2005. március 31., csütörtök

Change fonts between columns in a TStringGrid


How to change fonts between columns in a TStringGrid


You must write the text to the canvas after setting the font. Use Canvas.TextRect for this:

procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
  Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
  with Sender as TStringGrid do
    case aCol of
      0: canvas.font.name := 'Courier New';
      1..5: canvas.font.name := 'Arial';
    Canvas.TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top + 2, Cells[ACol, ARow]);

2005. március 30., szerda

How to create unique numbers for a primary index field


Using D4, Paradox 7 and a peer-to-peer network on Win95/ 98, I am currently thinking about the problems of using AutoInc fields as primary indexes to avoid key violations. On balance, I feel that it is probably best to avoid potential problems by choosing an alternative primary index system. But what are the alternatives? Using a DateTime field as the unique primary index or use a number that is incremented in code?


If you need a unique number for a primary key create a single-field-single-record table to hold the last used value and call the following function when you need a new number.

function dgGetUniqueNumber(LastNumberTbl: TTable): LongInt;
{Gets the next value from a one field one record table which stores the last used
value in its first field. The parameter LastNumberTbl is the table that contains the last used number.}
  ntMaxTries = 100;
  I, WaitCount, Tries: Integer;
  RecordLocked: Boolean;
  ErrorMsg: string;
  Result := 0;
  Tries := 0;
  with LastNumberTbl do
    {Make sure the table contains a record. If not, add one and set the first field to zero.}
    if RecordCount = 0 then
      Fields[0].AsInteger := 0;
    {Try to put the table that holds the last used number into edit mode. If calling Edit
    raises an exception wait a random period and try again.}
    while Tries < ntMaxTries do
      on E: EDBEngineError do
        {The call to Edit failed because the record could not be locked.}
        {See if the lock failed because the record is locked by another user.}
        RecordLocked := False;
        for I := 0 to Pred(E.ErrorCount) do
          if E.Errors[I].ErrorCode = 10241 then
            RecordLocked := True;
        if RecordLocked then
          {Wait for a random period and try again.}
          WaitCount := Random(20);
          for I := 1 to WaitCount do
          {The record lock failed for some reason other than another user has the
          record locked. Display the BDE error stack and exit.}
          ErrorMsg := '';
          for I := 0 to Pred(E.ErrorCount) do
            ErrorMsg := ErrorMsg + E.Errors[I].Message + ' (' + IntToStr(E.Errors[I].ErrorCode) + '). ';
          MessageDlg(ErrorMsg, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
    if State = dsEdit then
      Result := Fields[0].AsInteger + 1;
      Fields[0].AsInteger := Result;
      {If the record could not be locked after the specified number of tries raise an exception.}
      raise Exception.Create('Cannot get next unique number. (dgGetUniqueNumber)');

2005. március 29., kedd

Determine the processor speed in MHz


Determine the processor speed in MHz


Here is a handy routine which will return an estimated core processor speed (CPU speed) of your PC. Read the comment to see how to use it.

function GetCpuSpeed: Comp;
{ function to return the CPU clock speed only.                                     }
{ Usage: MessageDlg(Format('%.1f MHz', [GetCpuSpeed]), mtConfirmation, [mbOk], 0); }
  t: DWORD;
  mhi, mlo, nhi, nlo: DWORD;
  t0, t1, chi, clo, shr32: Comp;
  shr32 := 65536;
  shr32 := shr32 * 65536;

  t := GetTickCount;
  while t = GetTickCount do
     DB 0FH
     DB 031H
     mov mhi,edx
     mov mlo,eax

  while GetTickCount < (t + 1000) do
     DB 0FH
     DB 031H
     mov nhi,edx
     mov nlo,eax

  chi := mhi;
  if mhi < 0 then
    chi := chi + shr32;

  clo := mlo;
  if mlo < 0 then
    clo := clo + shr32;

  t0 := chi * shr32 + clo;

  chi := nhi;
  if nhi < 0 then
    chi := chi + shr32;

  clo := nlo;
  if nlo < 0 then
    clo := clo + shr32;

  t1 := chi * shr32 + clo;

  Result := (t1 - t0) / 1E6;

2005. március 28., hétfő

How to get the free system resources


How to get the free system resources


unit Sysresources;


  Windows, Sysutils;


function GetSystemResources(typ: Word): Integer;


  hDll: HMODULE;
  pProc: function(typ: word): Integer; stdcall;

function GetSystemResources(typ: word): Integer;
  result := pProc(typ);

function InternalGetSystemresources(typ: Word): Integer; stdcall;
  result := -1;

  pProc := InternalGetSystemresources;
  if Win32Platform <> VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then
    hdll := LoadLibrary('rsrc32.dll');
    if hdll <> 0 then
      @pProc := getProcAddress(hdll, '_MyGetFreeSystemResources32@4');
      if @pProc = nil then
        pProc := InternalGetSystemresources;
  if hDLL <> 0 then

2005. március 27., vasárnap

How to control the MIDI speaker output volume


How can I control the MIDI speaker output volume? If that's not directly possible: how can I programmatically open the volume control?


First you need to ID the device

tmpreg := TRegistry.Create;
tmpreg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
tmpreg.OpenKey('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\MIDIMap', false);

{ ... }
if tmpreg.ValueExists('CurrentInstrument') then
  MidiOutPutDev := tmpreg.ReadString('CurrentInstrument');
{ ... }

Then get a handle of the device

amt := MidiOutGetNumDevs;
MidiOutputDevid := -1;
for t := 1 to amt do
  MidiOutGetDevCaps(t - 1, @Midicap, Sizeof(Midicap));
  if Strpas(@MidiCap.szPName) = MidiOutPutDev then
    MidiOutputDevid := t - 1;

Then set the volume either master or seperate

procedure SetVolumeMidi(RVolume, LVolume: Cardinal);
  midiOutSetVolume(MidiOutputDevid, (RVolume * 256 * 256) + LVolume);

procedure SetMVolumeWave(Volume: Cardinal);
  pl, pr: Cardinal;
  pr := (WRPan * Volume) div 100;
  pl := (WLPan * Volume) div 100;
  waveOutSetVolume(WaveOutputDevid, (pr * 256 * 256) + pl);

Include mmsystem in your Uses clause

2005. március 26., szombat

How to convert the mouse coordinates into a line and character offset in a TRichEdit


I am currently trapping the OnMouseMove event, however have run into significant problems converting the mouse coordinates into a line and character offset in a rich edit.


procedure TForm1.RichEdit1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y:
  Point: TPoint;
  Value: LongInt;
  LineNumber: Integer;
  LinePos: Integer;
  Line: string;
  {Get absolute position of character beneath mouse}
  Point.x := X;
  Point.y := Y;
  Value := RichEdit1.Perform(EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, LParam(@Point));
  if Value >= 0 then
    {Get line number}
    LineNumber := RichEdit1.Perform(EM_LINEFROMCHAR, Value, 0);
    {Get line position}
    LinePos := Value - RichEdit1.Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, LineNumber, 0);
    {Get line}
    Line := RichEdit1.Lines[LineNumber];
    Label1.Caption := Format('Line: %d Column: %d: %s', [LineNumber, LinePos, Line]);
    Label1.Caption := EmptyStr;

This only works for RichEdits.

2005. március 25., péntek

How to check if a control is partially covered by another window


Is there a way that I can know if there is a 'Stay On Top' form owned by another application partially covering my control?


You would have to iterate over all windows above yours in Z-order and check for each window you find if it has the WS_EX_TOPMOST exstyle set and is visible. If it has, you have to get its window rectangle (GetWindowRect) and test if that overlaps your window. Example:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

  function IsTopmost(wnd: HWND): Boolean;
    Result := (GetWindowLong(wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) and WS_EX_TOPMOST) <> 0;

  procedure logWindowInfo(wnd: HWND);
    visString: array[Boolean] of string = ('not ', '');
    buffer: array[0..256] of Char;
    r: TRect;
    if wnd = 0 then
    GetClassname(wnd, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    memo1.lines.add(format(' Window of class %s ', [buffer]));
    Windows.getWindowrect(wnd, r);
    memo1.lines.add(format(' at (%d,%d):(%d,%d)', [r.left, r.top, r.right,
    memo1.lines.add(format(' Window is %svisible',
    memo1.lines.add(format(' Window is %stopmost', [visString[IsTopmost(wnd)]]));

  wnd: HWND;
  wnd := handle;
    wnd := GetNextWindow(wnd, GW_HWNDPREV);
    wnd = 0;
  memo1.lines.add('End log');

An easier approach would be to make your own window topmost while it is active.

