInteger(section, sWidth, Width);
    H := ReadInteger(section, sHeight, Height);
    SetBounds(L, T, W, H);
      Windowstate := TWindowState(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TWindowState),
        ReadString(section, sState, 'wsNormal')));

{ Save state using default settings section }

procedure SaveWindowstate(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm);
  SaveWindowstateEx(ini, form, sSettings);

{ Restore state using default settings section }

procedure RestoreWindowstate(ini: TRegInifile; form: TForm);
  RestoreWindowStateEx(ini, form, sSettings);


2006. február 11., szombat

Form scaling and the large fonts/small fonts issue


The Form of my application displays properly at all screen resolution settings, but if the user selects "Large fonts" in the Windows Display settings, the Form is truncated. How can I handle this better?


This is usually a problem of large fonts (120 dpi) vs small fonts (96 dpi) settings. The user can change these settings as part of the display options in control panel. You can check the settings at run-time by looking at Screen.PixelsPerInch.
Different ways have been suggested to create forms that will work well on both settings. The most important one is to use TrueType fonts (like Arial) only in your forms. Ms SansSerif, the default, is TT on NT but not on Win9x!
Option 1:
Design on small fonts, leave the forms Scaled property set to true, set forms AutoScroll to false, leave a little extra space between controls so they can grow a bit under large fonts without colliding with each other. This is said to be the method Borland uses for the Delphi IDE itself. When you test on large fonts *never* save the project there! If you save such a form under large fonts it will become distorted under small fonts!
Option 2:
Design on large fonts and set Scaled to false. Again take care never to save the project under small fonts or the forms will become distorted.
A final issue you may need to take care of is the users screen size (in pixels). If you design your forms to run well on 800*600 the user will have a problem if he is running 640*480. So your forms should check the screen size (Screen.Width, Screen.Height) in their OnCreate handler.
If the screen is too small for the form the form should resize itself to the screen size (or better the work area size, see SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA) and set its AutoScroll property to true. It will then automatically sprout scrollbars, so the user can at least access all parts of the form. Trying to rescale the form to the smaller screen size will almost never result in a usable form, so I don't consider this an option.

2006. február 10., péntek

InterBase: Recover uncommitted work


Is there a way to recover uncommitted work in the event of a power failure?


No, uncommitted work is lost. Commit often.

2006. február 9., csütörtök

Convert Numbers To Hebrew


How can i change my 12345 numbers to hebrew numbering style ?


Well I have created long ago in the pascal days a function to do this. A few month ago i converted it to Delphi, and created a new function to do it. It's much faster then the old one... but still it is to slow (I hope you can help me to make it even faster).

Note: this is a recorsive function, and also this is the first time i published it, I took it from my String unit, so it might be that there are some functions that apper only in this unit, so I'm sorry from a head :) :

{ Hebrew Numbers }
  hZerrowToNine: array[0..9] of char =
  //  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
  (#255, '?', '?', '?', '?', '�', '�', '�', '?', '?');
  //No Zerro in hebrew !!!!

  hTenToNinte: array[1..9] of char =
  // 10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90
  ('�', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '�');

  hHandredToFour: array[1..4] of char =
  //100 200 300 400
  ('�', '�', '?', '?');

  ///////// Inner function for the "hIntToStrNumber" function \\\\\\\\\

function Single(strNum: string): string;
  result := hZerrowToNineNumbers[strToInt(strNum)];

function Tens(strNum: string): string;
  case strNum[1] of
    '1': if strNum[2] = '0' then
        result := hTenToNinteNumbers[strToInt(strNum[1])]
        result := hZerrowToNineNumbers[StrToInt(strNum[2])] + #32 + hTeen;
    '2'..'9': result := hTenToNinteNumbers[strToInt(strNum[1])];
    result := #255;

function Hundreds(strNum: string): string;
  case strNum[1] of
    '1', '2': result := hHanderndToNineHandrend[StrToInt(strNum[1])];
    '3'..'9': result := hZerrowToNineNumbers[strToInt(strNum[1])] + #32 + hHundrends;
    result := #255;

function Thousand(strNum: string): string;
  case strNum[1] of
    '1', '2': result := hOneThousandToNineThousand[strToInt(strNum[1])];
    '3'..'9': result := hZerrowToNineNumbers[strToInt(strNum[1])] + #32 + hThousand;
    result := #255;