2005. március 24., csütörtök

How to do greyscale dithering in Delphi


How to do greyscale dithering in Delphi


procedure Greyscale(dib8, dib24: TFastDIB; Colors: Byte);
  TDiv3 = array[0..767] of Byte;
  TScale = array[0..255] of Byte;
  TLineErrors = array[-1.. - 1] of DWord;
  PDiv3 = ^TDiv3;
  PScale = ^TScale;
  PLineErrors = ^TLineErrors;
  x, y, i, Ln, Nxt: Integer;
  pc: PFColor;
  pb: PByte;
  Lines: array[0..1] of PLineErrors;
  Div3: PDiv3;
  Scale: PScale;
  pti: PDWord;
  dir: ShortInt;
  dib8.FillColors(0, Colors, tfBlack, tfWhite);
  pb := Pointer(Div3);
  for i := 0 to 255 do
    pb^ := i;
    pb^ := i;
    pb^ := i;
  pb := Pointer(Scale);
  x := (Colors shl 16) shr 8;
  y := x;
  for i := 0 to 255 do
    pb^ := y shr 16;
    Inc(y, x);
  GetMem(Lines[0], 24 * (dib24.Width + 2));
  GetMem(Lines[1], 24 * (dib24.Width + 2));
  pc := PFColor(dib24.Bits);
  for x := 0 to dib24.Width - 1 do
    Lines[0, x] := Div3[pc.r + pc.g + pc.b] * 16;
  pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + dib24.Gap);
  dir := 1;
  for y := 1 to dib24.Height do
    Nxt := y mod 2;
    Ln := 1 - Nxt;
    if y < dib24.Height then
      for x := 0 to dib24.Width - 1 do
        Lines[Nxt, x] := Div3[pc.r + pc.g + pc.b] * 16;
      pc := Ptr(Integer(pc) + dib24.Gap);
    x := 0;
    if dir = -1 then
      x := dib24.Width - 1;
    pti := @Lines[Ln, x];
    pb := @dib8.Pixels8[y - 1, x];
    while ((x > -1) and (x < dib24.Width)) do
      pti^ := pti^ div 16;
      if pti^ > 255 then
        pti^ := 255
      else if pti^ < 0 then
        pti^ := 0;
      pb^ := Scale[pti^];
      i := pti^ - dib8.Colors[pb^].r;
      if i <> 0 then
        Inc(Lines[Ln, x + dir], i * 7);
        Inc(Lines[Nxt, x - dir], i * 3);
        Inc(Lines[Nxt, x], i * 5);
        Inc(Lines[Nxt, x + dir], i);
      Inc(pb, dir);
      Inc(pti, dir);
      Inc(x, dir);
    Inc(pb, dib8.Gap);
    dir := -dir;

2005. március 23., szerda

How to check if a drive is ready


How to check whether there is a floppy or CD inside the drives?


function DiskInDrive(const Drive: char): Boolean;
  DrvNum: byte;
  EMode: Word;
  result := false;
  DrvNum := ord(Drive);
  if DrvNum >= ord('a') then
    dec(DrvNum, $20);
    if DiskSize(DrvNum - $40) <> -1 then
      result := true

2005. március 22., kedd

How to display the record number in the indicator rectangle of a TDBGrid


How to display the record number in the indicator rectangle of a TDBGrid


Solve 1:

You can show a record number (in case the dataset supports one) in the indicator's rectangle (check if your grid has a dgIndicator in its Options):

{ ... }
TMyDBGrid = class(TDBGrid)
  procedure DrawCell(ACol: Integer; ARow: Integer; ARect: TRect;
    AState: TGridDrawState); override;
  procedure SetColumnAttributes; override;

{ ... }

procedure TMyDBGrid.DrawCell(ACol: Integer; ARow: Integer; ARect: TRect;
  AState: TGridDrawState);
  XInt: integer;
  inherited DrawCell(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState);
  if (ACol = 0) and (dgIndicator in Options) and Assigned(DataLink.DataSet)
    and (DataLink.DataSet.Active) then
    if dgTitles in Options then
      if ARow = 0 then
    DataLink.ActiveRecord := ARow;
    XInt := DataLink.DataSet.RecNo;
    Canvas.TextOut(ARect.Left, ARect.Top, intToStr(XInt));

procedure TMyDBGrid.SetColumnAttributes;
  inherited SetColumnAttributes;
  if (dgIndicator in Options) then
    ColWidths[0] := 20;

This code worked fine for Paradox tables with BDE datasets and for Interbase tables with InterBase Express's TIBTable.

Solve 2:

Drop a TDBGrid on a form. Add all the required columns through the columns editor. Set the fieldname and title caption. Add an extra column and set it right at the top of the columns list, so that this will appear as the first column to display the record number. Don't set a field name for this column. Set any title caption like 'Row No'. Also make sure that the extra added column for displaying the row number is read-only.

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1DrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect;
  DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
  if DataCol = 0 then
    if table1.State = dsInsert then
      if Table1.RecNo < 0 then
        DBGrid1.Canvas.TextOut(rect.Left + 2, rect.Top + 3,
                                 IntTostr(Table1.recordcount + 2))
        DBGrid1.Canvas.TextOut(rect.Left + 2, rect.Top + 3, IntTostr(Table1.RecNo));
      DBGrid1.Canvas.TextOut(rect.Left + 2, rect.Top + 3, IntTostr(Table1.RecNo));

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1ColEnter(Sender: TObject);
  if DBGrid1.SelectedIndex = 0 then
    DBGrid1.SelectedIndex := 1;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  DBGrid1.SelectedIndex := 1;

2005. március 21., hétfő

Understanding what files are and choosing a Delphi file type - part 2


What is a File? How are they stored? What format is best for my project? - The second part of a series by Philip Rayment


Which file type should I use?

By now I hope you understand that, in theory, you can use any Delphi file type to read and write any file (although using a TextFile to read a file that is not text generally won't work very well). You could, for example, use an untyped file or a file of char, to read and write ASCII text. You could, in theory, use an untyped file to write an executable program file.

In practice, of course, particular file types work better with some files than others. If your file contains just strings of text, TextFile is the obvious choice. Similarly, if your file contains data of a single type (including records), a typed file is the way to go. However, there are always going to be those occasions when you want a file to contain data of various types. For example, a Windows resource file might contain some icons, some bitmaps, and some cursors.

Let us have a look at examples of how to save some employee data with each of the three file types. We will include a file version number at the start of the file. Unless you are sure that your file format will never change, a file version number is a good idea so that your program will know what format the data is in. The Untyped and Text files will also include a value indicating the number of records. This is not essential but assists with reading in the information.

The Typed file does not need this as the number of records can be easily calculated by dividing the size of the file by the size of the type. There is of course more than one way to write and read files; the examples below are not necessarily the only ways. In each of these examples let's assume the following declarations:

  ��PersonRecord� = �packed�record
    ��ChistianName: �string[15];
  ����Surname: ������string[15];
  ����Address1: �����string[30];
  ����Address2: �����string[30];
  ����Town: ���������string[15];
  ����Postcode: �����word;
  �� {zip code for Americans}
  ����Birthdate: ����Tdate;
  ����YearsService: �byte
  ����ID: �����������word;
  ��� {PersonRecord} {this record is 114 bytes long}

  People: array�of�PersonRecord;

  ���LatestFileVersion� = �3;

We will use two records with the following values so that we can work out the file sizes for each method:

Record 1
Record 2
13 Railway Crescent
Flat 16

144 Carrington Highway
Williamstown East

In the code examples, the figures in square brackets are the bytes written by each statement for each of the two records.

Example 1: Untyped File

��num:�word;�����{allows up to 65535 records}


���assignFile(fil,filename);�rewrite(fil,1); {Create the file}
���BlockWrite(fil,ver,sizeof(ver));                     [1]{Write the file version}
���BlockWrite(fil,num,sizeof(num));                     [2]{Write the number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of records}
�������with�people[i]�do�begin{write the data}
���������WriteString(ChristianName);                    [5,9]
���������WriteString(Surname);                          [6,13]
���������WriteString(Address1);                         [20,8]
���������WriteString(Address2);                         [1,23]
���������WriteString(Town);                             [11,18]
���������BlockWrite(fil,YearsService,sizeof(YearsService)); [1,1]
���������BlockWrite(fil,ID,sizeof(ID));                     [2,2]

�������num:����word;�����{allows up to 65535 records}

�����BlockRead(fil,result,1);               {Read the length of the string}
�����BlockRead(fil,s[1],length(s));         {Read the string itself}

���assignFile(fil,filename);�reset(fil,1);  {Open the file}
���BlockRead(fil,ver,sizeof(ver));      {Read the file version}
���BlockRead(fil,num,sizeof(num));      {Read the number of records}
�������with�people[i]�do�begin��{Read the data}


The total file size is 143 bytes, the smallest of our examples, but the most complex to write. We had to use a temporary variable (ver) as the BlockWrite statement requires variables, not constants. If we later need to increase the maximum length of a surname, for example, changing the record declaration is all that is required.

Example 2: File of Record

���assignFile(fil,filename);�rewrite(fil); {Create file}
���fillchar(rec,sizeof(rec),0);  {clear fields (not necessary)}
���rec.postcode:=LatestFileVersion;       {any suitable numeric field would do}
���Write(fil,rec);              [114]       {write a record containing the
                                                                                                                                                                        file version}
    �Write(fil,People[i]);      [114,114]  {Write the data}

��assignFile(fil,filename);�reset(fil);��{Open the file}
��Read(fil,rec);��{Read a record containing the file version...}
��ver:=rec.postcode;��{... and extract the file version from it}
��SetLength(people,pred(filesize(fil)�div�sizeof(rec));���{calculate number of records.}
��for�i:=0�to�high(people)�do�Read(fil,People[i]);��{Read the data}


The total file size is 342 bytes, by far the largest of our examples, but also the easiest to write. The space is in the unused parts of the strings, which were designed to hold the largest likely names and addresses, plus in the additional record we used at the start just to hold the file version. If we decide later that we need to allow longer strings, we not only need to change the record definition, but also all the files already written this way . Thus while it is the easiest to write, it is probably the hardest to change.

2005. március 20., vasárnap

How to clip the client area of a form using regions


I'm trying to produce a form that has transparent areas in it (no border or title with odd shape edges/ holes). I've successfully done this; the problem I'm having is the refreshing of the transparent areas. I have an idea form the conceptual point of what to do, but was hoping some could let me know if this sounds like it would work, and any technical information on how to do it.

I want to pass the WM_PAINT message that my form gets on to the window(s) underneath my form, so that those windows refresh themselves. Then, only after the window(s) beneath my form finish refreshing, I want to refresh my form (act on the WM_PAINT message in a normal manner).


While the method you are attempting to use could work, it's much easier to use SetWindowRgn().

This API function will associate an HRGN with your window. This region will be used to determine the area your window is allowed to paint in:

procedure CutOutClient(pForm: TForm);
  rgnCenter: HRGN;
  rcWindow: TRect;
  rcClient: TRect;
  GetWindowRect(pForm.Handle, rcWindow);
  Windows.GetClientRect(pForm.Handle, rcClient);
  MapWindowPoints(pForm.Handle, HWND_DESKTOP, rcClient, 2);
  OffsetRect(rcClient, -rcWindow.Left, -rcWindow.Top);
  rgnCenter := CreateRectRgnIndirect(rcClient);
    SetWindowRgn(pForm.Handle, rgnCenter, IsWindowVisible(pForm.Handle));

This procedure should clip the client area from your form. To extend this, you simply need to create a different region. See the CreateEllipticRgn, CreatePolygonRgn, CreateRectRgn, and CombineRgn (as well as a few others).

2005. március 19., szombat

How to print the content of a TRichEdit centered on a page


I have a TDBRichEdit component in D4 and I would like to allow the user to print the selected record centered on a page.


It boils down to measuring the text height required for a given width of the printout. This can be done using the EM_FORMATRANGE message, which can also be used to print the formatted text. Here is an example that you can use as a starting point. It measures the text to be able to frame it on the page, you can use the calculated height to vertically center the text by adding to the top border. Printing rich edit contents using EM_FORMATRANGE and EM_DISPLAYBAND:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  printarea: Trect;
  x, y: Integer;
  richedit_outputarea: TRect;
  printresX, printresY: Integer;
  fmtRange: TFormatRange;
    with Printer.Canvas do
      printresX := GetDeviceCaps(handle, LOGPIXELSX);
      printresY := GetDeviceCaps(handle, LOGPIXELSY);
      Font.Name := 'Arial';
      Font.Size := 14;
      Font.Style := [fsBold];
      {1 inch left margin / 1.5 inch top
                        margin / 1 inch right margin / 1.5 inch bottom margin}
      printarea := Rect(printresX, printresY * 3 div 2, Printer.PageWidth - printresX,
        Printer.PageHeight - printresY * 3 div 2);
      x := printarea.left;
      y := printarea.top;
      TextOut(x, y, 'A TRichEdit print example');
      y := y + TextHeight('Ag');
      Moveto(x, y);
      Pen.Width := printresY div 72; {1 point}
      Pen.Style := psSolid;
      Pen.Color := clBlack;
      LineTo(printarea.Right, y);
      Inc(y, printresY * 5 div 72);
      {Define a rectangle for the rich edit text.
                        The height is set to the maximum.
                        But we need to convert from device units to twips,
                  1 twip = 1/1440 inch or 1/20 point.}
      richedit_outputarea := Rect((printarea.left + 2) * 1440 div printresX, y * 1440
        div printresY,
        (printarea.right - 4) * 1440 div printresX, (printarea.bottom) * 1440 div
      {Tell rich edit to format its text to the printer.
                                First set up data record for message:}
      fmtRange.hDC := Handle; {printer handle}
      fmtRange.hdcTarget := Handle; {printer handle}
      fmtRange.rc := richedit_outputarea;
      fmtRange.rcPage := Rect(0, 0, Printer.PageWidth * 1440 div printresX,
        Printer.PageHeight * 1440 div printresY);
      fmtRange.chrg.cpMin := 0;
      fmtRange.chrg.cpMax := richedit1.GetTextLen - 1;
      {First measure the text, to find out how high the format rectangle will be.
                        The call sets fmtrange.rc.bottom to the actual height required,
                        if all characters in the selected
      range will fit into a smaller rectangle,}
      richedit1.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, Longint(@fmtRange));
      {Draw a rectangle around the format rectangle}
      Pen.Width := printresY div 144; {0.5 points}
      Brush.Style := bsClear;
      Rectangle(printarea.Left, y - 2, printarea.right, fmtrange.rc.bottom * printresY
        div 1440 + 2);
      {Now render the text}
      richedit1.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 1, Longint(@fmtRange));
      {and print it}
      richedit1.Perform(EM_DISPLAYBAND, 0, Longint(@fmtRange.rc));
      y := fmtrange.rc.bottom * printresY div 1440 + printresY * 5 div 72;
      {Free cached information}
      richedit1.Perform(EM_FORMATRANGE, 0, 0);
      TextOut(x, y, 'End of example.');

2005. március 18., péntek

How to retrieve the text of a single-line edit control


How to retrieve the text of a single-line edit control


Solve 1:

{ ... }
  FNEText: array[0..127] of Char;
  SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, WM_GETTEXT, Sizeof(FNEText), Integer(@FNEText));
  { ... }

Solve 2:

{ ... }
  buffer: array[0..$10000] of Char;
  len: Integer;
  buffer[0] := #0;
  len := SendMessage(hFocusWin, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
  if len > 0 then
    SendMessage(hFocusWin, WM_GETTEXT, len + 1, LPARAM(@buffer));
  { ... }

2005. március 17., csütörtök

Reading a Field's Value into a TStrings Property


Reading a Field's Value into a TStrings Property


Any programming environment is not without its faults, and Delphi is no exception to this. And while I consider myself to be one of the biggest fans of Delphi, there are still things that are either missing or are so poorly implemented in it, that they make me want to pull my hair out! Of those "things" there are two components that make me rankle: The TDBLookupListBox and the TDBComboBox. On the surface, these components have the potential to be incredibly useful. Load values from a field from one table so they can be used in another. Unfortunately, most people, including myself, have had only marginal success with them. It's not because they don't work, it's just that I feel they're poorly implemented.

Typically, property names should give a good indication of what a property represents. For instance, it's very clear in DataSet components that DatabaseName actually means a database name. Unfortunately in the case of the DBLookup components, the property names are a bit misleading, and it makes using these components a bit unwieldy. For instance, both components have the properties, Field and DataField. If you didn't know any better, you'd think that Field is the lookup field and DataField is the field into which the lookup value is applied. Actually, the converse is true. Furthermore, while the DBLookup components offer incredible flexibility by allowing you specify different display fields in place of the actual data field that will be used for inserting the value, providing these introduce a bit of complexity that while useful, is poorly implemented by, yet again, confusing property names.

Don't get me wrong here. I actually use these components quite a bit becasue I understand how they work and have had a lot of practice using them various applications. But there are some applications where I don't really need lookup and insert capabilities, only lookup capabilities. After all, the DBLookup components are for data entry, and not all applications are data-entry applications. For instance, many of my applications are specifically geared towards data retrieval. But for ease of use, I employ a lot of list boxes and combo boxes based on lookup table data to aid in the selection criteria process. When I'm ready to execute a retrieval, I'm not interested in grabbing field values from a table, all I want to do is get the entered value in the edit boxes or the selected or checked item(s) in a list or combo directly.

So in these cases, I employ a simple list load mechanism that reads data from a table's field and inserts the values into some sort of TStrings property. Mind you, it doesn't have the flexibility of a DBLookup component, but its mere simplicity makes it a much more attractive alternative when doing pure reference types of applications. That said, you'll probably kick me for taking so long to lead into the code, which happens to be moronically simple.

Below are two procedures that I use to load TStrings types of properties. The first employs a TTable to get the values, the second employes a TQuery. I'll discuss the particulars following the code.