function hIntToStrNumber(Number: integer): string;
//Thanks for HU-Man for helping to fix a bug that was in this function ...
  strNum: string;

  strNum := IntToStr(Number);

  case Length(strNum) of
      begin // 0 - 9
        result := Single(strNum);

      begin // 10 - 99
        result := Tens(strNum);
        if strNum[1] >= '2' then
          if strNum[2] <> '0' then
            result := result + #32 + hAnd + hIntToStrNumber(StrToInt(strNum[2]));

      begin // 100 - 999
        result := Hundreds(strNum);
        if strNum[2] <> '0' then
          if strNum[3] = '0' then
            result := result + #32 + hAnd + hIntToStrNumber(StrToInt(strNum[2] +
            result := result + #32 + hIntToStrNumber(StrToInt(strNum[2] + strNum[3]));

        if (strNum[2] = '0') and (strNum[3] <> '0') then
          result := result + #32 + hAnd + hIntToStrNumber(StrToInt(strNum[3]));

      begin // 1,000 - 9,999
        result := Thousand(strNum);
        if (strNum[2] <> '0') then
          result := result + #32 + hIntToStrNumber(StrToInt(strNum[2] + strNum[3] +

    result := '';

  result := DeleteChar(Result, #255);

2006. február 8., szerda

How to change the corner size of RoundRect


The RoundRect shape has too much space missing in the corners. I'd like to specify a smaller corner ellipse. Is there any way to make the rounding of the corners more subtle by using the Delphi shape, or do I have to resort to writing to the WinAPI?


Here is one that will let you change the size of the corners.

unit NewShape;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls;

  TNewShape = class(TShape)
    { Private declarations }
    FCornerSize: Integer;
    procedure SetCornerSize(Value: Integer);
    { Protected declarations }
    procedure Paint; override;
    { Public declarations }
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    { Published declarations }
    property CornerSize: Integer read FCornerSize write SetCornerSize default 2;

procedure Register;


procedure Register;
  RegisterComponents('Samples', [TNewShape]);

constructor TNewShape.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  FCornerSize := 2;

procedure TNewShape.Paint;
  X, Y, W, H, S: Integer;
  with Canvas do
    X := Pen.Width div 2;
    Y := X;
    W := Width - Pen.Width + 1;
    H := Height - Pen.Width + 1;
    if Pen.Width = 0 then
    if W < H then
      S := W
      S := H;
    if Shape in [stSquare, stRoundSquare, stCircle] then
      Inc(X, (W - S) div 2);
      Inc(Y, (H - S) div 2);
      W := S;
      H := S;
    case Shape of
      stRectangle, stSquare:
        Rectangle(X, Y, X + W, Y + H);
      stRoundRect, stRoundSquare:
        RoundRect(X, Y, X + W, Y + H, FCornerSize, FCornerSize);
      stCircle, stEllipse:
        Ellipse(X, Y, X + W, Y + H);

procedure TNewShape.SetCornerSize(Value: Integer);
  if FCornerSize <> Value then
    FCornerSize := Value;


2006. február 7., kedd

Dynamic arrays an approach


An approach to do dynamic arrays the easy way


  TDISIntArray = array of integer;

  TDISFindArrayMode = (famNone, famFirst, famNext, famPrior, famLast);
  TDISSortArrayMode = (samAscending, samDescending);

  EDISArray = class(Exception);

  TDISIntegerArray = class(TObject)
    fLastFindMode: TDISFindArrayMode;
    fComma: Char;
    fArray: TDISIntArray;
    fItemCount: Integer;
    fFindIndex: Integer;
    fDuplicates: Boolean;
    function GetArray(Index: integer): integer;
    procedure SetArray(Index: integer; Value: integer);
    procedure SetDuplicates(Value: Boolean);

    procedure Swap(var a, b: integer);
    procedure QuickSort(Source: TDISIntArray; Mode: TDISSortArrayMode; left, right:

    procedure Copy(Source: TDISIntArray; var Dest: TDISIntArray);
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    procedure Clear;
    function Add(Value: integer): boolean;
    procedure Delete(Index: integer);
    function Find(Value: integer; Mode: TDISFindArrayMode): integer;

    function Min: integer;
    function Max: integer;
    function Sum: integer;
    function Average: integer;

    function Contains(Value: integer): Boolean;
    function Commatext: string;

    procedure Sort(Mode: TDISSortArrayMode);

    procedure SaveToFile(FileName: string);
    function LoadFromFile(FileName: string): boolean;

    property AddDuplicates: Boolean read fDuplicates write SetDuplicates;
    property Items[Index: integer]: integer read GetArray write SetArray;
    property Count: Integer read fItemCount;

    property CommaSeparator: Char read fComma write fComma;


function ReplaceChars(value: string; v1, v2: char): string;
  ts: string;
  i: integer;
  ts := value;
  for i := 1 to length(ts) do
    if ts[i] = v1 then
      ts[i] := v2;
  result := ts;