// ======================================================================
// This procedure will load a list box with values taken from a specific
// field in a TTable.
// ======================================================================

procedure DBLoadListTbl(dbSource, {database name}
  tblSource, {table name}
  fldName: string; {field name to load from}
  const LBox: TStrings); {List Box on Form}

  SourceTbl: TTable;

  SourceTbl := TTable.Create(Application); {Create an instance of sourceTbl}

  with SourceTbl do
    Active := False;
    DatabaseName := dbSource;
    TableName := tblSource;
      while not EOF do

// =======================================================================
// This is a variant on the procedure above. Instead, it uses a TQuery
// =======================================================================

procedure DBLoadListQry(tblSource, {table name}
  fldName: string; {field name to load from}
  const List: TStrings); {Any TStrings}
  qry: TQuery;
  qry := TQuery.Create(nil);
  with qry do
    Active := False;
    DatabaseName := ExtractFilePath(tblSource);
    SQL.Add('SELECT DISTINCT d."' + fldName + '" ');
    SQL.Add('FROM "' + tblSource + '" d');
      while not EOF do

Now you might be wondering why in the world I have two procedures that perform almost identical tasks. The reason for this is that with the DBLoadListTbl procedure, there is a complete disregard for duplicate value checking. Simply put, the first procedure has the potential to include duplicate values. The second procedure, DBLoadListQry, on the other hand, employs a SELECT DISTINCT query to remove duplicates. I know, it could be argued that I could probably combine the two procedures into a single one that does duplicate checking, but why bother? While it would probably be much more elegant to do something like that, sometimes just sheer simplicity makes for a much more attractive path to follow. So rather than create a procedure that has a bunch of duplication checking logic, I employ two procedures: One that allows duplicates, another that disallows duplicates. Both of these calls are quick, painless, and don't require a lot thought to implement. And in today's world of short deadlines, I'll take the most simple road over the more complex, elegant solution any day.

2005. március 16., szerda

Oracle and master-detail queries


Oracle and master-detail queries


Just the other day I was writing an application that had master-detail queries, using the TQuery component. The queries were made against an Oracle 8 database using BDE and Delphi 3, but the problem was also present on Oracle 7 and in different oracle set ups. The picture was the following:

QUERY1 (master):


Note: CODE is CHAR(10)

QUERY2 (set as detail of QUERY1):



The problem is that even 'though all the clients with a valid AREACODE would be listed, no order for that client would be listed, even if there were data in the ORDERS table for all the customers. The QUERY2 dataset was always empty (yes, it was Active).

FIXED QUERY2 (set as detail of QUERY1):


This fixed once and for all the problem, and all the orders for each customer were correctly returned by the query. It seemed that when the parameter was passed, it's data type was changed, or some padding was added to the field. Anyway, trimming both fields and comparing only the data part worked.

2005. március 15., kedd

How to assign a TImage to a TBitmap at runtime


Is it possible to assign a TImage.picture (a JPEG image) to a different TBitmap (created at runtime)? I want to copy the content of a TImage to another bitmap, but it seems to only works for .bmp files.


I've done this without any problems. One thing to make sure is that the JPEG unit is in the uses clause. If I understand you correctly you want to do something like:

{ ... }
b := TBitmap.Create;
  Image2.Picture.Graphic := b;

Where the Image1 graphic is a TJPEGImage. This code works for me as long as the JPEG is in
the uses clause.

2005. március 14., hétfő

How to check if a folder contains subfolders


How to check if a folder contains subfolders


function HasSubDirs(dir: string): boolean;
  sr: TSearchRec;
  result := false;
  dir := IncludeTrailingBackslash(dir);
  if FindFirst(dir + '*.*', faAnyfile, sr) = 0 then
      result := (sr.attr and faDirectory <> 0) and (sr.name <> '.') and (sr.name <>
      result or (FindNext(sr) <> 0);

2005. március 13., vasárnap

TCollection The Class for Master Detail Relations


Getting A master Detail Relation in a component on a way it's easely streamed.
Using a TStream Class Decendant


The collection Class is one of my favorit when it comes to storing multiple Data with one component its even posible to include the Collection in its own item making it useful for recursion (The Collection Can have a item withs can hold a other collection.

If you want the standard Editor for Collections u have to use a TOwnedCollection i think its ijn the unit Classes from delphi 4 but if u have D3 u need to Make that class first like this

TOwnedCollection = class(TCollection)
  FOwner: TPersistent;
  function GetOwner: TPersistent; override;
  // Fil in the AOwner in The Fowner proeprty on the Create Constructor .
  constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent; ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);

Heres a Example Of a collection That does that

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

  TMyCollection = class(TOwnedCollection)


  TMyCollectionItem = class(TCollectionItem)
    FANummer: Integer;
    FAString: string;
    FMoreCollections: TMyCollection;
    procedure SetANummer(const Value: Integer);
    procedure SetAString(const Value: string);
    procedure SetMoreCollections(const Value: TMyCollection);
    constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property AString: string read FAString write SetAString;
    property ANummer: Integer read FANummer write SetANummer;
    property MoreCollections: TMyCollection read FMoreCollections write

  TCollectionWrapper = class(TComponent)

    FCollection: TMyCollection;
    procedure SetCollection(const Value: TMyCollection);
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    property Collection: TMyCollection read FCollection write SetCollection;


{ TMyCollectionItem }

constructor TMyCollectionItem.Create(Collection: TCollection);
  FMoreCollections := TMyCollection.Create(self, TMyCollectionItem);

destructor TMyCollectionItem.Destroy;


procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetANummer(const Value: Integer);
  FANummer := Value;

procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetAString(const Value: string);
  FAString := Value;

procedure TMyCollectionItem.SetMoreCollections(const Value: TMyCollection);
  FMoreCollections := Value;

{ TCollectionWrapper }

constructor TCollectionWrapper.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  FCollection := TMyCollection.Create(self, TMyCollectionItem);

destructor TCollectionWrapper.Destroy;


procedure TCollectionWrapper.SetCollection(const Value: TMyCollection);
  FCollection := Value;


This is how you could addres it Run time

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ACollection: TCollectionWrapper;
  ACollection := TCollectionWrapper.Create(Self);
    // Default add gives u a TCollectionItem So u need to cast it
    with TMyCollectionItem(ACollection.Collection.Add()) do
      AString := 'Hallo';
      ANummer := 5;



If you register this component u will be able to use the default Collection Editor Design time

Component Download: http://www.xs4all.nl/~suusie/Pieter/Programs/CollectionComponent.zip

2005. március 12., szombat

Find the intersection of two polylines


How to find the intersection of two polylines


Solve 1:

You have to intersect each polygon segment set which has a collision of their overlapping rectangles defined by the start and end point of each segment except neigboring segments. That means m-1 * n-1 segments are possible. To make a fast overlapping (collision) set I use a xy hash tree based on quadtree decomposition of the segments. Here is the code for the line intersection:

{XYIntersect Container Intersection for 2 dimensional segments
XII/2001 TriplexWare; Written by A.Weidauer

Abstract: Representation for 2-dimensional segment intersections
Author: Alexander Weidauer (alex.weidauer@huckfinn.de)
Created: December 2001
Lastmod: December 2001

The Unit delivers a 2-dimensional segment intersection for several objects
represented by basic data types for I/O}

unit UXYIntersect;


  UConst; {Basic datatype definitions. See further down the page.)

{The function checks a possible segmentation of two segments. The first is defined by
the coordinate set S1( P1(x1, y1): P2(x2, y2)) and the second is
defined S2( P3(x3, y3): P4(x4, y4)) where P1, P2, P3, P4 be the points.
OutX and OutY represent the intersection coordinates and are only valid if
the function turns back the value TRUE. If the segments are paralell the flag
is set to TRUE and if the the segmets are paralell and overlapping eachother
then OutX, OutY keeping the heavy point of the 4 coordinates sets.
In this case you have to check the intervall borders.
The solution of the intersection is NOT a point, it is a SEGMENT again.}

function Isec(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: TDouble; var OutX, OutY: TDouble;
  var ParallelFlag: TBoolean): TBoolean;


function Isec(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: TDouble; var OutX, OutY: TDouble;
  var ParallelFlag: TBoolean): TBoolean;
  delta, rmu, l1, l2, l3: TDouble;
  OutY := 0;
  OutX := 0;
  ParallelFlag := False;
  x2 := x2 - x1;
  y2 := y2 - y1;
  x4 := x4 - x3;
  y4 := y4 - y3;
  delta := x2 * y4 - y2 * x4;
  {First case segments are paralell !}
  if abs(delta) < 1 E - 8 then
    ParallelFlag := False;
    x2 := x2 + x1;
    x4 := x4 + x3;
    y2 := y2 + y1;
    y4 := y4 + y3;
    l1 := sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));
    l2 := sqrt((x3 - x1) * (x3 - x1) + (y3 - y1) * (y3 - y1));
    l3 := sqrt((x3 - x2) * (x3 - x2) + (y3 - y2) * (y3 - y2));
    if (l1 = l2 - l3) or (l1 = l2 + l3) then
      Result := true;
      Parallelflag := true;
      OutX := (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4) / 4;
      OutY := (y1 + y2 + y3 + y4) / 4;
      Result := False;
  {End of parallel case}
  rmu := ((x3 - x1) * y4 - (y3 - y1) * x4) / delta;
  if (rmu > 1) or (rmu < 0) then
    isec := False;
  OutX := x1 + RMU * x2;
  Outy := y1 + RMU * y2;
  x2 := x2 + x1;
  x4 := x4 + x3;
  y2 := y2 + y1;
  y4 := y4 + y3;
  if x1 > x2 then
    SwapDouble(x1, x2);
  if y1 > y2 then
    SwapDouble(y1, y2);
  if x3 > x4 then
    SwapDouble(x3, x4);
  if y3 > y4 then
    SwapDouble(y3, y4);
  {Rangecheck of the solution}
  if (outx > x2) or (outx < x1) or (outx > x4) or (outx < x3) or (outy > y2)
    or (outy < y1) or (outy > y4) or (outy < y3) then
    Result := False;
  Result := True;