// TDISIntegerArray

constructor TDISIntegerArray.Create;
  fItemCount := 0;
  fDuplicates := True;
  fLastFindMode := famNone;
  fComma := ',';

destructor TDISIntegerArray.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;

function TDISIntegerArray.Min: integer;
  TA: TDISIntArray;
  Copy(fArray, Ta);
  QuickSort(Ta, samAscending, low(fArray), high(fArray));
  Result := Ta[0];

function TDISIntegerArray.Max: integer;
  TA: TDISIntArray;
  Copy(fArray, Ta);
  QuickSort(Ta, samDescending, low(fArray), high(fArray));
  Result := Ta[0];

function TDISIntegerArray.Sum: integer;
  i: integer;
  Result := 0;
  for i := low(fArray) to high(fArray) do
    Result := Result + fArray[i];

function TDISIntegerArray.Average: integer;
  Result := Sum div fItemCount;

procedure TDISIntegerArray.SaveToFile(FileName: string);
  Tl: TStringList;
  Tl := TStringList.Create;
  Tl.Text := CommaText;

function TDISIntegerArray.LoadFromFile(FileName: string): boolean;
  Tl: TStringList;
  Ts: string;
  j: integer;
  Result := False;
  if FileExists(FileName) then
    Result := True;

    Tl := TStringList.Create;

    Ts := ReplaceChars(Trim(Tl.Text), ';', ',');
    Ts := ReplaceChars(Ts, '|', ',');
    Ts := ReplaceChars(Ts, #9, ',');

    while pos(',', Ts) > 0 do
      j := StrToIntDef(System.copy(Ts, 1, pos(',', Ts) - 1), 0);
      System.Delete(Ts, 1, pos(',', Ts));
    Add(StrToIntDef(Ts, 0));


procedure TDISIntegerArray.Swap(var a, b: integer);
  t: integer;
  t := a;
  a := b;
  b := t;

procedure TDISIntegerArray.QuickSort(Source: TDISIntArray; Mode: TDISSortArrayMode;
  left, right: integer);
  pivot: integer;
    middle: integer;
  lower := left;
  upper := right;
  middle := (left + right) div 2;
  pivot := Source[middle];
    case Mode of
          while Source[lower] < pivot do
          while pivot < Source[upper] do
          while Source[lower] > pivot do
          while pivot > Source[upper] do

    if lower <= upper then
      swap(Source[lower], Source[upper]);
  until lower > upper;

  if left < upper then
    QuickSort(Source, Mode, left, upper);
  if lower < right then
    QuickSort(Source, Mode, lower, right);

procedure TDISIntegerArray.Clear;
  i: integer;
  for i := low(fArray) to high(fArray) do
    fArray[i] := 0;

  SetLength(fArray, 0);
  fItemCount := 0;

function TDISIntegerArray.Commatext: string;
  i: integer;
  Result := '';
  for i := low(fArray) to high(fArray) do
    Result := Result + IntToStr(fArray[i]);
    Result := Result + fComma;
  if Length(Result) > 0 then
    System.Delete(Result, length(Result), 1);

procedure TDISIntegerArray.Sort(Mode: TDISSortArrayMode);
  QuickSort(fArray, Mode, low(fArray), high(fArray));

procedure TDISIntegerArray.SetDuplicates(Value: Boolean);
  fDuplicates := Value;

function TDISIntegerArray.Add(Value: integer): boolean;
  Result := True;

if contains(Value) and (fDuplicates = False) then
    Result := False;