{Basic Datatype and file extention definitions
XII/2001TriplaxWare; Written by A.Weidauer

Abstract: Basic Datatype and file extention definitions
Author: Alexander Weidauer (alex.weidauer@huckfinn.de)
Created: December 2001
Lastmod: December 2001

The Unit delivers basic data types for I/O and their file extentions.}

unit UConst;


  {registry destination set}
  cStorageName = 'Software\tsWB';
  {Maximal read buffer size for blocked bufferd reading}
  cMaxReadBuffer = 32000;
  {Maximal write buffer size for blocked bufferd writing}
  cMaxWriteBuffer = 32000;

  {Type encapsulation Boolean}
  TBoolean = Boolean;
  {Type encapsulation String}
  TString = string;
  {Type encapsulation Byte 8 Bit}
  TByte = Byte;
  {Type encapsulation Word 16 Bit}
  TWord = Word;
  {Type encapsulation LongWord 32 Bit}
  TLongWord = LongWord;
  {Type encapsulation SmallInt signed 8 Bit}
  TInt08 = SmallInt;
  {Type encapsulation Integer signed 16 Bit}
  TInt16 = ShortInt;
  {Type encapsulation Integer signed 32 Bit}
  TInt32 = LongInt;
  {Type encapsulation Integer signed 32 Bit as common integer}
  TInteger = TInt32;
  {Type encapsulation Integer signed 64 Bit}
  TInt64 = Int64;
  {Type encapsulation Single 4 Byte}
  TSingle = Single;
  {Type encapsulation Real 6 Byte}
  TReal = Real48;
  {Type encapsulation Double 8 Byte}
  TDouble = Double;
  {Type encapsulation Double 10 Byte}
  TExtended = Extended;
  {Swap data if a > b for String}
procedure SwapString(var a, b: TString);
{Swap data if a > b for TByte}
procedure SwapByte(var a, b: TByte);
{Swap data if a > b for TWord}
procedure SwapWord(var a, b: TWord);
{Swap data if a > b for TLongWord}
procedure SwapLongWord(var a, b: TLongWord);
{Swap data if a > b for TInt08}
procedure SwapInt08(var a, b: TInt08);
{Swap data if a > b for TInt16}
procedure SwapInt16(var a, b: TInt16);
{Swap data if a > b for TInt32}
procedure SwapInt32(var a, b: TInt32);
{Swap data if a > b for TInt64}
procedure SwapInt64(var a, b: TInt64);
{Swap data if a > b for single}
procedure SwapSingle(var a, b: TSingle);
{Swap data if a > b for double}
procedure SwapDouble(var a, b: TDouble);
{Swap data if a > b for Extended}
procedure SwapExtended(var a, b: TExtended);


procedure SwapString(var a, b: TString);
  r: TString;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapByte(var a, b: TByte);
  r: TByte;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapWord(var a, b: TWord);
  r: TWord;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapLongWord(var a, b: TLongWord);
  r: TLongWord;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapInt08(var a, b: TInt08);
  r: TInt08;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapInt16(var a, b: TInt16);
  r: TInt16;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapInt32(var a, b: TInt32);
  r: TInt32;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapInt64(var a, b: TInt64);
  r: TInt64;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapSingle(var a, b: TSingle);
  r: TSingle;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapDouble(var a, b: TDouble);
  r: TDouble;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;

procedure SwapExtended(var a, b: TExtended);
  r: TExtended;
  r := a;
  a := b;
  b := r;


Solve 2:

This function will return the list of points found on a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
The procedure will calculate the points in the direction the line is drawn. For the line (x1,y1)------ --(x2,y2) or the line (x2,y2)-------(x1,y1) the first point in the list is always (x1,y1) and the last point in the list is always (x2, y2).
Points are calculated along the axis with the most change so that as many points as possible are created for the line.

// The point object
TPointFill = class
  X: Integer;
  Y: Integer;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetLinePoints
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function GetLinePoints(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): TList;
  ChangeInX, ChangeInY, i, MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY, LineLength: Integer;
  ChangingX: Boolean;
  Point: TPointFill;
  ReturnList, ReversedList: TList;
  ReturnList := TList.Create;
  ReversedList := TList.Create;

  // Get the change in the X axis and the Max & Min X values
  if X1 > X2 then
    ChangeInX := X1 - X2;
    MaxX := X1;
    MinX := X2;
    ChangeInX := X2 - X1;
    MaxX := X2;
    MinX := X1;

  // Get the change in the Y axis and the Max & Min Y values
  if Y1 > Y2 then
    ChangeInY := Y1 - Y2;
    MaxY := Y1;
    MinY := Y2;
    ChangeInY := Y2 - Y1;
    MaxY := Y2;
    MinY := Y1;

  // Find out which axis has the greatest change
  if ChangeInX > ChangeInY then
    LineLength := ChangeInX;
    ChangingX := True;
    LineLength := ChangeInY;
    ChangingX := false;

  // If the x's match then the line changes only on the Y axis
  if X1 = X2 then
    // Loop thru the points on the list, lowest to highest.
    for i := MinY to MaxY do
      Point := TPointFill.Create;
      Point.X := X1;
      Point.Y := i;

    // If the point was started on the right and went to the left then
                reverse the list.
    if Y1 > Y2 then
      ReversedList := ReversePointOrder(ReturnList);
      ReturnList := ReversedList;
    // If the x's match then the line changes only on the Y axis
  else if Y1 = Y2 then
    // Loop thru the points on the list, lowest to highest.
    for i := MinX to MaxX do
      Point := TPointFill.Create;
      Point.X := i;
      Point.Y := Y1;

    // If the point was started on the bottom and went to the top then reverse the list.
    if X1 > X2 then
      ReversedList := ReversePointOrder(ReturnList);
      ReturnList := ReversedList;
    // The line is on an angle
    // Add the first point to the list.
    Point := TPointFill.Create;
    Point.X := X1;
    Point.Y := Y1;

    // Loop thru the longest axis
    for i := 1 to (LineLength - 1) do
      Point := TPointFill.Create;
      // If we are moving on the x axis then get the related Y point.
      if ChangingX then
        Point.y := Round((ChangeInY * i) / ChangeInX);
        Point.x := i;
        // otherwise we are moving on the y axis so get the related X point.
        Point.y := i;
        Point.x := Round((ChangeInX * i) / ChangeInY);

      // if y1 is smaller than y2 then we are moving in a Top to Bottom direction.
      // we need to add y1 to get the next y value.
      if Y1 < Y2 then
        Point.y := Point.Y + Y1
          // otherwise we are moving in a Bottom to Top direction.
        // we need to subtract y1 to get the next y value.
        Point.Y := Y1 - Point.Y;

      // if X1 is smaller than X2 then we are moving in a Left to Right direction
      // we need to add x1 to get the next x value
      if X1 < X2 then
        Point.X := Point.X + X1
          // otherwise we are moving in a Right to Left direction
        // we need to subtract x1 to get the next x value.
        Point.X := X1 - Point.X;

    // Add the second point to the list.
    Point := TPointFill.Create;
    Point.X := X2;
    Point.Y := Y2;
  Result := ReturnList;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ReversePointOrder
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function ReversePointOrder(LinePointList: TList): TList;
  i: integer;
  NewPointList: TList;
  CurrentPointFill: TPointFill;
  NewPointList := TList.Create;
  i := LinePointList.Count - 1;

  while i > -1 do
    CurrentPointFill := TPointFill(LinePointList.Items[i]);

  Result := NewPointList;

2005. március 11., péntek

Create caption for TWinControl components


In microsoft access I can see the Listbox there contains a window caption. how can I create my own components win a caption ?


We must not forget that this code will work only in a TWinControl components.

Well, first of all we must declear the procedure of CreateParams in the public section...

Then we go to work !!!