SetLength(fArray, fItemCount);
fArray[fItemCount - 1] := Value;

function TDISIntegerArray.Contains(Value: integer): Boolean;
  i: integer;
  Result := False;
  for i := low(fArray) to high(fArray) do
    if fArray[i] = Value then
      Result := True;

function TDISIntegerArray.Find(Value: integer; Mode: TDISFindArrayMode): integer;
  i: integer;
  Result := -1;

  case Mode of
    famNone, famFirst:
        fLastFindMode := Mode;
        fFindIndex := -1;
        for i := low(fArray) to high(fArray) do
          if fArray[i] = Value then
            if Mode = famFirst then
              fFindIndex := i + 1;
            Result := i;

        if fLastFindMode = famPrior then
          inc(fFindIndex, 2);

        fLastFindMode := Mode;

        for i := fFindIndex to high(fArray) do
          if fArray[i] = Value then
            fFindIndex := i + 1;
            Result := i;

        if fLastFindMode = famNext then
          dec(fFindIndex, 2);

        fLastFindMode := Mode;

        for i := fFindIndex downto low(fArray) do
          if fArray[i] = Value then

            fFindIndex := i - 1;
            Result := i;
        fFindIndex := -1;
        fLastFindMode := Mode;
        for i := high(fArray) downto low(fArray) do
          if fArray[i] = Value then

            fFindIndex := i - 1;
            Result := i;

procedure TDISIntegerArray.Copy(Source: TDISIntArray; var Dest: TDISIntArray);
  i: integer;
  SetLength(Dest, 0);
  SetLength(Dest, Length(Source));

  for i := low(Source) to high(Source) do
    Dest[i] := Source[i];


procedure TDISIntegerArray.Delete(Index: integer);
  TA: TDISIntArray;
  i: integer;
  if (Index >= Low(fArray)) and (Index <= high(fArray)) then
    Copy(fArray, Ta);
    for i := low(Ta) to high(Ta) do
      if i <> Index then

function TDISIntegerArray.GetArray(Index: integer): integer;
  if (Index >= Low(fArray)) and (Index <= high(fArray)) then
    Result := fArray[index]
    raise EDISArray.Create(format('Index : %d is not valid index %d..%d.', [Index,
      low(fArray), high(fArray)]));

procedure TDISIntegerArray.SetArray(Index: integer; Value: integer);

if contains(Value) and (fDuplicates = False) then

if Index < 0 then
  raise EDISArray.Create(format('Index : %d is not valid index.', [Index]))
  if Index + 1 > fItemCount then
    fItemCount := Index + 1;
    SetLength(fArray, fItemCount);
    fArray[fItemCount - 1] := Value;
    fArray[Index] := Value;

2006. február 6., hétfő

How to create a hint for a single cell in a TDrawGrid or TDBGrid


How can I make a hint for a single cell in a TDBGrid or TDrawGrid? I want to display any text in a grid cell even if it is not placed in the cell completely.


Here's an example taken from a working app but simplified a little. OldHintRow and OldHintCol are private variables declared in TStosWin. They store the column and row for which the hint was shown previously.

procedure TStosWin.MyDrawGrid1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  R, C: Integer;
  with MyDrawGrid1 do
    MouseToCell(X, Y, C, R);
    if (C = OldHintCol) and (R = OldHintRow) then
      exit; {Don't do anything if mouse is in the same cell}
    OldHintCol := C;
    OldHintRow := R;
    Hint := ' Your hint for column C and row R';
    {Force the hint to redisplay}
    PostMessage(Handle, WM_MBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, Dword((Y shl 16) + X));

2006. február 5., vasárnap

DateTime String (any format) to TDateTime


When extracting data from text or other operating systems the format of date strings can vary dramatically. Borland function StrToDateTime() converts a string to a TDateTime value, but it is limited to the fact that the string parameter must be in the format of the current locale&#8217;s date/time format.


This is of little use when extracting dates such as ..

        1) "Friday 18 October 2002 08:34am (45 secs)"  or "Wednesday 15 May 2002 06:12 (22 secs)"
        2) "20020431"
        3) "12.Nov.03"
        4) "14 Hour 31 Minute 25 Second 321 MSecs"

This function will evaluate a DateTime string in accordance to the DateTime specifier format string supplied. The following specifiers are supported ...

  dd                                 the day as a number with a leading zero or space (01-31).  
  ddd                         the day as an abbreviation (Sun-Sat)
  dddd                         the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday)
  mm                         the month as a number with a leading zero or space (01-12).
  mmm                 the month as an abbreviation (Jan-Dec)
  mmmm                 the month as a full name (January-December)
  yy                                 the year as a two-digit number (00-99).
  yyyy                         the year as a four-digit number (0000-9999).
  hh                                 the hour with a leading zero or space (00-23)
  nn                                 the minute with a leading zero or space (00-59).
  ss                                 the second with a leading zero or space (00-59).
  zzz                                 the millisecond with a leading zero (000-999).
  ampm                 Specifies am or pm flag hours (0..12)
  ap                                 Specifies a or p flag hours (0..12)
  (Any other character corresponds to a literal or delimiter.)