Now you must add this line in the publised area if you wish to add some text to the caption:

property Caption;

Now for the code part:

unit ListboxTest;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

  TListboxTest = class(TListbox)
    { Private declarations }
    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
    { Public declarations }
    { Published declarations }
    property Caption stored True;

procedure Register;


procedure Register;
  RegisterComponents('Samples', [TListboxTest]);

procedure TListboxTest.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
  inherited CreateParams(Params);
  with Params do
    Style := Style or WS_CAPTION;


Now we have a caption for our ListBox... And the funny part is that i read while back that VB users payied mony for this kind of OCX component... :)

2005. március 10., csütörtök

How to get a list of all registered typelibs


Does anybody know how to get a list of all registered typelibs (like the list in the typelib import window in Delphi)? I found a place in the registry (HKCR\TypeLib\...) but a lot of libs are listed more then one time (up to 4 or 5 times) in that place. Do I have to grab all libs from this place? I have found no API (like EnumTypeLibs) that does this.


procedure EnumTypeLibs(TypeLibNames: TStringList);
  f: TRegistry;
  keyNames, keyVersions, keyInfos: TStringList;
  keyName, keyVersion, keyInfo, tlName: string;
  i, j, k: Integer;
  {TypeLibNames.Sorted := True;}
  keyNames := nil;
  keyVersions := nil;
  keyInfos := nil;
  f := TRegistry.Create;
    keyNames := TStringList.Create;
    keyVersions := TStringList.Create;
    keyInfos := TStringList.Create;
    f.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
    if not f.OpenKey('TypeLib', False) then
      raise Exception.Create('TRegistry.Open');
    for i := 0 to keyNames.Count - 1 do
      keyName := keyNames.Strings[i];
      if not f.OpenKey(Format('TypeLib\%s', [keyName]), False) then
      for j := 0 to keyVersions.Count - 1 do
        keyVersion := keyVersions.Strings[j];
        if not f.OpenKey(Format('TypeLib\%s\%s', [keyName, keyVersion]), False) then
        tlName := f.ReadString('');
        for k := 0 to keyInfos.Count - 1 do
          keyInfo := keyInfos.Strings[k];
          if (keyInfo = '') or (keyInfo[1] < '0') or (keyInfo[1] > '9') then
          if not f.OpenKey(Format('TypeLib\%s\%s\%s\win32', [keyName, keyVersion,
            keyInfo]), False) then
          TypeLibNames.Add(Format('%s ver.%s', [tlName, keyVersion]));

2005. március 9., szerda

Paint a complete TTreeView on a canvas


How to paint a complete TTreeView on a canvas


I recently implemented a procedure to paint a TTreeView component to a canvas, including the images, state images and so on, and not only the visible nodes, but also those that do not fit in the client area.

unit TreePaint;


  Windows, Graphics, ComCtrls;

procedure TreeViewPaintTo(ATreeView: TTreeView; FullExpand: Boolean;
  ACanvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer);


procedure TreeViewPaintTo(ATreeView: TTreeView; FullExpand: Boolean;
  ACanvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer);

  OffsetX, OffsetY: Integer;

  procedure DrawButton(X, Y: Integer; Expanded: Boolean);
    R: TRect;
    ACanvas.Pen.Color := clGray;
    ACanvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
    ACanvas.Rectangle(X - 5, Y - 5, X + 4, Y + 4);
    ACanvas.Pixels[X + 1, Y - 1] := clBlack;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X, Y - 1] := clBlack;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X - 1, Y - 1] := clBlack;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X - 2, Y - 1] := clBlack;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X - 3, Y - 1] := clBlack;
    if (not Expanded) then
      ACanvas.Pixels[X - 1, Y + 1] := clBlack;
      ACanvas.Pixels[X - 1, Y] := clBlack;
      ACanvas.Pixels[X - 1, Y - 1] := clBlack;
      ACanvas.Pixels[X - 1, Y - 2] := clBlack;
      ACanvas.Pixels[X - 1, Y - 3] := clBlack;

  procedure DrawHorizLine(X, Y: Integer; HasButton: Boolean);
    if (HasButton) then
      X := X + 5;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X, Y] := clGray;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X + 2, Y] := clGray;
    ACanvas.Pixels[X + 4, Y] := clGray;

  procedure DrawVertLine(X, Y0, Y1: Integer; HasButton: Boolean);
    if (HasButton) then
      Y0 := Y0 + 5;
    while (Y0 <= Y1) do
      ACanvas.Pixels[X, Y0] := clGray;
      inc(Y0, 2);

  procedure TreeNodePaintTo(ATreeNode: TTreeNode; ACanvas: TCanvas);
    FirstNode: Boolean;
    CurNode: TTreeNode;
    NewX, NewY, CurX, CurY, StateY, ImageY: Integer;
    CurNode := ATreeNode;
    FirstNode := True;
    while (CurNode <> nil) do
      if (not (CurNode.IsVisible or FullExpand)) then
      {Compute Start X and Y}
      NewX := X + (CurNode.Level * OffsetX);
      NewY := Y + (OffsetY div 2);
      {Line to sibling node}
      if (ATreeView.ShowLines) then
        if (not FirstNode) then
          if (ATreeView.ShowRoot or (CurNode.Level > 0)) then
            DrawVertLine(NewX - 1, CurY - (OffsetY div 2) + 1, NewY, True);
          FirstNode := False;
          {Line to parent node}
          if (CurNode.Parent <> nil) then
            DrawVertLine(NewX - 1, Y - (OffsetY div 2) + 1, NewY, True)
      {Update Sibling offsets}
      CurX := NewX;
      CurY := NewY;
      if (ATreeView.ShowRoot or (CurNode.Level > 0)) then
        if (ATreeView.ShowButtons) then
          {Draw the button}
          if (CurNode.HasChildren) then
            DrawButton(NewX, NewY, FullExpand or CurNode.Expanded);
            CurY := CurY + 9;
          if (ATreeView.ShowLines) then
            DrawHorizLine(NewX, NewY, CurNode.HasChildren);
        else if (ATreeView.ShowLines) then
          DrawHorizLine(NewX, NewY, False);
      {Update X Offset}
      NewX := NewX + 9;
      {State Image}
      if (Assigned(ATreeView.StateImages)) then
        {Draw the State Image}
        StateY := Y + ((OffsetY - ATreeView.StateImages.Height) div 2);
        ATreeView.StateImages.Draw(ACanvas, NewX, StateY, CurNode.StateIndex);
        {Update X Offset}
        NewX := NewX + ATreeView.StateImages.Width;
      if (Assigned(ATreeView.Images)) then
        {Draw the Image}
        ImageY := Y + ((OffsetY - ATreeView.Images.Height) div 2);
        ATreeView.Images.Draw(ACanvas, NewX, ImageY, CurNode.ImageIndex);
        {Update X Offset}
        NewX := NewX + ATreeView.Images.Width;
      ACanvas.TextOut(NewX, Y, CurNode.Text);
      {Update Y Offset}
      Y := Y + OffsetY;
      {Paint Child Nodes}
      if (CurNode.GetFirstChild <> nil) then
        TreeNodePaintTo(CurNode.GetFirstChild, ACanvas);
      {Paint sibling nodes}
      CurNode := CurNode.GetNextSibling;
  {Compute Offsets}
  OffsetX := 19;
  OffsetY := 5 * ACanvas.TextHeight('|') div 4;
  if (Assigned(ATreeView.StateImages)) and (ATreeView.StateImages.Height > OffsetY)
    OffsetY := ATreeView.StateImages.Height;
  if (Assigned(ATreeView.Images)) and (ATreeView.Images.Height > OffsetY) then
    OffsetY := ATreeView.Images.Height;
  if (ATreeView.ShowRoot) then
    X := X + 10;
  TreeNodePaintTo(ATreeView.Items.GetFirstNode, ACanvas);


2005. március 8., kedd

Filter Table,Query with Exception Handling


This demonstrates how to filter a table with exception handling and also demonstrates how the overload directive can be used


function FilterTable(Data: TQuery; Filter: string): string; overload;
function ExecuteSQL(Data: TQuery; F: TStrings): string;

function ExecuteSQL(Data: TQuery; F: TStrings): string;
  TSQL: TStrings;
    TSQL := TStringList.Create;
      Result := Data.Bookmark;
      Data.Active := False;
      Data.Active := True;
      on EDBEngineError do
        TSQL := nil;
        Data.Active := True;
    end; //try except
    if TSQL <> nil then

function FilterTable(Data: TTable; Filter: string): string;
    Result := Data.Bookmark;
    Data.Active := False;
    Data.Filtered := True;
    Data.FilterOptions := [foCaseInsensitive];
    Data.Filter := Filter;
    Data.Active := True;
    on EDatabaseError do
      Data.Filter := '';
      Data.Active := True;
  end; //try except

A few routines that can be used to clean up code.

2005. március 7., hétfő

How to open the Windows screen mode dialog


Is there a way to open the default Windows dialog for screen settings (screen resolution, colors etc.) by a Delphi application?



{ ... }
ShellExecute(HInstance, nil, PCHAR('rundll32.exe'), PCHAR('shell32.dll,
  Control_RunDLL desk.cpl, , 3') { 3 is the tab index }, NIL, 1);

2005. március 6., vasárnap

How to save components to a file or stream


I have a component TZzz (descends from TComponent) and I want to implement some saving/ restoring capabilities for it. Here's my point. I want to place a TZzz component in a form and export this object to a file. Later, I want import that file to another TZzz object in another form (only for copying the properties from one object to another). Any ideas?