NOTE : One assumption I have to make is that DAYS, MONTHS, HOURS and MINUTES have a leading                       ZERO or SPACE (ie. are 2 chars long) and MILLISECONDS are 3 chars long (ZERO or SPACE                        padded)

Using function
DateTimeStrEval(const DateTimeFormat : string; const DateTimeStr : string) : TDateTime;

The above Examples (1..4) can be evaluated as ... (Assume DT1 to DT4 equals example strings 1..4)

        1)MyDate := DateTimeStrEval('dddd dd mmmm yyyy hh:nnampm (ss xxxx)', DT1);
        2)MyDate := DateTimeStrEval('yyyymmdd', DT2);
        3)MyDate := DateTimeStrEval('dd-mmm-yy', DT3);
        4)MyDate := DateTimeStrEval('hh xxxx nn xxxxxx ss xxxxxx zzz xxxxx', DT4);

uses SysUtils, DateUtils

  // =============================================================================
  // Evaluate a date time string into a TDateTime obeying the
  // rules of the specified DateTimeFormat string
  // eg. DateTimeStrEval('dd-MMM-yyyy hh:nn','23-May-2002 12:34)
  // Delphi 6 Specific in DateUtils can be translated to ....
  // YearOf()
  // function YearOf(const AValue: TDateTime): Word;
  // var LMonth, LDay : word;
  // begin
  //   DecodeDate(AValue,Result,LMonth,LDay);
  // end;
  // TryEncodeDateTime()
  // function TryEncodeDateTime(const AYear,AMonth,ADay,AHour,AMinute,ASecond,
  //                            AMilliSecond : word;
  //                            out AValue : TDateTime): Boolean;
  // var LTime : TDateTime;
  // begin
  //   Result := TryEncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, ADay, AValue);
  //   if Result then begin
  //     Result := TryEncodeTime(AHour, AMinute, ASecond, AMilliSecond, LTime);
  //     if Result then
  //        AValue := AValue + LTime;
  //   end;
  // end;
  // (TryEncodeDate() and TryEncodeTime() is the same as EncodeDate() and
  //  EncodeTime() with error checking and boolean return value)
  // =============================================================================

function DateTimeStrEval(const DateTimeFormat: string;
  const DateTimeStr: string): TDateTime;
  i, ii, iii: integer;
  Retvar: TDateTime;
    Fmt, Data, Mask, Spec: string;
  Year, Month, Day, Hour,
    Minute, Second, MSec: word;
  AmPm: integer;
  Year := 1;
  Month := 1;
  Day := 1;
  Hour := 0;
  Minute := 0;
  Second := 0;
  MSec := 0;
  Fmt := UpperCase(DateTimeFormat);
  Data := UpperCase(DateTimeStr);
  i := 1;
  Mask := '';
  AmPm := 0;

  while i < length(Fmt) do
    if Fmt[i] in ['A', 'P', 'D', 'M', 'Y', 'H', 'N', 'S', 'Z'] then
      // Start of a date specifier
      Mask := Fmt[i];
      ii := i + 1;

      // Keep going till not valid specifier
      while true do
        if ii > length(Fmt) then
          Break; // End of specifier string
        Spec := Mask + Fmt[ii];

        if (Spec = 'DD') or (Spec = 'DDD') or (Spec = 'DDDD') or
          (Spec = 'MM') or (Spec = 'MMM') or (Spec = 'MMMM') or
          (Spec = 'YY') or (Spec = 'YYY') or (Spec = 'YYYY') or
          (Spec = 'HH') or (Spec = 'NN') or (Spec = 'SS') or
          (Spec = 'ZZ') or (Spec = 'ZZZ') or
          (Spec = 'AP') or (Spec = 'AM') or (Spec = 'AMP') or
          (Spec = 'AMPM') then
          Mask := Spec;
          // End of or Invalid specifier

      // Got a valid specifier ? - evaluate it from data string
      if (Mask <> '') and (length(Data) > 0) then
        // Day 1..31
        if (Mask = 'DD') then
          Day := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, 2)), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 2);

        // Day Sun..Sat (Just remove from data string)
        if Mask = 'DDD' then
          delete(Data, 1, 3);

        // Day Sunday..Saturday (Just remove from data string LEN)
        if Mask = 'DDDD' then
          Tmp := copy(Data, 1, 3);
          for iii := 1 to 7 do
            if Tmp = Uppercase(copy(LongDayNames[iii], 1, 3)) then
              delete(Data, 1, length(LongDayNames[iii]));

        // Month 1..12
        if (Mask = 'MM') then
          Month := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, 2)), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 2);

        // Month Jan..Dec
        if Mask = 'MMM' then
          Tmp := copy(Data, 1, 3);
          for iii := 1 to 12 do
            if Tmp = Uppercase(copy(LongMonthNames[iii], 1, 3)) then
              Month := iii;
              delete(Data, 1, 3);

        // Month January..December
        if Mask = 'MMMM' then
          Tmp := copy(Data, 1, 3);
          for iii := 1 to 12 do
            if Tmp = Uppercase(copy(LongMonthNames[iii], 1, 3)) then
              Month := iii;
              delete(Data, 1, length(LongMonthNames[iii]));

        // Year 2 Digit
        if Mask = 'YY' then
          Year := StrToIntDef(copy(Data, 1, 2), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 2);
          if Year < TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow then
            Year := (YearOf(Date) div 100) * 100 + Year
            Year := (YearOf(Date) div 100 - 1) * 100 + Year;

        // Year 4 Digit
        if Mask = 'YYYY' then
          Year := StrToIntDef(copy(Data, 1, 4), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 4);

        // Hours
        if Mask = 'HH' then
          Hour := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, 2)), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 2);

        // Minutes
        if Mask = 'NN' then
          Minute := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, 2)), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 2);

        // Seconds
        if Mask = 'SS' then
          Second := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, 2)), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 2);

        // Milliseconds
        if (Mask = 'ZZ') or (Mask = 'ZZZ') then
          MSec := StrToIntDef(trim(copy(Data, 1, 3)), 0);
          delete(Data, 1, 3);

        // AmPm A or P flag
        if (Mask = 'AP') then
          if Data[1] = 'A' then
            AmPm := -1
            AmPm := 1;
          delete(Data, 1, 1);

        // AmPm AM or PM flag
        if (Mask = 'AM') or (Mask = 'AMP') or (Mask = 'AMPM') then
          if copy(Data, 1, 2) = 'AM' then
            AmPm := -1
            AmPm := 1;
          delete(Data, 1, 2);

        Mask := '';
        i := ii;
      // Remove delimiter from data string
      if length(Data) > 1 then
        delete(Data, 1, 1);

  if AmPm = 1 then
    Hour := Hour + 12;
  if not TryEncodeDateTime(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MSec, Retvar) then
    Retvar := 0.0;
  Result := Retvar;

2006. február 4., szombat

How to feed rich text chunks to a TRichEdit via the clipboard


It is possible to feed rich text chunks to the control but it is kind of convoluted. There are three options: the clipboard, the rich edits OLE interface, and the EM_STREAMIN message. We concentrate on the clipboard here.


The first step is to register a clipboard format for RTF, since this is not a predefined format:

  CF_RTF: Word;

CF_RTF := RegisterClipboardFormat('Rich Text Format');

The format name has to appear as typed above, this is the name used by MS Word for Windows and similar MS products.