Here is a component I wrote which I use often. Simply derive from TPersistentComponent and you can then stream it in and out either directly to a stream or to a file as well. You will have to implement the FindMethod method yourself.

unit Unit1;


  Classes, Sysutils;

  cFileDoesNotExist = 'File Does Not Exist %0s';
  cDefaultBufSize = 4096;

  TPersistComponent = class(TComponent)

    FStreamLoad: Boolean;
    property StreamLoad: Boolean read FSTreamLoad;
    procedure FindMethod(Reader: TReader; const MethodName: string; var Address:
      var Error: Boolean); virtual;
    procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string; const Init: Boolean = False);
    procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); virtual;
    procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;
    procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual;


procedure TPersistComponent.FindMethod(Reader: TReader; const MethodName: string;
  var Address: Pointer; var Error: Boolean);
  Error := False;

procedure TPersistComponent.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string; const Init: Boolean =
  FS: TFileStream;
  if FileExists(Filename) then
    FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
    raise Exception.CreateFmt(cFileDoesNotExist, [FileName]);

procedure TPersistComponent.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
  Reader: TReader;
  Reader := TReader.Create(Stream, cDefaultBufSize);
    {Reader.OnFindMethod := FindMethod;}
    FStreamLoad := True;
    Reader.OnFindMethod := FindMethod;
    Reader.Root := Owner;
    FStreamLoad := False;

procedure TPersistComponent.SaveToFile(const FileName: string);
  FS: TFileStream;
  FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);

procedure TPersistComponent.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
  Writer: TWriter;
  Writer := TWriter.Create(Stream, cDefaultBufSize);
    Writer.Root := Owner;


2005. március 5., szombat

How to get a list of all data-aware controls linked to a given TDataSource


Is there a way to get a list of data-aware controls linked to a given TDataSource component? I need a solution that will work without knowing ahead of time what form to look in for the controls.


Try something like the following. This code will scan all components on all forms and determine if the component has a DataSource property. If it does, the value of the DataSource property is assigned to the variable ThisDataSource.

for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
  if Screen.Forms[I] is TCustomForm then
    with Screen.Forms[I] as TCustomForm do
      for J := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
        if IsPublishedProp(Components[J], 'DataSource') then
          ThisDataSource := GetObjectProp(Components[J], 'DataSource') as TDataSource;
          if ThisDataSource = SomeOtherDataSource then

2005. március 4., péntek

How to disable and reenable the Windows start button


How can I disable the Windows start button and prevent the user from accessing it by clicking on it or by pressing [CTRL] + [ESC] ?


Solve 1:

To disable the Start button:

  h: hwnd;
  h := FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'Button', nil);
  EnableWindow(h, false);

But the user can still access the start menu by pressing [CTL] + [ESC] or the windows key. Even hiding the Start button doesn't work. But hiding the Start button and using the SetParent function seems to work:

  h: hwnd;
  h := FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'Button', nil)
    ShowWindow(h, 0);
  Windows.SetParent(h, 0);

To enable the Start button again:

  h: hwnd;
  TaskWindow: hwnd;
  h := FindWindowEx(GetDesktopWindow, 0, 'Button', nil);
  TaskWindow := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil);
  Windows.SetParent(h, TaskWindow);
  ShowWindow(h, 1);

Furthermore, you could create your own Start button and "replace" it with your own.

  b: TButton; {or another button type that can hold a bitmap}
  h, Window: hwnd;
  Window := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil);
  b := TButton.Create(nil);
  b.ParentWindow := Window;
  b.Caption := 'Start';
  b.Width := 60;
  b.font.style := [fsbold];

Solve 2:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Rgn: hRgn;
  {Hide the start button}
  Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
  SetWindowRgn(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'Button', nil), Rgn,

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  {Turn the start button back on}
  SetWindowRgn(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'Button', nil), 0,

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  {Disable the start button}
  EnableWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'Button', nil),

procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  {Enable the start button}
  EnableWindow(FindWindowEx(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), 0, 'Button', nil),

2005. március 3., csütörtök

Draw text alongside a curve


How to draw text alongside a curve


You need a free rotatable text and the exact measurement of fonts. I use the ATM metrix, but you can also try textwidth or textheight. I use this code under Windows NT to draw symbols along a polygon line.

procedure TDrawer.fOutSymbolXYW(w: Double; x, y: Integer; S: string);
  nx, ny, xw, xh: Integer;
  O, T: TXForm;
  sc, cHg, fHg: Double;
  nx := 0;
  ny := 0;
  cHg := fFontMetrix.fY2 - fFontMetrix.fY1; {I use Adobe one}
  fHg := TextHeight(S);
  if fHG = 0 then
  Sc := cHg / fHg;
  xw := OperateFont(Textwidth(S));
  xh := OperateFont(SymbolHeight(S));
  case TextJust of
        nx := -xw div 2;
        ny := 0;
        nx := -xw div 2;
        ny := -xh;
        nx := -xw div 2;
        ny := -xh div 2;
        nx := 0;
        ny := 0;
        nx := 0;
        ny := -xh div 2;
        nx := 0;
        ny := -xh;
        nx := -xw;
        ny := -xh div 2;
        nx := -xw;
        ny := 0;
        nx := -xw;
        ny := -xh;
  SetGraphicsMode(TheDraw.Handle, GM_Advanced);
  T.eM11 := 1 * Cos(w / 360 * Pi * 2);
  T.eM22 := 1 * Cos(w / 360 * Pi * 2);
  T.eM12 := 1 * Sin(w / 360 * Pi * 2);
  T.eM21 := 1 * -Sin(w / 360 * Pi * 2);
  T.eDX := X;
  T.eDY := Y;
  GetWorldTransform(TheDraw.Handle, O);
  ModifyWorldTransform(TheDraw.Handle, T, MWT_LEFTMULTIPLY);
  { TheDraw.Pen.Style := psClear;
  TheDraw.Rectangle(nx - 1, ny - 1, nx + xw + 3, ny + xh + 2); }
  TheDraw.TextOut(nx + OperateFont(FFontMetrix.fX1 / SC), ny -
    - SymbolHeight(S) + FFontMetrix.fY1 / sc), S);
  { SetPen(0, 200, 0, 0. 25, psSolid);
  TheDraw.Ellipse(nx - 1, ny - 1, nx + 1, ny + 1); }
  T.eM11 := 1;
  T.eM22 := 1;
  T.eM12 := 0;
  T.eM21 := 0;
  T.eDX := 0;
  T.eDY := 0;
  SetWorldTransform(TheDraw.Handle, O);

procedure TDrawer.SymbolLine(Poly: TXYPointList; Distance: Double; Offset: Double;
  StartAngle: Double; R, G, B: Byte; Lib: string; CharSet: Byte; Size: Double; Style:
  Sign: Char);
  i, Segment: Integer;
  PosX, PosY, TargetLength, CurrentLength: Double;
  {P, pxy: TXYpoint;}
  s, c: Double;
  Angle: Double;

  {Locates the angle of symbol at one linepoint}
  procedure LANGLE(j: Integer; var s, c: Double);
    x1, x2, y1, y2, l: Double;
    x1 := Poly.Points[j].x;
    x2 := Poly.Points[j - 1].x;
    y1 := Poly.Points[j].y;
    y2 := Poly.Points[j - 1].y;
    l := sqrt(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1));
    s := (x1 - x2) / l;
    c := (y2 - y1) / l;

  {Llocates the angle of symbol between to lines linepoints}
  procedure SLANGLE(j: Integer; var s, c: Double);
    x1, x2, y1, y2, l: Double;
    x1 := Poly.Points[j - 1].x;
    x2 := Poly.Points[j + 1].x;
    y1 := Poly.Points[j - 1].y;
    y2 := Poly.Points[j + 1].y;
    l := sqrt(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1));
    s := (x1 - x2) / l;
    c := (y2 - y1) / l;

  function Place(L: Double; var x, y: Double; var Pl: Double; var Index: integer;
    var s, c: Double): Boolean;
    x1, x2, y1, y2: Real;
    l1, l2: Real;
    j: Integer;
    Place := False;
    if L < 0 then
    j := index;
    while (l >= Pl) and (j < Poly.MaxPoint) do
      x1 := Poly.Points[j - 1].x;
      x2 := Poly.Points[j].x;
      y1 := Poly.Points[j - 1].y;
      y2 := Poly.Points[j].y;
      pl := pl + sqrt(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1));
    if not (l < Pl) and (j >= Poly.MaxPoint) then
    if (l = pl) then
      X := Poly.Points[j].X;
      Y := Poly.Points[j].Y;
      if j = Poly.MaxPoint then
        LAngle(j, s, c)
      else if j = 1 then
        LAngle(2, s, c)
        SLAngle(j, s, c);
    x1 := Poly.Points[j - 1].x;
    x2 := Poly.Points[j].x;
    y1 := Poly.Points[j - 1].y;
    y2 := Poly.Points[j].y;
    l1 := sqrt(sqr(x2 - x1) + sqr(y2 - y1));
    if j < 3 then
      l2 := l
      l2 := l - (Pl - l1);
    x := l2 / l1 * (x2 - x1) + Poly.Points[j - 1].x;
    y := l2 / l1 * (y2 - y1) + Poly.Points[j - 1].y;
    if j <> index then
      LANGLE(j, s, c);
    index := j;
    Place := True;

  SetSymbols(R, G, B, LIB, Charset, Size, Style);
  if Distance = 0 then
    Distance := 1;
  CurrentLength := 0;
  TargetLength := Poly.PolyLength;
  Segment := 1;
  i := -1;
  if (Poly.MaxPoint < 2) or (Poly.PolyLength < Distance + Offset) then
    if Place(Offset + Distance * i, PosX, PosY, CurrentLength, Segment, S, C) then
      Angle := ArcTan2(S, C) / 2 / Pi * 360;
      OutSymbolXYW(Angle + StartAngle, PosX, PosY, Sign);
    Offset + Distance * i >= TargetLength;

2005. március 2., szerda

Rotate an ellipse


How to draw a rotated Ellipse?