Note: The Richedit Unit declares a constant CF_RTF, which is not the clipboard format handle but the string you need to pass to RegisterClipboard format! So you can place Richedit into your uses clause and change the line above to

CF_RTF := RegisterClipboardFormat(Richedit.CF_RTF);

The next step is to build a RTF string with the embedded format information. You will get a shock if you inspect the mess of RTF stuff Wordpad (or much worse: Word) will put into the clipboard if you copy just a few characters ), but you can get away with a lot less. The bare minimum would be something like this (inserts a 12 followed by an underlined 44444):

  testtext: PChar = '{\rtf1\ansi\pard\plain 12{\ul 44444}}';

The correct balance of opening and closing braces is extremely important, one mismatch and the target app will not be able to interpret the text correctly. If you want to control the font used for the pasted text you need to add a fonttable (the default font is Tms Rmn, not the active font in the target app!). See example testtext2 below. If you want more info, the full RTF specs can be found on www.microsoft.com, a subset is also described in the Windows help compiler docs (hcw.hlp, comes with Delphi).

procedure TForm1.BtnSetRTFClick(Sender: TObject);
  testtext: PChar = '{\rtf1\ansi\pard\plain 12{\ul 44444}}';
  testtext2: PChar = '{\rtf1\ansi' +
  '\deff4\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f4\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}' +
    '\pard\plain 12{\ul 44444}}';
  flap: Boolean = False;
  MemHandle: THandle;
  rtfstring: PChar;
  if flap then
    rtfstring := testtext2
    rtfstring := testtext;
  flap := not flap;
  MemHandle := GlobalAlloc(GHND or GMEM_SHARE, StrLen(rtfstring) + 1);
  if MemHandle <> 0 then
    StrCopy(GlobalLock(MemHandle), rtfstring);
    with Clipboard do
        AsText := '1244444';
        SetAsHandle(CF_RTF, MemHandle);
    MessageDlg('Global Alloc failed!', mtError, [mbOK], 0);

Once the text is in the clipboard you can call the richedits PasteFromClipboard method to insert it at the caret.

2006. február 3., péntek

How to change the page orientation in the middle of a print job


Is it possible to change the printer orientation from portrait to landscape in the middle of a print job?


procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  Device: array[0..255] of char;
  Driver: array[0..255] of char;
  Port: array[0..255] of char;
  hDeviceMode: THandle;
  pDevMode: PDeviceMode;
  with Printer do
      Canvas.font.size := 20;
      Canvas.font.name := 'Arial';
      Canvas.TextOut(50, 50, 'This is portait');
      GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDeviceMode);
      pDevMode := GlobalLock(hDevicemode);
      with pDevMode^ do
        dmFields := dmFields or DM_ORIENTATION;
        dmOrientation := DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
      { Cannot use NewPage here since the ResetDc will only work between EndPage
      and StartPage. As a consequence the Printer.PageCount is not updated. }
      if ResetDC(canvas.Handle, pDevMode^) = 0 then
        ShowMessage('ResetDC failed, ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
      Canvas.font.size := 20;
      Canvas.font.name := 'Arial';
      Canvas.TextOut(50, 50, 'This is landscape');

2006. február 2., csütörtök

How to save the position of TCoolBar bands in the registry


I use a TCoolBar with several TToolbars and some other controls. During runtime a user can automatically reorder and resize the bands on the TCoolbar, is there a easy way of saving the positions and sizes of the different bands and reloading them a next time?


You have to save the ID, Break, Width and Index of the bands. Following is a snippet of code that I use to save the Coolbar in the registry.

{ ... }

  RegristryFile: TRegIniFile;

  Ident = 'ID';
  Brk = 'Break';
  Wdth = 'Width';
  Ndx = 'Index';

  { ... }

procedure SaveCoolBars;
  A: Integer;
  IdStr: string;
  with CoolBar, Bands do
    for A := 0 to Count - 1 do
      with Bands[A] do
        IdStr := IntToStr(Id);
        with RegristryFile do
          WriteBool(IdStr, Brk, Break);
          WriteInteger(IdStr, Wdth, Width);
          WriteInteger(IdStr, Ndx, Index);

procedure LoadCoolBars;
  A: Integer;
  B: TCoolBand;
  IdStr: string;
  with CoolBar, Bands do
    for A := 0 to Count - 1 do
      B := TCoolband(Bands.FindItemID(A));
      if B = nil then
      with B, RegristryFile do
        IdStr := IntToStr(Id);
        Break := ReadBool(IdStr, Brk, Break);
        Width := ReadInteger(IdStr, Wdth, Width);
        Index := ReadInteger(IdStr, Ndx, Index);

2006. február 1., szerda

Make move your forms like WinAMP


The form remember on what side you put it and returns there when Windows Taskbar is moved!!! Try it out: full source code.


unit frmSplashUnit;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes,
  Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
  ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, Buttons,
  Menus, ImgList;

  MagneticField = 10;