I wrote a procedure "CentralRotatedEllipse" to rotate an ellipse. It works exactly enougth for simple graphics. The Ellipse is maked with two connected beziercurves. Rotatingpoint of the Ellipse is its centralpoint. The Parameter canvas for the Destinationcanvas, coordinates  like "common" Ellipse and in alpha the rotatingangle. The function "Rotate2DPoint" you have to put in your code too, its called by the CentralRotatedEllipse-Procedure.
And dont forget uses Math!

function Rotate2DPoint(P, Fix: TPoint; alpha: double): TPoint;
  sinus, cosinus: Extended;
  SinCos(alpha, sinus, cosinus);
  P.x := P.x - Fix.x;
  P.y := P.y - Fix.y;
  result.x := Round(p.x * cosinus + p.y * sinus) + fix.x;
  result.y := Round(-p.x * sinus + p.y * cosinus) + Fix.y;

procedure CentralRotatedEllipse(Canvas: TCanvas; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; alpha:
  PointList: array[0..6] of TPoint;
  f: TPoint;
  dk: Integer;
  dk := Round(0.654 * Abs(y2 - y1));
  f.x := x1 + (x2 - x1) div 2;
  f.y := (y1 + (y2 - y1) div 2) - 1;
  PointList[0] := Rotate2DPoint(Point(x1, f.y), f, Alpha); // Startpoint
  PointList[1] := Rotate2DPoint(Point(x1, f.y - dk), f, Alpha);
  //Controlpoint of Startpoint first part
  PointList[2] := Rotate2DPoint(Point(x2 - 1, f.y - dk), f, Alpha);
  //Controlpoint of secondpoint first part
  PointList[3] := Rotate2DPoint(Point(x2 - 1, f.y), f, Alpha);
  // Firstpoint of secondpart
  PointList[4] := Rotate2DPoint(Point(x2 - 1, f.y + dk), f, Alpha);
  // Controllpoint of secondpart firstpoint
  PointList[5] := Rotate2DPoint(Point(x1, f.y + dk), f, Alpha);
  // Conrollpoint of secondpart endpoint
  PointList[6] := PointList[0]; // Endpoint of
  // Back to the startpoint
  PolyBezier(canvas.handle, Pointlist[0], 7);


CentralRotatedEllipse(Canvas, 100, 100, 150, 300, DegToRad(45));
CentralRotatedEllipse(Canvas, 100, 100, 150, 300, DegToRad(90));

Angle always should be in Rad.

2005. március 1., kedd

Making Any-Shaped Form ( The Hard-Code )


Wel, this is a hard-coded application, ONLY for people interested in knowing more, it describes another way of doing starnge shaped forms !!


Well, Declare these 2 sentences to your PROTECTED declaration

procedure EvEraseBkgnd(var M: tMessage); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
procedure EvNcHitTest(var M: tMessage); message WM_NCHITTEST;

Then Of Course, add them in the body code !!

procedure tForm1.EvEraseBkgnd(var M: tMessage);
  { No Erase Window Background.... }
  M.Result := 1;

procedure tForm1.EvNcHitTest(var M: tMessage);
  { If Hit in Client Area then simulate hit in Caption Area }
  if M.Result = HTCLIENT then
    M.Result := HTCAPTION;

make the following OnFormPaint Procedure..

procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  Buffer: tBitmap;
  Buffer := tBitmap.create;
  Buffer.LoadFromResourceName(hinstance, 'FORM');
  Bitblt(Canvas.handle, 0, 0,
    Buffer.width, Buffer.height,
    Buffer.canvas.handle, 0, 0,

And On Your Form, Put Any Buttons Or TEdits Or Anything You Want To Add, Try Your Form, I think it is working just as it used to work all the time, that is true, this is not the secret, the big part is here

OnFormCreate Procedure Needs To Be Added :-))

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Region1: array of tPoint;
  Region1hrgn: hRgn;
  SetLength(Region1, 59);

  Region1[0].X := 12;
  Region1[0].Y := 6;
  Region1[1].X := 484;
  Region1[1].Y := 6;
  Region1[2].X := 484;
  Region1[2].Y := 7;
  Region1[3].X := 486;
  Region1[3].Y := 7;
  Region1[4].X := 486;
  Region1[4].Y := 8;
  Region1[5].X := 487;
  Region1[5].Y := 8;
  Region1[6].X := 487;
  Region1[6].Y := 9;
  Region1[7].X := 488;
  Region1[7].Y := 9;
  Region1[8].X := 488;
  Region1[8].Y := 10;
  Region1[9].X := 489;
  Region1[9].Y := 10;
  Region1[10].X := 489;
  Region1[10].Y := 12;
  Region1[11].X := 490;
  Region1[11].Y := 12;
  Region1[12].X := 490;
  Region1[12].Y := 285;
  Region1[13].X := 489;
  Region1[13].Y := 285;
  Region1[14].X := 489;
  Region1[14].Y := 287;
  Region1[15].X := 488;
  Region1[15].Y := 287;
  Region1[16].X := 488;
  Region1[16].Y := 288;
  Region1[17].X := 487;
  Region1[17].Y := 288;
  Region1[18].X := 487;
  Region1[18].Y := 289;
  Region1[19].X := 486;
  Region1[19].Y := 289;
  Region1[20].X := 486;
  Region1[20].Y := 290;
  Region1[21].X := 484;
  Region1[21].Y := 290;
  Region1[22].X := 484;
  Region1[22].Y := 291;
  Region1[23].X := 101;
  Region1[23].Y := 291;
  Region1[24].X := 100;
  Region1[24].Y := 290;
  Region1[25].X := 99;
  Region1[25].Y := 290;
  Region1[26].X := 98;
  Region1[26].Y := 289;
  Region1[27].X := 97;
  Region1[27].Y := 288;
  Region1[28].X := 96;
  Region1[28].Y := 287;
  Region1[29].X := 95;
  Region1[29].Y := 286;
  Region1[30].X := 95;
  Region1[30].Y := 284;
  Region1[31].X := 94;
  Region1[31].Y := 283;
  Region1[32].X := 94;
  Region1[32].Y := 200;
  Region1[33].X := 93;
  Region1[33].Y := 199;
  Region1[34].X := 93;
  Region1[34].Y := 198;
  Region1[35].X := 92;
  Region1[35].Y := 197;
  Region1[36].X := 91;
  Region1[36].Y := 196;
  Region1[37].X := 90;
  Region1[37].Y := 195;
  Region1[38].X := 89;
  Region1[38].Y := 194;
  Region1[39].X := 88;
  Region1[39].Y := 194;
  Region1[40].X := 87;
  Region1[40].Y := 193;
  Region1[41].X := 14;
  Region1[41].Y := 193;
  Region1[42].X := 13;
  Region1[42].Y := 192;
  Region1[43].X := 12;
  Region1[43].Y := 192;
  Region1[44].X := 11;
  Region1[44].Y := 191;
  Region1[45].X := 10;
  Region1[45].Y := 190;
  Region1[46].X := 9;
  Region1[46].Y := 189;
  Region1[47].X := 8;
  Region1[47].Y := 188;
  Region1[48].X := 8;
  Region1[48].Y := 187;
  Region1[49].X := 7;
  Region1[49].Y := 186;
  Region1[50].X := 7;
  Region1[50].Y := 184;
  Region1[51].X := 6;
  Region1[51].Y := 183;
  Region1[52].X := 6;
  Region1[52].Y := 12;
  Region1[53].X := 7;
  Region1[53].Y := 11;
  Region1[54].X := 7;
  Region1[54].Y := 10;
  Region1[55].X := 8;
  Region1[55].Y := 9;
  Region1[56].X := 9;
  Region1[56].Y := 8;
  Region1[57].X := 10;
  Region1[57].Y := 7;
  Region1[58].X := 11;
  Region1[58].Y := 7;

  Region1hrgn := CreatePolygonRgn(Region1[0], 59, 2);

  SetWindowRgn(Handle, Region1hrgn, True);