  TAlignSide1 = (fasNone, fasTop, fasBottom, fasRight, fasLeft);
  TAlignSide = set of TAlignSide1;
  TfrmSplash =
    bvlForm: TBevel;
    lblAction: TLabel;
    lblFile: TLabel;
    bvlTitle: TBevel;
    imgTitle: TImage;
    lblProgress: TLabel;
    pbProgress: TProgressBar;
    bvlLine: TBevel;
    cmdCancel: TSpeedButton;
    popSystemMenu: TPopupMenu;
    mnuRestore: TMenuItem;
    mnuMove: TMenuItem;
    mnuSize: TMenuItem;
    mnuMinimize: TMenuItem;
    mnuMaximize: TMenuItem;
    mnuBar1: TMenuItem;
    mnuClose: TMenuItem;
    ilSystemMenu: TImageList;
    mnuBar2: TMenuItem;
    mnuAbout: TMenuItem;
    cmdAbout: TSpeedButton;
    procedure imgTitleMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
      TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    procedure imgTitleMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
      TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    procedure imgTitleMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
    procedure ClientAreaVerify(var Msg: TWMSettingChange); message WM_SETTINGCHANGE;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
    FSide: TAlignSide;
    FMoving: Boolean;
    FOldX: Integer;
    FOldY: Integer;
    FArea: TRect;

  frmSplash: TfrmSplash;


{$R *.DFM}

procedure TfrmSplash.imgTitleMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
  TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  FMoving := True;
  FOldX := X;
  FOldY := Y;

procedure TfrmSplash.imgTitleMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift:
  TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  FMoving := False;

procedure TfrmSplash.imgTitleMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
  WorkArea: TRect;
  if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @WorkArea, 0)) then
    FArea := WorkArea;
  if (FMoving) then
    FSide := [fasNone];
    if (((frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X)) > (WorkArea.Left + MagneticField)) and
      ((frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X) + frmSplash.Width) < (WorkArea.Right -
      MagneticField))) then
      frmSplash.Left := frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X)
    else if ((frmSplash.Left - (FOldX - X)) <= (WorkArea.Left + MagneticField)) then
      frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Left;
      FSide := FSide + [fasLeft];
      frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Right - frmSplash.Width;
      FSide := FSide + [fasRight];
    if (((frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y)) > (WorkArea.Top + MagneticField)) and
      ((frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y) + frmSplash.Height) < (WorkArea.Bottom -
      MagneticField))) then
      frmSplash.Top := frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y);
      FSide := [fasNone];
    else if ((frmSplash.Top - (FOldY - Y)) <= (WorkArea.Top + MagneticField)) then
      frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Top;
      FSide := FSide + [fasTop];
      frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Bottom - frmSplash.Height;
      FSide := FSide + [fasBottom];
    // Removes [fasNone] if anything else is found in FSide.
    if (((fasBottom in FSide) or (fasTop in FSide) or (fasLeft in FSide) or (fasRight
      in FSide)) and (fasNone in FSide)) then
      FSide := FSide - [fasNone];

procedure TfrmSplash.ClientAreaVerify(var Msg: TWMSettingChange);
  WorkArea: TRect;
  if (not (FMoving)) then
    if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @WorkArea, 0)) then
      if (fasLeft in FSide) then
        frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Left;
      if (fasRight in FSide) then
        frmSplash.Left := WorkArea.Right - frmSplash.Width;
      if (fasTop in FSide) then
        frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Top;
      if (fasBottom in FSide) then
        frmSplash.Top := WorkArea.Bottom - frmSplash.Height;

procedure TfrmSplash.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  // TO DO: Check if form is on one of the corners.
  FSide := [fasNone];
  FMoving := False;

procedure TfrmSplash.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TfrmSplash.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
  imgTitle.Width := bvlTitle.Width;
  bvlLine.Width := frmSplash.Width - (2 * bvlLine.Left);
  pbProgress.Width := frmSplash.Width - pbProgress.Left - bvlLine.Left;
  cmdCancel.Left := frmSplash.Width - cmdCancel.Width - cmdAbout.Left;
  cmdAbout.Top := frmSplash.Height - cmdAbout.Height - cmdAbout.Left;
  cmdCancel.Top := cmdAbout.Top;
  bvlLine.Top := cmdAbout.Top - bvlLine.Height;
